Xbox One/Kinect & Azure CLOUD is Cortana-Quorra-AI Isomorphic(ISO) XB1 Power giving rise to true AI
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I wouldn't believe any numbers coming from random sites. S.D.F. and pro Sony websites will be spreading false numbers until proven otherwise. Expect many more articles with media pulling numbers out of their a55es trying to damage control Titanfall or any xbox gains.

3721d ago 6 agree31 disagreeView comment

Rumor of MSFT VR headsets was leaked in the Durango leaked docs back in 2010.

3721d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

MSFT been hinting this on twitter for a couple of weeks.

3722d ago 2 agree21 disagreeView comment


MSFT did not say that. All they've said is, that the XB1 will use remote processing with Azure(cloud compute) freeing up local hardware resources for other things like graphics due to Azure processing things like physics, lighting and AI etc.. My bet is on the 20th they will shut up the critics once and for all. XB1 was designed as an "always online" console, it was built from the ground up with scalable performance in mind. The Xbox One platform is ...

3722d ago 16 agree72 disagreeView comment

So XB1 has the only multi player game that's 1080p 60FPS, even in the same genre and somebody writes this? OK!

3724d ago 5 agree31 disagreeView comment

He gets disagrees because he's a rabid troll. Finish the fight doesn't mean much in the context of a game's universe. Guess it's a new fight :)

Speaking of IQ tests LOL

3724d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

Xbox One exclusive games, system software and services are Xbox One's saviours, not to mention gamers getting sick of the anti Xbox bandwagon propaganda.

3724d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

"Sony sold an estimated 290,000"

Not one of these again. Now we will never know the truth. Bet it's taking so long for statements because Sony won't say anything and MSFT is waiting for Sony numbers to adjust statements. Sony only reveals numbers when they win and leave fanboys to make stuff up when they don't.

3726d ago 11 agree47 disagreeView comment

I normally could care less about PS4 news but I had to say that I can't believe folks think it's only the lighting. Looks like PS3 vs PS4. Textures, lighting, texture resolution, poly count, shadowing are surprisingly worse. Not surprised with Sony having a history of tricking gamers over the capability of their consoles. Being on youtube isn't hiding the current I.S.S true visuals, it's hiding how deep the difference really is between the E3 and current build.

3726d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

That's what IGN wants you to say and think hence the 8.9

They wan't you to spread that talking point. IGN is in bed with Sony.

IGN rides the waves of hype regardless of who's pockets they got their hands in, then show their true colors when there are no more clicks to gain from it.
IGN wants the fanboys to go around saying "It was so hyped, Why is it not scoring perfect/Higher" as if what they say about the game has anything to d...

3727d ago 3 agree17 disagreeView comment

The hypocrisy in this comment section is legendary and what puts this in the history books is the person that posted this article.

99% of the people in here either participate, perpetrate and/or instigate in the envious anti Titanfall crusade.


The Irony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3727d ago 3 agree8 disagreeView comment

Let them vent.

3727d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

With the lack of Kinect games, some how I doubt that. Most of the games on XB1 seem to be traditional mid level production valued games *to* huge AAAs


Yes it sounds good. Reminds me of some sort of Sci-fi or supernatural epic. As for being a symbolic name, it screams epic new journey.

3728d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although you ban me a lot I actually agree with this, doesn't happen very often. I've been thinking and saying this for several weeks now. Started thinking this when SDK update rumors started sounding legit and *The Division* being delayed. I'm assuming only the 1st party games have evolved with the new tech/tools. Heck I had the feeling with Watchdogs delay.

Some devs might not want to burn bridges due to weak XB1 dev kits and simply delayed their games to use th...

3728d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

No bad news by a long shot. Just folks digging for bad news they've cherry picked to try and paint a fictional picture. This is the way some fanboys comfort themselves. Twitch works fine, many of my friends have used it. Only issue was a restriction one of my friends had.

3728d ago 11 agree7 disagreeView comment

I thought everybody knew this. I can understand why people assumed different, with it being swept under the rug by S.D.F. and bandwagon media, not to mention some random guy trying to lie with tests most seen as truth.

Well Spin it away.

Who cares really, these spec wars will mean nothing once Azure gets going, no one will be talking about specs after that.

3731d ago 9 agree31 disagreeView comment

Here is a guy trying to stream

I wish him luck. It's Hammer time.

3731d ago 2 agree7 disagreeView comment

Nice troll editing with the title. All the tweet says is the wording is sensationalized and he wouldn't have worded that way. You folks are in denial something is coming on monday.

3731d ago 3 agree14 disagreeView comment

Why would the fanboys not believe it? Only people talking about acquisitions and IP purchases are PS4 fanboys being worried. The news from other sources are talking about a Partnership not IP purchase.

Why in the heck would Xbox fanboys not believe? The game is exclusive to MSFT platforms.

The partnership could be anything from Doritos/singers deals *to* Publishers, free DLC and more.

LOL at the fanboys running and crying to Vince.

3731d ago 26 agree74 disagreeView comment

EPIC WEEK COMING! Got my game yesterday the day before yesterday from the MSFT store.

Folks already busting out their multi accounts.

3731d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment