
CRank: 5Score: 36490

Why don't we care about games. You get the same games for the original ps4 just some with minor tweaks (higher res or better open framerates ...). That doesn't make games better they only look a bit better. It is still the same game.
If they want to go with 4k for marketing, UHD disc drive is an expected feature, so the customer must not spend another $200-$300 for an extra device. Just up the price to $450 with UHD drive and everyone would be happy.
It just doesn...

2938d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Well the price is nice, but no UHD drive inside .... from sony ... well that is somehow unexpected. But maybe they bring another model in a few month with a $50 price increase that has a uhd drive. doesn't make sense to keep this feature away if they want to go for 4k TVs.
And yes, I know most people don't have 4k TVs right now, but it still doesn't make sense.

2938d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

you are mistaken. There will be no AAA game for VR in the near future. Costs for AAA games are much to high. Even if a few million buy psvr, it is still to risky for developers/publishers to create a AAA game for VR.
Something that is really annoying about VR, you can't play it for hours like you can now. Your head and stomach will tell you that after a while.

2940d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

I don't get it. Who would even pay for a "background"? So why must the headline stress out that it is free.... this is just cheap promotion for a game and should never cost anything.

2944d ago 4 agree8 disagreeView comment

well, you say it, the game is somehow like the game they showed at their first e3 appearance. But not like the game they showed after that.
They showed things in trailers, in actual gameplay footage, etc that is just not part of the game. and that's what frustrates people.
yes, games can change during development. But the company promoted (in the interviews) many features and never communicated that they were not in the game. The last actual trailers ...

2944d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

At least, those other games the article mentioned had content and actual gameplay.

2945d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 1 was published by MS. The Studio was paid by MS to produce this game (without MS paying for the game, the game would have never seen the light of day). That is normal exclusivity (just like every other game that was published by sony from a 3rd party company). Than the studio was bought by EA and MS also sold their trademark on the mass effect series. EA than released ME1 also for PS3. That's a whole other story.
Every other exclusive content-deal...

2945d ago 17 agree19 disagreeView comment

There are also missing features that get promoted in the latest Trailer. Even in the screenshots of the game (on gog) there are things not in the game. Those are screenshots, not any kind of artworks.
Also, those interviews were official. If something should have been changed (because of bugs, time etc) they should have talked about it.

But hey, I bought the game, after reading really many reviews and I'm more or less happily playing the game. Hype never catche...

2946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol, now Consoles get rated, too?

well, but I'm really disappointed, they didn't add new features, like x1s did. Not the HDR-thing but at least the 4k player. Well at least now they could make it even cheaper than x1s because they have the cheaper drives/licenses.

2946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Base-Building with a zoo for each animal you find ^^ ... just kidding

base-building makes no sense in this game. Only if you can warp to your base without warping through other systems (or at least not each system).

2957d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lot's of money. It is only a small team with a AAA price for the game.
But I doubt that Hello Games got much of the PS4 sales, because of the publisher in the middle. They certainly had a contract that they were just paid for their work + a fixed amount, if the game fails or not.

2958d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I need that on xbox. Than I will again start using my "lifetime"-account ... well after all those years :)

2965d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sry, but I never trusted IGNs taste. Their taste is just not mine. Whateever IGN site you pick it was always the same ;).

2965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is not random. It should be the same in every copy of the game because of the algorythm. Only thing that seems to be a bitt of is the time. But maybe they use the local time as indicator and not the universal-time. So if the two streamers were in different time zones, this would explain the different time in the game. Or the time of day in the game is really just random, but that wouldn't stick to the rest of the game.

2965d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

well. according to this
PS4 just sold worse. Maybe this is the "neo"-effect, so console sales decline because people now know, something new is coming in a few month. actually, also xbox sales are down. They had better numbers in 2015.

But that table ... sales must be really bad outside of the US. At ~21-22m sold, over 50% is...

2965d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Why a day? At least he could have played it for 2 days. Btw, why must a reviewer play a game to the end. If it is still shitty after 10 hours, there is a big design-fault in the game. The review-score doesn't change after all. Most games will throw this game away after an hour if it is not their taste.
As this is another low-score review (there were others) you can predict, that NMS is really a niche product that will only have a tiny community after a few weeks.

2966d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

It should never fundamentally change games. Only visual fidelity, else original PS4 owners are really second class players.

2967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Neo should not be able to reach 60 fps, where the PS4 reached 30. Only if it normally would reach ~50fps but the framerate was than capped to 30. The CPU shouldn't be that much better. Still the old design, but with a bit more frequency.

2967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

When PS4 Neo changes a game fundamentally, something in Sonys plan is really really wrong. The upgraded PS4 should only be used for higher graphically fidelity, and nothing game-changing.

btw, Sean says again, that the current PS4 version of the game is not the intended version of the game. Just like before the day1 patch.

2967d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

No, the industry should be encouraged to release a game when it is ready. Not to patch it so it get's ready.
New features are always nice and welcome, but shouldn't be part of a day-1 patch.
day1 patches that change the gameplay are really unprofessional and you should not encourage any developer to sell a game and let him say... "that's ok, we patch in the gameplay later". That's just so wrong. I know, the game already seems to have some good gamep...

2969d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment