Xbox One/Kinect & Azure CLOUD is Cortana-Quorra-AI Isomorphic(ISO) XB1 Power giving rise to true AI
CRank: 5Score: 17850

This article is nothing but spin. I guess it's suppose to make PS4 fanboys feel good. LOL at the people ignoring the spin and making ignorant comments when they know the article is BS.

A crap load of stores carrying something *vs* One store carrying something exclusively. This is the most moronic logic I've ever seen, followed by a level of Mass selective stupidity I've ever witnessed.

It's like saying Safeway Select Pies Sold better than Mar...

3759d ago 6 agree52 disagreeView comment

I remember when folks said it's likely with Titanfall part One. It's EA, bu bu bu Mass Effect 2 etc.

Sony doesn't even have a Cloud compute network used as "MSFT's Platform as a service (PaaS) network" meaning remote processing. I doubt PS4 would be able to run Titanfall 2 on par with the XB1, if at all. By the time Titanfall 2 comes around the game and its engine would most likely more heavily depend on the CPU and GPU clusters of Azure more than Ti...

3760d ago 10 agree33 disagreeView comment

They posted this trying to leave an impression, avoiding posting the Eurogamer article.

LOL at that fanboy posting first, slamming Forza over this. He must know about Eurogamer article.

3760d ago 8 agree14 disagreeView comment

What difference does it make which Japanese console is selling good. The japanese industry was affected by western taste changing not what Japanese console is doing good at any given time.

Sony needs to save themselves first and not get too cocky over the first few months of sales. Sony is doing good not because of Sony but because of MSFT and this whole thing can change in a blink of an eye.

There is already story after story of First time Xbox owners buyin...

3760d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment


I think you're right. This is Mariafuturesomething

Got a feeling this Maria person/account is also the person trolling on neogaf as CBOAT.

Spends 24/7 digging for anti MSFT propaganda to spread not having time to work, eat, sleep, schooling, bathing etc. What kind of person does this? Is it mentally healthy? This can't be a person, maybe a group of Sony hired mouthpieces.

I say this because these articles are...

3760d ago 9 agree21 disagreeView comment

Hi Maria!

3760d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

Thanks man. I posted that on reddit before he edited the article like that. I deleted it. I was wondering why redditors were ignoring my article, then reposted the raw tweets with the news lol

There is always some spin,pessimism or a dig when reporting positive XB1 news. The article should have remained in the context of games offerings.

3762d ago 13 agree4 disagreeView comment

Yeah but usually beta's and demos have an accelerated leveling system altered from the retail game to give gamers a taste of the full game. I doubt you'll level up as fast as the beta in the retail game.

3763d ago 8 agree5 disagreeView comment

"Heavily Discounted"

Comforting words, this should help folks sleep a *bit* better.

3764d ago 12 agree17 disagreeView comment

What's funny about a game that could dethrone COD? It's the exclusive after exclusive coming from MSFT all the way up to Halo 5 that will amplify Titanfall's effect.

3764d ago 6 agree32 disagreeView comment

Or deny it before it got out of hand, they usually jump on confirming rumors as being false. Damn.


LOL disagree. It's obvious it's still up in the air, if not already decided and being kept a secret. Devs would have been firm on falsehoods as they always do, with direct answers.

LOL fanboys and pro Sony media digging hoping it's not true. Folks must have been digging for hours now.

3764d ago 9 agree7 disagreeView comment

Multi plats on PS4 were patched to 1080p on day one of retail. COD/ACBF

It's crazy how Sony fans turn 1080p into a idol/god, treating 1080p and xb1 in the same sentence as blasphemous nonsense. 1080p issues on XB1 has nothing to do with PS4 and everything to do with unfinished XB1 SDK/Dev tools.

Like I said, when the resolution differences rumors leaked for Durango and Orbis the original rumors said the Dev tools were to blame due to MSFT being far behind...

3764d ago 17 agree28 disagreeView comment

I haven't even heard those damage control rumors. Anyways I'm glad they were debunked.

3764d ago 8 agree15 disagreeView comment

Dude's job is to grow the business or get the AXE. Bill gates wouldn't have backed him if he wanted to destroy what Bill worked so hard on.

I think Sony fanboys are wishing this were true due to their own insecurities over Sony being in real trouble.

Look it how rabid those tweets are over MSFT saying selling XBOX is ...

3764d ago 3 agree18 disagreeView comment


3764d ago 11 agree36 disagreeView comment

3764d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment

I can't wait to use the new social features of XB1 in this game. My Xbox One should have the Preview update features as I type this. If any xbox fans wants to be part of the March update preview I'll invite you if you PM me your gamertag.

3764d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

All you guys have it all wrong. I'm not going to visit N4G when the real resolution is announced. It's going to be crazy after the SDK update the XB1 is going to get in a few days. Neogaf is going to explode!

EDIT @below

Hell no!

This article left out this Epic Games Dev's history on this topic, which I have been following on Reddit.

Keep disagreeing I'm already use to it from the first CBOAT article over the ...

3764d ago 6 agree28 disagreeView comment

That was back when he was a candidate for MS CEO. He is just the boss of the division that houses xbox. His new roll is to make Xbox profitable or he'll most likely get the "The axe man cometh" treatment.

I know people want this to be true due to Sony's problems but don't be naive.


Better hope I am right? XBOX is part MSFT's ecosystem, this line of thinking might as well be coming from CBOAT.


3765d ago 9 agree13 disagreeView comment

Yeah I know right? I'll miss his jokes that seemed to coincide with positive XB1 news or negative PS4 news. Of course this is assuming the mods were not using that CBOAT account as propaganda ghost account.

So the goal of 900p or better, it is.


Wrong. That's the resolution of the beta and the plan was to go to 900p. No one was bragging about anything, they said nothing has changed from what they said before.

3765d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment