Xbox One/Kinect & Azure CLOUD is Cortana-Quorra-AI Isomorphic(ISO) XB1 Power giving rise to true AI
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CBOAT coming out of the woodwork angry over the PS4 version of Thief, Titanfall bundles and the price drop. He's just trolling. I'm sure respawn is just waiting to shoot him down again.

Neogaf mods using the CBOAT account to attack the looming arrival of Titanfall

Neogaf mods probably seen the massive file size of Titanfall and are doing some preemptive damage control, with Titanfall bundles being the straw that broke the camel's back.

3865d ago 3 agree22 disagreeView comment

What is this, like the 4th or 5th award?
Why are you posting that? Folks can see that in the article LOL.

-Popular Mechanics

-Stuff Gadget

-Popular Science

I know there is one or two more.
It's crazy average folks are aware of XB1's capabilities, an encouraging sign for MSFT.

Oh teh conspiracy theories why XB1 wins the awards. Classic

Can I use those excuses when or if...

3865d ago 22 agree62 disagreeView comment

If I were Sony or a Sony fan I'd be more worried about Sony failing as a company and not the first few weeks of console sales.

Sony's momentum will naturally fizzle out once gamers start to see XB1 games moving into a direction other console can't follow.

3865d ago 7 agree16 disagreeView comment

Dualshockers is at it again posting garbage. Trying to spread BS from nobodies and neogaf members posting pics of games with no proof on how they're captured or if they have not been tampered with.

You would think dualshockers would have laid low after spreading that MSFT is going to sell XBOX to Amazon article BS and was pwnd by MSFT.

Dualshockers for awhile tried to be respectable but now they seem to be agitated and desperate or something. Back on the ...

3873d ago 9 agree41 disagreeView comment


He said "At least from Alpha/beta players"

I have not heard lots of people complain about it. People know the point of the beta was to try and break the servers. Perhaps Vince was talking to the rabid PS fanboy trolls.

3873d ago 12 agree10 disagreeView comment

Well the trolls got what they wanted anyways. PS fans running around saying it's a possibility or that it could happen. They're trying to chip away at MSFT consumer confidence. A flat out lie is now a possibility now, if things don't work out according to the trolls movable goal post criteria. Why would a company invest so much money in a market that brings them impressive revenue only to get rid of it? LMAO Getting rid of XBox would cripple the company from a loss standpoint. The...

3874d ago 15 agree51 disagreeView comment

What kind of delusional nut would have believed this? It's just those trolls over at Neogaf having a heart attack over XB1/Titanfall/update buzz.


People are realizing their attacks and smear campaigns are not working good enough to destroy Xbox so they're getting desperate simply making sh!t up now.

Like I sa...

3874d ago 9 agree10 disagreeView comment

Assuming they're different people or not part of the group using the CBAOT ghost account for trolling.

These pro Sony trolls get out of hand when they sense XB1 getting a lot of buzz, then they disappear until the buzz starts up again. I can't believe no one sees the pattern of the rumors matching positive buzz.

No way in hell would MSFT do this. Sony would more likely do this before MSFT.

This Dualshockers website is getting out of h...

3874d ago 6 agree12 disagreeView comment

This is so wrong on so many levels from the article, to this submission here on N4G. A beta off to a rocky Start? Isn't that the point?

3874d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Waiting for the supposed surprises gamers will love that were claimed in the announcement article from

Blu-ray quality improvement is very nice addition to the update.

3875d ago 7 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dam this Thuway troll is getting out of hand. If you doubted he was a troll before you should know he's one now. I bet money every time something big is going down with Xbox this crazy troll will be making sh!t up.

These trollbot gaf members playing with the lay with this type of slander.

3875d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

I'm surprised people take this clown seriously. First they/he attacks the game with the textures lies, then when he sees many of thousands of people watching streams of the game he makes up this Sony BS to damage control the amount of buzz surrounding the game its platforms.

I've never seen anything like it. On twitch many streams can be over 10 thousand at once. So many streams I give up going through them all. Seem 20 thousand folks on one stream, not bad for a new...

3875d ago 13 agree26 disagreeView comment

What does a typo prove? That hardly disproves that other gamers have very poor reasoning skills, comprehension skills and basic critical thinking or common sense.

Don't be offended just because you believed the mess that comes from Neogaf.

3875d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Just some troll trying to make as much noise as possible adding to the NPD noise being turned up due to Sony's weak offerings and lack of spotlight right now. Like he knew that info in that neogaf statement as if somebody from MSFT told him that. LMAO

CBOAT is not an insider, CBOAT is a ghost account the Neogaf mods use to troll XBOX. Neogaf members were on to CBOAT and and the folks using the CBOAT account made up a bunch of rumors to distract gamers and media.

3876d ago 11 agree25 disagreeView comment

Just doom gloom talking points noise born from Sony's offerings being weak and PS4 not being talked about right now.

3876d ago 1 agree14 disagreeView comment

Man Sony fanboys going crazy over this wishful thinking. When PS fanboy attacks and smear campaigns fail, just hope and pray Xbox goes away LOL

3876d ago 10 agree16 disagreeView comment

I knew who submitted this article before I even clicked on it LOL

3877d ago 25 agree52 disagreeView comment

Not really hype. All the buzz comes from gamers that actually played it, praising the gameplay and all the awards the game has won by impressed media.

3877d ago 31 agree27 disagreeView comment

Maximilliondood is streaming with over 5 and a half thousand viewers. Hundreds of Sony trolls too. On XB1 search Titanfall in the Twitch app. Jackfrags over 2 and a half thousand viewers.

3877d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Dam PS4 fanboys trolling hard due to PS4 not having games. Maximilliondood is live streaming Titanfall and it's like all of S.D.F. is there.

3877d ago 10 agree8 disagreeView comment