
CRank: 5Score: 36490

What a clickbait article. ~60 sold PS4 consoles should more than enough to sell PSVR headsets. But VR is what it is a niche product that was hyped much more than what it really is.
It is not like sony isn't producing enough, they do, PSVR is available in every store (that sells consoles) but almost nobody buys it after the hype is more or less over.
<2% of PS4 customers bought PSVR and PSVR is the cheapest of all VR devises (because you don't need a high-end PC a...

2646d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Yes, a next gen system with much more processing power would be needed for VR. Problem is, if you have that processing power other games (non vr games) invest that in graphics. VR have to maintain in case of PSVR 90-120 fps or at least 60 "morphed" to 120. Also they must calculate the picture from 2 camera angles. So the developer can always choose to invest that raw power into a 30-60 fps title. This results in better looking "normal" titles. So you have always a differen...

2650d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

VR is what it is. A niche product. 1m PSVR Units sold is not much, it is better than on the PC but there are not many customers out there who would buy VR games, so you can't invest that much into those games.

2650d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

sony abandomed PS3 much quicker than MS did with xbox 360 (Forza Horizon 2, Titanfall, and some others)
GT6 was more a less a fixed GT5.
Btw, they sold the GT 5 3 times.
- GT 5 Prologue (paid GT5 Demo)
- GT 5
- GT 6 (more refined GT5)

The studio is just to slow to adapt to anything.

2650d ago 4 agree18 disagreeView comment

Many people still play this game (including me from time to time). They released new content (for free) get rid of that ingame "eBay" and balanced the game.

But still, haters gonna hate ;)

2650d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Already grabbed it. Nice game btw. Playing with the controller. A bit to complicated for my kids but my wife and I love it :)

2653d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

well this works on PC, but I know what you mean.

2657d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But it impacts the not so rockstable framerate. Still 30 vs 60 fps

2658d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Again, 60 fps vs 30 fps ... Guess which looks better. Than guess which plays better

2658d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

yes and not even that is really close enough. The 1050 is way way down the road. Maybe a bit better than the PS4 GPU but not much more.
Maybe he wanted to build a system matching the original XB1

2660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

lol a 1050 ... to match the xbox one x 40 CU GPU .... really ^^
A 1060 6GB would be the minimum to reach that speed (PS4 Pro level) and even than you don't reach it.

2660d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

every exclusive is a big mistake (somehow). At least it will than only be console exclusive and also be available for the PC.

2663d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

just don't expect $399. Theres a lot of hype about this number in recent days. I still expect 499-599€ just because they said it's a premium product. $399 would be nice, yes, but that's not where I see a premium product

2664d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

This article is nonsense.
<1% of PS4 players have a 4k TV well....
only 2-3% of PS4 players bought PSVR

you can always use those numbers in a negative way. At least I enjoy playing old games (even old DOS games :) ) so it is great that I soon no longer need my xb360 when every game I own (hopefully) runs as BC title.
I really hope PS5 get this BC with PS4 games right.

2665d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't think so, but at least I will buy one :)
It's much cheaper than upgrading my PC, at least it should be.

2667d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

are you using one of the usb 3.0 ports?
there is a generell issue that usb 3.0 interferes with 2,4 ghz signals (like WLAN).

2671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Lol, which of those games was ruined by bad graphics when they were released?
E.g. Jedi Knight (dark forces 2) was a really great game. Yes the graphics weren't up to date but still was an awesome game (at that time).
Seems like the author is to young to know this and tried to play those games the first time in 2017. Then yes, those games didn't age very well.
GTA 1 .... l still remember the network parties with this game :)

2671d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The pro is more or less a doubled PS4. The CPU is faster but not much.
More than doubled GPU, but it has not the bandwidth or the CPU to just get the double framerate if the PS4 reaches stable 30.
Currently it is hard to achieve 4k res with higher details on PS4 pro. One limiting factor is the RAM. Sony only upped it by 0.5 GB for games, that's not much if you want textures with higher resolution in the memory.
With scorpio at least the memory shouldn't be t...

2682d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It is just a fact that sony doesn't want that. Yes, MS opened up just because they have to do something, but at least they did it.

2682d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Btw, publishers want cross-play between different consoles. Just because they can than save some infrastructure. Now with xb1, ps4 & PC they need extra servers for all those platforms.

2683d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment