
CRank: 5Score: 36350

Well, at least if you like VR, PS VR is a great and somehow cheaper than occulus, because you must only invest in the headset and the PS4. a PC is much more expensive

2923d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I still don't believe in VR. Might be my personal taste, but I don't like to have something on my head or right before my eyes.

2924d ago 13 agree6 disagreeView comment

The press conference was ok. Nothing unexpected though ...
But with all those leaks in the last few months, there was nothing unexpected on the whole e3. Leaks are really really bad if you wanne get a surprise at e3
This year the whole e3 was
- seen it
- heard from it
- nothing new
- totally expected (like GoW)

2927d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Well it was a great game, but with a shitty ending. It was really good half throgh the story, but then... don't know why they did this, but maybe they were just out of budget.
Don't need a remaster without a fixed story.

2927d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, ok, now he is criticizing scorpio. Where's his critic on Neo? It is basically the same thing.
Although, most games get also released for the PC. It is not a big deal to just set higher settings in the config, that are avaialble on PC and deliver them for scorpio/neo.
So, I don't get his critic. It is the same thing they do for ages, they must only deliver 2 more config-files (for neo and scorpio). Nothing changed.

2928d ago 9 agree3 disagreeView comment

yes, the wii U has some exclusives with high ratings. Problem is, it lacks content if it comes to the different tasts of different users.
There might be some users that love all nintendo franchises. But there are enough users that only play some of those and have no interesst in the others. On the other consoles you have choice, on the Wii U not if not.
Only my kids play with our WiiU. I had interest in some titles, but than I played them and my interes...

2928d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

They don't need to counter VR. VR is dead in the water. It must first show, that it can survive over time. I'm not seeing this right now. E.g. at first Kinect was really a blast (19m sales in a short time) but than ... well we all know where Kinect is now.

2928d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

When does sony realise that graphics aren't everything. Well in tech forums graphics are hyped, but that are only some "nerds", not all players.
In my opionion, graphics are good enough since years (x360/ps3). You can recognize almost everything in games without guessing. that's ok for me.
gameplay, story and atmosphere are much more important.
But as good as some games are (e.g. Uncharted) there will ever be people who don't like them (unchart...

2929d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

They never added esram. They made a small upclock to the GPU that also upped the esram frequency, which than resulted in more bandwidth.
If neo is really launching Q1 2017, it is all done with the DIE. Maybe they can increase the clock speed, but that's all they can do. Also neo has 8GB of ram, and 5.5 GB for games (like developers/rumors said). So basically they could somehow double the RAM, but that would make the system much to expensive. Scorpio has 12GB of ram, so they can p...

2929d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

sold, normally does not mean sold to customers. It means, that many of those are waiting for a customer to get bought. And the article states, that sales are under 500k. So not even that mark has been hit yet.
But who cares, the best steam-machine is the PC under the table, I really like the idea of steam-link, but that must still evolve a bit more. Xbox one streaming quality is really good (most times), I hope they can reach this quality soon (the lag of xbox one streaming is almost...

2941d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yes, because I only want to get a good story presented. I don't have the time anymore to play a game for weeks. I'm happy if I can play one evening of the week.

2945d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, sometimes the limitation is the mind of the developer ...
PS2 was to limiting
PS3 was to limiting
PS4 is to limiting
... what the hack... maybe the idea of the game isn't that good ... or maybe the producer should speak to other developers.

2948d ago 7 agree33 disagreeView comment

They better announce a game and not another "The Order". It was a good example that graphics aren't everything.

2949d ago 2 agree33 disagreeView comment

Well I'm still using my SNES and PS2, so yes, I do care about BC. There are so many good old games. Grahpics aren't everything, this should be clear since indi-titles occuring since xbox 360 on consoles and also bought on consoles.

2949d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A console is much cheaper and does not require care like a PC does.
No issues with drivers etc. Since the time I've become father I don't have the time to take care for my PC. PCs are time-consuming. Well for RTS games I still prefer to use the PC, but everything else -> xbox

2949d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't like VR, but a piece of more advanced technology for a console-price is what I want :)
main thing it must be backwards compatible

2949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

like the sales from GT6?

2955d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Prologue was a paid demo, this is a "real" game for the series. According to the trailer, is really looks much more like GT5/6 than anything else. All those grey buildings... well that scene is really ugly, but maybe the city really looks that grey ...
It is really underwhelming and I really hope that that isn't the PS4k "versions" quality

This is not a launch game like Forza 5 was. For a full price title there has to be more in it than ~15...

2955d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

GT is and was never a Sim. Yes it is more simulation than an arcade racer like Driveclub, but that doesn't make it a sim racer.

2955d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Just because the games animations are locked to 30fps. This is an old PS2 game, remastered, but still it is the same old engine.
Also 30fps for the third-person game where the camera doesn't always followe the player is ok. It is an jrpg not a shooter.

2964d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment