
CRank: 5Score: 36490

That wouldn't be a smart move because sales so far were really bad. And companies decide to make games for a system also based on sales numbers. So many companies have already decided not to invest in VR games. The hype is long gone an currently it more or less seems the want to get rid of their units in stock.

55d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

I guess they do, just because the ps cloud streaming for PS3 games relies on PS3 hardware. The hardware comes into the years so, they really need an alternative.

91d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Actually MS communicated this in advance that the production is on hold for a time. This automatically also leads to less shipments. But yes, xbox sales got really slow.

130d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In case of Spiderman license costs were also a big chunk. And then there is the marketing, that exploded over time and is mostly higher than actual development costs.

155d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The jumps get smaller. The visual difference even smaller.
I would prefer a really smaller PS5. That should be possible as AMD already offers mobile APUs with much horsepower. So a smaller PS5 should also be possible. The current is just to big.

214d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well, honestly who cares. In the last years games are so buggy that the disc version is worth nothing without a patch.

246d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Already lost some DVDs because of degrading materials.

Backing things up makes it easier, but is not allowed in my country if the media has a copy protection. Because of that, I love

296d ago 0 agree9 disagreeView comment

Physical media goes away after about 20-30 years because the media degrades

296d ago 1 agree19 disagreeView comment

Well, they did when the xb360 arrived but PS3 catched up quite good. They had good numbers but they totally missed out to do anything (e.g. advertisement) here in Europe. Maybe in the UK but the rest....
It always seems like MS is only looking for the US market and if it runs good there they hope it will go over to the other countries. That was maybe working in the early 2000s and 90s but not now.
And yes there is the games problem. They have a very diverse catalog (racing, ...

305d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Sure ;)
After 3 years, where SSD storage is much much cheaper, still just 1TB for a $50 more expensive, but cheaper to produce console.

See ;)

The ~1 TB at the launch of the consoles was already small. And now it is only a bit more (in case of the PS5).
Well at least it it easy and cheap to expand.
MS had a plan to reduce the price, but the standard they used (was made for cameras) didn't evolve as hoped and now they have a...

318d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

well, my wife is one of them, as I accidentally started it with her controller instead of mine

371d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Those reviews really have to stop.
Back in the days of gaming magazines, not everybody reviewed a game. You always had different journalists who played their genres. Nowadays, it seems like everybody plays everything and also it seems thate the Nintendo generation has grown up and now hypes everything nintendo does (even if they already did it on the WiiU or if it isn't that great). I can also play TLOU, GoW or RE6 and tell you those games are not fun to play. I wouldn't lie ...

371d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

cyberpunk was great at launch ... at least if you'd got the PC version or an PS5/XSX (x1x & ps4 pro did also work ok). Really a great game. The last-gen versions however ...
Yes it had some bugs, but I played through it on the day-one version.

371d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@zhipp, no, not really. I started with a C64 a long time ago. Yes I know that old games (when voice on consoles was a new thing) tended to switch between it, but that was long ago and the medium was often the limit. But it is 2023 now and this was more or less part of the intro of the game.

496d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

First of all, those games can not be compared (totally different). Also Redfall is really not a fun game.
But, I really don't get why Zelda is so good in the reviews. I have it (because of my son) and tried it. The graphic is really ancient, tends to flicker and just ugly at times. Also the world is total empty. There are so many corners you can go to where just nothing is at all. Well maybe it is just not my type of game.
But what really broke the immersion for me was Z...

497d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

yes it can. Kraken is just a compression format like any other else that can be decompressed by the cpu. It is even more effective on the cpu than the other formats usally used on the cpu. Sony bought licenses for the developers so they can use it for any playstation console for free. So they can use it on PS4, too. No it won't make major differences, just tiny. Before the data was already compressed and kraken is just a bit more effective.
The real deal for the...

659d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It has almost nothing to do with kraken. The compression can also be used on PS4 and should still be faster than others (even on CPUs). It is the duplication of data over many packages and that some lower res assets are just no longer needed. This is what really reduced the data footprint.
But I wouldn't make to much of those numbers as they are only preload-numbers. Might significantly change when the game finally releases.

663d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

This problem (drifting) is even worse on Switch consoles/handhelds (whatever you want to call that system).
Drifting-issues with controllers are really a "big" problem but that already started with the last generation. The sticks got more and more sensitive for really small movement, they heavily reduced the deadzone of the sticks and so the drifting issue occurred.
Fixing it on switch (for a while) can be fairly easy. Most times the sticks need a bit more pressure...

795d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So FF 13 again?
Almost every FF game before was open world. So why not now? Doesn't make much sense for a game where the world map once was one of the big features.

823d ago 3 agree26 disagreeView comment

Just go into offline-mode and all games (that don't require an online connection) should work again on your home console. Problem occurs when you have an internet connection and the services are only partial available. Than the OS runs into this problem. Offline mode fixes that. But yes, MS should have build their OS like this from the beginning. When a service is not available the console should just work like it is offline.

868d ago 12 agree34 disagreeView comment