
CRank: 5Score: 36490

It's not a technical issue. It's because sony didn't give their "ok". They only allow cross-play with the PC. MS is opened up xbox live for crossplay with any other network (at least since last years GDC).

2682d ago 12 agree29 disagreeView comment

Well nice that it's free. I played it a bit last night and it has aged very bad. Well at least it is not my type of game. I might be playing a bit longer (single player) just because of a few achievements.

Just don't start the multiplayer right away if you don't know how to play the game.... it is very frustrating this way.

2686d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Decline of AAA?
Where is the author living? There are so many AAA games out every year, it is almost impossible to play so many good games.
The problem I have with the current AAA titles is most of them are just not my type of game, but that's my personal problem with >25 years of playing games :) ("seen it all"-moments), but there are still enough games for the little time I have now :)
Would love another old school C&C (not 4)

2696d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

BC title saves are also saved in the cloud ;)

2696d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm also not affected and normally get the latest alpha updates directly.
- If they brick the console, preview program participants get it repaired (even after the warranty is over)
- If the saves get wiped out, just re-login and you have access to everything again (thanks to cloud-saves)

I don't see the big problem if it happens in a alpha preview. Yes it sucks if it happens, but that your own risk if you participate on the program.
I jus...

2696d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

everything is saved in the cloud. Just login and you have access to all your games and Save-data again.
Those are the errors an alpha version can have and it is good, that it occured there and not in the public update.
So, just another clickbait article then

2696d ago 19 agree3 disagreeView comment

Those numbers say nothing. E.g. The switch is sold out (almost) worldwide. If the sales doubled, they just got new supply of consoles.
But yes, I could imagine that sales go high with a Mario cart, but it is much to soon to say something like that.
It is just another click-bait article.

2700d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I currently don't see what a PS5 could do better than the PS4 Pro.
At current tech level it would cost much more when it should be much more powerfull than scorpio. Scorpio could hit a sweet spot between price and performance just like PS4 Pro did last year.
What do people expect from a PS5? A 1080TI performance level? This is just not possible for a reasonable price. At best they could double PS4 Pro, but not much more at the current time (and in 2018). Even if they wan...

2701d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Clickbait article?
They didn't shut down BadCompany servers, they didn't shut down BF3 servers, why should they shut down BF4 servers?
Don't get me wrong, I didn't read that article. The headline is to "clickbaity" for me.

2702d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh no, please not. They should just concentrate on the markets they are already in.
Handheld market is not very healthy except for Nintendos handhelds. And even 3DS is not that "great" like DS was.
Smartphones have a big marketshare in this sector. I don't think 2 handhelds can have a healthy marketshare there.

2702d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Let's just wait a few month, if it still sells that well, when there are no more nintendo exclusive games till the holiday season.

2703d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't mix Forza mainline (60fps) with Forza Horizon (30fps). Forza Horizon 3 is optimized for 30fps. When you try to run it a 60fps on PC you will need a much bigger CPU budget. That's just a result of doubling framerates (doubling framerates doubles everything).

2714d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just go offline. PS4 has the same problems. If the servers get attacked and are somehow, a little bit available, things like this happen. The servers are online but cant really answer.
At least ms get those things quickly fixed.

2742d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well this is called "development process"
First you have something to show, but over time things are tweaked here and there. If something looks better or not is a matter of opinion.
I really hope the gaming community would stop crying about something like that. It is not like we saw "mass effect" but got "pacman" instead.
It's a great looking game with some weird bugs.

2744d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well it allows code execution in the browser (no I don't mean JavaScript ;) ). That's the first step to get into the system.
poor Nintendo. They never learn and are always behind anything ... even security. Why did they deliver an old browser, they know it has already been breached?

2751d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, just bought a 4k HDR (with 10bit hdr) TV and the picture quality is great. E.g. Netflix or amazon prime never looked better. Even at 1080p movies. Well but maybe my old TV had a shitty picture quality ^^

2755d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

because they delivered more at launch than in the past?

2755d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Problem is, they can't really rate the Switch right now. Only zelda (which seems to be pretty good) and some smaller games. Also there is now only service right now ... many things are just not there where it should be.
It is really disappointing that Nintendo hasn't their online service in place for the launch. It really almost seems like a "paper-launch" to me ... yes we got the hardware but what about other things. In my case .. I don't like Zelda ... waiting...

2763d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Those services are optional.

But don't try this "no new IPs" shit. Sometimes new IPs work great (forza, forza horion, gears, Mass Effect (sold to EA after the first game was a hit), Fable ... until the Kinect Desaster) and sometimes they don't work out that great (e.g. Quantum break, Recore) and sometimes new IPs aren't any good and get thrown away after they've already invested millions of $ into the new IP).
But yes, sony has more luck w...

2763d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

People were against digital purchase ... on the other hand, they love their ipads and steam ;)
People didn't like Kinect 2 because it was in the living room and might have constantly waiting for voice commands (even without an internet connection) (.. well video capture was just an option). Today they have an always on Siri, Alexa, "ok Google", ...
People didn't like always online ... on the other had, they accepted it on PC for a long time ... what is a PC...

2763d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment