
CRank: 5Score: 36490

It was never pulled out because of quality. So no reason to put it back. It was pulled out because CDPR encouraged owners to request a refund if they don't like the experience.

1371d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would disagree here. I played witcher 1 on release day and it was a mess. So far CDPR games were always "bug-driven games". You should always wait until a certain patch level with their games if you love their games.
This is not meant to be a defense for CDPRs management, but this is not really a surprise.

1372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

it runs well on current gen and well on last gen midgen refresh. But yes, a warning on the store page would be nice for such broken games. This would also make publishers to think twice before they release something.

1372d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

@Shiken, don't talk about facts. This is n4g ;)
you must love sony and hate ms in every comment to get some upvotes ;)

1372d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony did not withdraw the game because of quality (than other games should have been gone long ago). It was withdrawn because CDPR said customers they could refund the game if they want. That is a pure legal issue here.

Btw, had only one crash and one gamebreaking glitch (falling through the map but after reloading it did not happen again). The game looks ok and runs well on my console.
But people should really avoid preordering a game. I only bought it because rev...

1372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The console markers certification does not certify anything at all. After all games like "Life of Black Tiger" came to the platforms and other games, that are not even playable without a day one patch.

The certification does more or less only mean, that the game will run on the system and might not contain any fraudulent mechanics.

1375d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, after all it is a really good game if the hardware can run it fluent.

Yes, they should not have released it in that state on last gen base-consoles.

1376d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, it runs fine on the mid-gen refresh versions. So it might just be, that those a bit higher clocked jaguar cores get better along with the game logic. GPU wise they should have scaled them down even further.
But most of that seem to be just bugs what's holding back the performance.

Well I have fun with that game on my console (next gen). Still a great game and I did not find many bugs (besides of some performance issues). But a much bigger delay would have...

1378d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, you can't. Stop lying.
You might get a Series S but there is no Series X in stocks anywhere (other than scrappers). MS totally underdelivered here.

1379d ago 4 agree13 disagreeView comment

yeah, it is the same in the forums. Those consoles are sold out. Even the Series S is hard to get (what I really didn't expect). As long as they are sold out, you just can't compare anything. We can just see that MS really had started production a bit late and Sony might still just deliver more consoles this year.
But in the end, I would guess that sony is still far ahead of MS. The "Playstation" brand is just to popular in Europe MS can't beat that. Not with su...

1379d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

And I still want back the xb360 "dashcard" look.Was the best ui.And than they made everything ready for kinect :(

1390d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, I wouldn't call it disappointment. We get what was promoted. A faster xbox with missing launch titles (what also was expected).

From a generational perspective. Both launches were disappointing, because there is nothing revolutionary new there. Everything is more or less the old stuff with better graphics. Nothing really groundbreaking as we already new how games can look from the PC.
Only the new PS5 gamepad is a nice addition, but nothing world-changing...

1391d ago 2 agree22 disagreeView comment

Yeah, Rebel Galaxy somehow nailed it. The "prequel" is not that good. It is ok, but Rebel Galaxy was about those big spaceships and not small fighters. Also the "2D" Space took much complexity out of the space navigation, which I really appreciated made it much easier to find stuff etc.
Sadly the game never got a pro/x patch. Not even the "prequel".

1397d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, it is not illegal as they just buy the thing. This is just the normal demand and supply problem. People want something and some of them would even pay much higher prices. The system is called capitalism. It has its pros and cons. This is one of its cons.

But what many people might not take into account, at least here in germany they make a big profit. That means they must pay taxes for selling it at a higher price.

1399d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well, I guess he meant 10GB/s worth of textures or anything like that, as he than said that you don't load single textures but many small one. So only parts that are visible. Just as a comparison classic loading (load the whole texture) vs new concept (SFS).

1403d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

So, there were rumors that MSs SDK was not ready for a long time. Especially for RT. This seems to prove this rumor.
RT should work like on Sonys console, but the software is just not ready or to hard to use.

1406d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Well, expected R&C for december 2020, so a bit disappointing. The "launch window" seems to be stretchable.

1413d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a one year console-exclusive. Nothing more.

1424d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

FF is was dead with FF XV and now that they go the "versus" line again, it still is dead.
This has nothing to do with Final Fantasy after all.

1424d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment

You already have downvotes for quoting from the article ... n4g always makes me chuckle. ;)

But well, the title of the article is misleading. Just sounds like bad news for MS and all the fanboys click on it. ;)

1436d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment