CRank: 5Score: 12890

Well for the record, PS4 has not passed the two games that use parts of DX12. FMS5 that did not use all 100% of the GPU, and FH2. So how in the hell Naughty Dog knows is out right BS, again.

3742d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Infamous second son At it's best a CITY without anyone in it.....

Do to you knowing nothing and 99% of the time i post FACTS that stop all the BS PS4 FANBOYs repeat
like GDDR5 is better than XB1's memory system or that ESRAM is a bottleneck that was all never right. A lot of you here said that XB1 was not 200GB/s and i was right. You said...

3743d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

So like i said no more on screen than 8 max, and lower detail, most of the time it's 6 NPCs V.S. SODs 80+. How is that a win?

3743d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"PS4 has a more powerful GPU"
"XB1 has a Faster GPU"
"XB1 has a Faster and More Powerful CPU"

"PS4 has Faster RAM Bandwidth"

This is SONY'S own PDF page 13.

PS4 BW is max 135GB/s to 140GB/s real world. PEAK is 176GB/s.

3743d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

Did you notice that Infamous never looks that good with more than one character on screen.
Go over all of them there's only one character one screen.....

3743d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have to disagree. Uncharted was a Tech demo, not- real, not even game play, that's why they did not say "Running IN-GAME". So let us know when that happens.

Quantum Break V.S. Uncharted .... Real time V.S. Tech Demo..

Next up is your Infamous V.s. Ryse, It's up to you witch look best, but you picked Ryse that did not even used 100% of the hardware. Ryse has more 5X the NPCs onscreen to Infamous 8 NPCs onscreen at one time. Anyway lets go ...

3743d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment

They did with FMS5 and FH2 that only used some parts of DX12. PS4 has not been able to match them, then there's QB and we know how that is looking don't we..

3744d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

Well it looks like the secret is in big part ESRAM. ESRAM will have a path way to the CPU but it is slow. read and see that here:
See here;

3745d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

This is my point! No facts here... A AMD worker all ready said that XB1 GPU was not entry level AMD GPU.

3746d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I will not start with saying this game or that game as of yet. For the most part i don't get in to this specs talk any more. Why not? Well most here don't use FACTS, most of the time it's what is called "here say" or FANBOY talk. Info passed a long that is not FACTS but opinions by writes like By Ravi Sinha at or people from neo gaf, why? FACTS come from the top down not from the bottom.

For right now lets say that PS4 is 176GB/s Is that p...

3746d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Stop that, it looks the same. Textures, ply counts, and lighting, where do you see downgrades?

3746d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Watchdogs ran on old PC Development console kits. Also know as pre launch developed pc kits. PS4's PCkit used a GTX 680 as it's GPU for it's PC =.

you will find that here:

Consoles have a 2x power gain, in this case PS4 is right around 3.2-4TF of a PC GPU. Over time and alot of code it will reach that power m...

3746d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dam i was right again ! Give it time PS4 and XB1 are 2x the PC = GPU. PS4 is right around 3.2 or 4TF. Why is that? Well you know that 14 + 4 was real.. Not like 4CUs but ALUs not in use when rendeing and some can be used for GPGPU. All ALUs in each CU will not be used.
Here is the math:
18CU x 64ALU per = 1152ALU (Stream Processors)
It shows all 1152ALU.
You will see that here on page 53.

3748d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Stop using fanboy talk.... Both of these systems will hit 1080p. As game engines get better the games will get better. "The GPU is weaker on the Bone, it just is whether you want to believe it or not." Is that why Driver Club isn't 60FPS?

3750d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Although i like XB1's hardware better, i will defend both here. PS4 is equal to a PC spec of 3.2TF (2x) of a PC GPU.
In time it will be easier to code for to meet that TF number.
These game engines are mostly from old hardware, that will perform better on PS4 as it's the closest to present day hardware but has been a challenge for a number of different hardware aspects of XB1. As stated here:

3750d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

inFAMOUS about had 8 V.s. 80+ NPCs onscreen at one time it's not fun at all so keep your 1080p.

3753d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

PS4 Fanboys fall for PR all the time. It has always been Sony. 1.8TF that you will never see from that GPU.
How about GDDR5 with the 176GB/s that you will never see. It's all great PR by SONY and the best part is that every thing i just said is from SONY's own PDF. You SONY FANBOYS are idiots and this show it.

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It's not, that's why. The GPU in XB1 is still under NDA.
At E3 will show PS4's GPU, SPU vs ALU is not next-gen.
Driver Club can't do 60fps do to that weak GPU.
It's not even open world and can't do it.
This will be the end of this talk.

3759d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Like i keep telling you, Xbox One is more powerful than 1.3TF.
If you have not seen Dead Rising 3 PC Min setting is a GTX680 is 3.1TF. Like i said consoles are 2x that of a pc GPU =.
Right again. Xbox now is more than that!!

3760d ago 1 agree12 disagreeView comment

This all comes down to money one has it one don't.
Why is Sony going big with Indys devs cost is way lower.
A one million to 10 million.

3761d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment