CRank: 5Score: 8020

Halo money has given us Destiny. Bungie is running their own show... Activision just paid enough money to be able to say they're publishing it.

3965d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a COD hater but... seriously, is this a joke? This can't be a next gen game.

Officially nothing new at all.

3965d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ok what are you not getting... even in that article Boyes says "ultimately it's up to the publishers."

3967d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony never said that all F2P games would be in front of the PS+ pay wall. They just said the ones they publish won't require PS+. I would think that all F2P devs/publishers would choose not to, but we don't know how PS+ will benefit a dev/publisher.

Sony will be generating a lot of revenue with PS+ being mandatory for multiplayer in standard games. Some of it will be funneled back to publishers. Would be nice to know what benefits exactly a game gets from requiring P...

3968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For free to play titles only.

3968d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've nearly lost faith in BioWare to take Mass Effect in a good direction. After seeing how little your choices throughout the trilogy actually impacted the ending when that was the big draw, it was kind of disappointing. I enjoyed all three games individually, but I refuse to get worked up over the new one. I'll play it, but I doubt it will be impressive... BioWare just isn't the same anymore.

Don't tout freedom of choice impacting the game and then give u...

3969d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I'm not acting like anything chief. A handheld is a handheld. If it enables you to hook up to a tv for media, that's great... but for this guy to say that he might actually buy one if he could hook it up to play games on his tv is off the mark. Having the capability to is one thing... only being interested if it has the feature is another. It's a handheld... it's meant to be played away from a tv. Vita games would look bad on a big tv anyway, but they l...

3969d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Isn't the whole point of handhelds to offer easy, portable gaming away from a tv or monitor? Why would you buy a handheld to play on a tv... that's what consoles are for...

3971d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

Final Fantasy became nearly irrelevant this generation. It's not a dead franchise, but they need some better ideas and better artists or it will fade even more. Final Fantasy XV needs to be a big hit with worthwhile sequels (since they're already intent on making sequels) or people will simply stop caring.

3975d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Crash was not hardcore. Many of the gamers who started out with Crash are now that core market, but Crash had pretty basic gameplay and mascot appeal just as Knack will.

3975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I never intended to buy this game. From the moment they showed it, I knew it wasn't really for me. What it represents is more important, though.

I believe Cerny himself has described Knack as an on ramp to gaming on PS4... it may be a fairly simple design concept, but that may be exactly the intention. Gaming isn't just for hardcore gamers and anything short of that is not worthless. Crash Bandicoot was essentially the same idea and I think any long time gamer has fo...

3975d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

6 vs 6 is already squads...

3977d ago 22 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would not buy it again if they wait to announce a next gen version after 9/17. That's just flat out shady. Ubisoft, EA, Activision have no problem confirming titles for cross gen release. WTF makes Take 2 special... GTA V will sell like gangbusters regardless. A ton of people are not getting PS4 or XB1 anytime soon.

Unless its a GOTY type package with all the extras in addition to the expected graphics improvements. That's the only way I would even consider buying i...

3977d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Spoken like someone who played Battlefield like it's COD and got owned.

3978d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Bad analogy there bud. There are no reliable insiders saying MS magical cloud is a legit 300,000 servers just for XBL. But there are reliable insiders and numerous developers who have come out saying the 4.5 RAM crap is not true.

3981d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

I'm just laughing at all the people making a big deal about this.

PC video cards alone with more than 4 GB cost more than a PS4. Just for the card.

Besides, the reputable insiders are saying the rumor is complete trash and that Sony is reserving 2 GB for the OS. 2 GB is huge overhead for this OS and 6 GB for games is crazy. Nothing to see here folks.

3981d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

When games evoke powerful emotions.... good stuff.

I don't scare too easy, but I'm definitely getting this and playing with the lights off. Same way I did with the early Resident Evil games, Silent Hill, and The Last of Us. Games that reach out and touch you.

3982d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Emulation is coming eventually.

As far as PS3 playing PSone and PS2 games, you had to buy the most expensive SKU to be able to play PS2 games and they eventually dropped it altogether because it was expensive and impractical. PS4 being natively BC with PS3 would require expensive engineering to include the PS3's processor and RAM emulation since the RAM in PS4 is completely different.

There are many issues and it simply isn't important to many game...

3983d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It would suck for EVERYONE if we had to pay $600 again (or more). Let alone for a BC feature that almost nobody uses. Do SOME people want that? Sure. Vast majority do not care though and Sony is moving to a much different architecture with PS4, so it's just something you have to accept if you are among the SOME that it matters to.

As for switching between PS3 and PS4... are you kidding me? Are you that friggin lazy that you can't use the remote to change inputs o...

3983d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm cool with that. Maybe cook up some waffles, too.

3993d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment