CRank: 5Score: 8020

I love most of the main line Final Fantasy games. They have gotten progressively cheesier but I still enjoy them a lot. Started playing them on SNES as a kid. A friend owned FF2/4 but wouldn't let me borrow it lol so I only got to play it at his house or when I could manage to get my dad to rent it.

FF3/6 was the first FF game I actually owned and I wore that thing out. That one probably sits nearest and dearest to my heart when it comes to FF and I do think it has the ...

1268d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not gonna lie, MS picking up Zenimax/Bethesda is the move that finally motivated me to get a proper gaming PC like I have wanted for a long time now. PS5 and a RTX 3070, best of both worlds. This is the way.

1292d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Still waiting to see Red XIII!!!

I know it won't be in this first release, but I'm excited to see how they expand on the Turks and Vincent's history.

1921d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Totally agree, although my first experience with FF goes back to SNES days. Legitimately have not been this excited for a FF game since probably FF9.

As an aside, the battle system looks like what I imagine a 2019 version of Chrono Trigger would be. I had doubts about them transitioning FF7 from essentially a turn based battle system to a free roaming action style, but it looks like they’ve hit a great balance. Some folks may not like it but I think it looks great so far.

1927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

The E3 gameplay footage actually has me excited for this game. I had been holding my expectations low but I think it actually looks very solid.

My only gripe now really remains breaking the game up into multiple releases. Midgar was just several hours of the original and I’m skeptical of how they will expand that into a full length game, but we will see how they handle it. I love the idea of them going deeper with the story though. Especially if they can successfully make A...

1927d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good thing you replied to the article then.

1966d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's still gonna look good and likely be a really fun game.

Imagine being a gamer and caring about anything beyond that. o_O

1966d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Some of their recent work has been outstanding, so I see promising signs for the future. They need to get back to their roots and explore how to build upon what made them great to begin with.

FFXV was well received but I quit playing it about 20 hours in and it never once bothered me that I didn't finish it and missed all the DLC. They got things back on the right track in some ways, but it was ultimately a forgettable game with some poor design choices in my opinion. ...

2036d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

How can it be most overrated when it is probably the most overlooked? As someone who LOVED FFVII, even I can admit it is the most overrated. Hell it might be the most overrated JRPG ever. It was amazing when it first came out but I have revisited the game several times over the years for nostalgia and the story was really garbage; it was only saved by a very memorable cast of characters and really solid execution of the kind of battle system FF fans expected.

The only bad p...

2037d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Very nice to see Final Fantasy IX on the Switch... I love the game and have played it many times. But $21 for a bad, lazy port of a PSX game I beat about 18 years ago is mostly just disrespectful to Nintendo and the Nintendo faithful. Typical money grab by Square Enix though.

2037d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ESO was never presented as any type of Elder Scrolls main entry. Bethesda didn't develop the game either. ESO has actually done very well though. I haven't played it myself and don't really have any desire to, but it has been a success.

3009d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It probably is overhyped and will have balance issues, but they can and will address those issues. You seem to be approaching it as someone who has only played COD and Battlefield FPS games. These type games focus far more on teamwork and rewards players who play support classes as equally as damage dealing classes. So it's arguable that it's a more balanced game for all players, because people who don't excel at the quick twitch run n gunning can still greatly enjoy it.

3073d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The progression system occurs within each match. Your character gets stronger as the match progresses. We already have the Call of Duty and Battlefield formulas rinsed out for years now, why should they continue using the same progression system? This isn't even a straight forward FPS like those games are. COD and BF don't have anywhere near the class variety. It's a different experience.

3074d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

VR is an interesting platform, no doubt - especially since technology has advanced to a point where it is a compelling experience beyond simply being a gimmick. It does not, however, infer that gamers are bored. The user base for VR will be a small fraction of the market until it becomes more affordable and the VR games are on par with the best AAA conventional games.

3074d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sorry for the delay in responding. Life happens. But anyway, no I don't feel that it's out of place. Sex is a part of life and this is a game intended for adults who can cope with it. They have ratings for these games and plainly tell you exactly what type of content justifies that rating. If a little nudity or sex offends you, then you can easily see on the labeling that this game has it and avoid it. That is the purpose of the ratings.

To me this is like complaining...

3130d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Perversion? What is this, 1952?

3135d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Very doubtful. Fans don't want action RPGs and that's what they seem intent on making. I've been a Square fan since the SNES days, although it has become more and more of a chore to play their games. Square's biggest problems as a developer, in my opinion, are a false perception of innovation and little regard for its fans. FFXV has some potential. They really need to nail that, KH3, and FFVII remake though... they can't afford to bring any more mediocre or worse flagship ...

3281d ago 5 agree10 disagreeView comment

Thought for sure they would abandon the single player campaign by now. They spend so much money on it and unfortunately most people skip straight to multiplayer without even touching the campaign.

Trailer looks decent. I'll wait for some reviews I trust though, COD lost me a few years ago now.

3281d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I stopped playing Destiny a few months after it came out. Not because I got bored or didn't like it... it's actually just what I was looking for in a FPS, a legit alternative to COD and BF where I can cooperatively play with friends instead of stressing over stupid pvp issues. Stopped playing mostly because I moved and just didn't pick it back up. Fast forward to TTK and it has improved drastically. I'm sucked back in and probably won't stop until Fallout 4 lands. Yet I ca...

3284d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, I think you don't understand how it works. He can't talk about any platform specifically other than Xbox or PC.

Why do you think Bungie never talks about Destiny on Xbox? Activision is publishing it and you think a 3rd party publisher would talk about all platforms as they wish... so??? Sony paid for Destiny to be pushed as a Play...

4004d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment