
CRank: 5Score: 36350

that means we no longer get tips & tricks via loadingscreens ...
So tutorials must contain more or less every little command that is a bit unreachable until you know it is there.

1456d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, actually, as the newer PS5 & xbsx are BC, you can sell your old systems. But don't expect you still get much for them.

1458d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

And that is the PC.

1473d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

That is not true. You can quite easy saturate every CU on RDNA, like on nvidias current Cards. It was hard with GCN to get "everything" out of the theoretical power, but with RDNA this changed drastically. And btw, it is really easy to give the GPU parallel work.
And if the GPU is more and more maxed out, it draws a hell lot more power, so in those cases the PS5 GPU must reduce it's clockspeed. I guess we all know the first party games of Sony and how they "hurt&qu...

1478d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

How does lower CPU clockspeeds (at times) make it easier or more flexible?
Yes it is more flexible than lower clockspeeds for CPU & GPU but not for holding higher clockspeed because of better power delivery and cooling.
Less frequency changes make it a hell lot easier to get the most of a console.

1478d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Because it is "just" a PC with a decent enough GPU & CPU and a really good SSD.
Yes it is easy to work with x86 Architecture (even on PS4 it was easy) but now with more CPU-power it a even easier.
Nothing surprising here.

1478d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

lol "flexible". Sry, but that is big bulls***
If the frequency is high enough at all times, it is good. But if you really need it all you can never be sure that you have the full cpu capacity at your disposal. Fixed frequencies should always be easier to develop for. I would agree that boost are nice if I know the minimum spec the cpu reaches. Than I calculate with that and be happy if some things go a bit faster. But in the end it is wasted potential.
Sony should ...

1478d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

They screwed the last paper mario titles, so why should they not screw it again?
I was a huge fan of the first titles, but then instead of an rpg they made a whole other genre of the game series. Really don't know why nintendo did this.
Seems like I must wait for the next 2D & 3D entries to again enjoy mario games.

1495d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Funny thing about that is, sony studios AAA titles aren't even using unreal engine. But that might change, too as engine development get more and more complicated.

Yes this demo is really good, but there is a small problem. The sheer size of a game with this level of detail would more than fill the SSD of the console.
Than there is the problem than someone must design such things in that level of detail for a whole game.

1498d ago 0 agree14 disagreeView comment

That was all 3rd party stuff. So we can assume it is more or less the same for PS5 3rd party stuff.
But what many forget. Graphics aren't that important. Gameplay is important. Else we won't get another Vampires game with such old looking graphics. Source engine is just no longer capable to get the most of current GPUs but it is good enough to deliver good games.

1502d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

WiiU sold ~11-14m while xbox one ~47-50m
This is a big difference. The WiiU was a commercial flop, the xbox one not. It hasn't sold as good as MS hoped, but still good enough for a healthy eco system.

1506d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 & PS4 had also hardware acceleration for audio. Why should it now make a huge difference?

1509d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

That was not the point of the question if you can keep those games after your subscription.

Yes, multiplayergames are still multiplayergames and need a sub to really play them. But single-player mode still runs.

funny thing that someone just answering a question with a fact still gets a downvote.

1523d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You keep xbox360 titles if you "buy" them for free. The Shop system of the xb360 does not support subcription-based access (just prices). So if you no longer have the Gold subscription, you can still play your xb360 games you've got with the subscription.

1524d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Awesome. I really hope they get the mouse -> gamepad controls right.

1562d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is more or less good marketing for the PS5. If there are some gamers that play the game on PC, they might want the second part that might come exclusive for PS5. They no longer generate large sales with this game on PS4 so why don't make a bit more money on PC and also get more potential future PS5 buyers.

1563d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

No surprise there. Xbox, Xbox 360, PS3, xbox one had one. Not sure about PS4 but it had at least this thing that AMD provided with their GPUs (don't know if we can call that audio chip, at least it is not a dedicated chip).

1566d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Funny thing is, if you read the comments under the article just the cracked version is affected ...

1632d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Lol, it is included in Gamepass since day 1. That means "classic" sales figures don't mean anything.

1660d ago 14 agree21 disagreeView comment

Those games should have been released in their current state or at least be marked as alpha-/preview-versions.

1674d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment