Xbox One/Kinect & Azure CLOUD is Cortana-Quorra-AI Isomorphic(ISO) XB1 Power giving rise to true AI
CRank: 5Score: 17850

There testing MSFT's cloud compute servers not appeasing xbox fanboys and Sony fanboy haters. Looks like a stress load step test.

3877d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Just a beta. There are two console updates coming before the final finished build of the game comes, who knows how it will perform. Hate bandwagon media throwing a bone to Sony fan envious haters.

They guess the resolution? LOL

3877d ago 11 agree17 disagreeView comment

No surprise Nowgamer would write an article like this.

3877d ago 9 agree16 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised how good the beta looks

3877d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

The first rumors that revealed resolution differences would be in launch games before the consoles released also claimed it was because MSFT was behind on the dev tools.

The dev tool part of the rumors were conveniently swept under the rug with massive selective memories by XB1 hate bandwagon riders.

MSFT being behind on SDK rumors came out before the resolution rumors, the lagging SDK rumors came out the same time as the DRM rumors.

This arg...

3877d ago 9 agree33 disagreeView comment

360 version is made by different devs. If Xb1 marketing was the reason 99% of people would simply wait 2 weeks vs spending $570 on a new console. The 360 version was obviously behind.


OK *DEATH* Thanks. Now I feel like Yoda

3878d ago 21 agree18 disagreeView comment

Those animations are freaking crazy.

3878d ago 6 agree2 disagreeView comment

Xbox One.

My brother is getting it for Microsoft Windows PC

3878d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

You're in luck

3878d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

^^LOL. You play ball in college/High school?

3878d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

What are you talking about? It's the same video being shown on OXM for the XB1. This was already confirmed to be the PC version footage LOL

3878d ago 7 agree12 disagreeView comment

How is that going happen when the hype comes from people that played it at game events in 2013? LMAO

3879d ago 9 agree6 disagreeView comment

Well that was fast damage control. Yeah something that will help unlock its full potential will be its death LOL.

3880d ago 5 agree41 disagreeView comment

He's telling you why LMAO

3880d ago 0 agree15 disagreeView comment

Yeah escaping Mechs and using them plus flying around with jetpacks and moving around like the girl in Mirror's Edge plays like COD. SMH

3881d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

What the heck are you talking about? It's a job listing.

3881d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Dam I can't believe how much of the PS4 version's lighting and shadowing is missing. Sony taking shortcuts to get better res. I wonder how many more games are like this. Nice to see something from media that wasn't in Sony's pockets.

You are right about the lighting and shadows. This was taken from a owner of both consoles on reddit

Slide red bar
3882d ago 14 agree76 disagreeView comment

At the end of your article it says the current titles being developed are not effected by the acquisition. Perhaps KI-Next/2 on XB1 will have different devs, if this Amazon console rumor is true vs Amazon simply being publishers.


We'll see. Folks were nervous over the DH pick to begin with(getting feedback was what DH did the best)

3884d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

That's not true at all.

The context of the first time MSFT announced the new Halo would come this year.
This was a response to a gamer concerned over Xboxwire listing of the 2014 lineup.

ROB Remsey "Xbox Wire today mentioned a few 2014 titles; Halo on Xbox One not listed due to official name of the next title not announced yet."


This is more or less a stunt to keep/trick PS fans from buying the XB1 because of Titanfall. Sony must know PS fans are jumping over because of Titanfall, there are stories all over the web about it.

Sony doing misleading word play again. This rep is probably talking about Titanfall sequel deals in the works and trying to make it seem like Titanfall which is forever exclusive.

For this rep to be this desperate this early before the launch it must be effectin...

3885d ago 4 agree31 disagreeView comment