CRank: 5Score: 12890

Sony fans have a big math problem. Bits read or write to GPU.
HD7970 is 288GB/s 256bits wide
PS4 is 176GB/s 256bits wide on onion bus.

but the XBox one is 68GB/s + 200GB/s. real world at about 200GB/s.
200GB/s is slower than a HD7970 but here is where XB1's bit modifier comes in.
Esram is 200GB/s at 256bits x 4 = 1024bits at 200GB/s peak read and write simultaneously to GPU with out the DDR3 plus another 256bits. The word simultaneously is ...

3762d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

where did you read 30FPS?

3764d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is a riot. Driver Club can't stand the rain.
Time after time i tell you that XB1 is a beast. Time and Time i show you facts that ESRAM + DDR3 is better than GDDR5. That FMS 5 is running on some DX12 code. Now you see it's all going my way. The PS4 hardware is a PR pc laptop. If FH2 is 6fps the game is over.

3764d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

What superior graphics?
KZSF was never better looking than RYSE.
ISS never did look as good in game.
Driver Club still can't match FMS 5 1080p 30fps.
Now there's Quantum Break and there will not be a PS4 =.

3765d ago 2 agree16 disagreeView comment

I tried to tell you people this 120 days ago. It will not change. ESRAM is faster and wider (1024bits) than GDDR5, and as i said before it's not just ESRAM but with DDR3. In software they are seen as one memory system.
PS4 will fall behind soon the writing is on the wall.
That is why Ps4 can't match 1st party game for game.

3766d ago 6 agree5 disagreeView comment

Pixels is all they have left. That counting pixels will not last..
32 ROPs VS 16 ROPS
time and time again moving XB1's way.

3769d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No, downgrades,and if you look in the back on the video wall you will see the old trailers. All this from a 1.3TF GPU?

Also this:

And the console is?

3769d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

notice no downgrades. No smoke or fog, no seen polygons edges on shoulders. great work......

3770d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Notice, no downgrades!!!

3770d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

<quote>"It's not far more powerful. But it IS more powerful."</quote>
I put a stop to the 50% crap! As more Developers and the Hardware makers talk we find out more..

"The XBO have 768 shaders and the PS4 have 1152."
As to PS4's 1152ALU is 18CU x 4SIMDs x 16ALU = 1152ALU x 800Mhz x 2MADD = 1.8TF Now for the bad part, PS4's CPUs can not keep feed 1152ALU, it's not 1.8TF but closer to 951ALU

3773d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most here are the same ones that were saying that ESRAM was a bottleneck and that's now dead. I tried to show them that it's not. It has more BW with ESRAM+DDR3 than just GDDR5, well that's Sony fans. MS just had bad SDKs, now they are much better. Go back to the 360 days when the developers had no clue a upscaler was inside it's hardware. MS will get it up and running at some point, like E3.
Sony fans put down FMS5, "well it had cardboard cutouts", but they ...

3773d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

Agree, this is a downgrade....
Still not a RYSE beater, they added detail not take it away.

3775d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I will let a PRO tell you...........
"Don't make the mistake of judging a console by the quality of the launch
window games. Let's have this discussion again in two years when we have
games that are actually using engines designed for next gen hardware
instead of ported last gen engines adapted for next gen. We haven't seen anything truly next gen yet..."

Are you comparing a arcade racing game to a driving simulator?

Driver Club = Arcade racing.
GT5 = simulator.
Out Run = Arcade racing.
FMS 5 = simulator.
Ridge Racer 7 = Arcade racing.

One game simulate part of the world and one simulates the world...

3777d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will let the PROs tell you....

"Don't make the mistake of judging a console by the quality of the launch window games. Let's have this discussion again in two years when we have games that are actually using engines designed for next gen hardware instead of ported last gen engines adapted for next gen. We haven't seen anything truly next gen yet..."


Maybe you need to read about your 1.8TF for your PS4.

"Actual GPU performance is hard to estimate by the theoretical numbers alone."

3777d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

XB1 is keeping up as of lately.....
Here is a word from a PRO.

"Don't make the mistake of judging a console by the quality of the launch window games. Let's have this discussion again in two years when we have games that are actually using engines designed for next gen hardware instead of ported last gen engines adapted for next gen. We haven't seen anything truly next gen yet..."

3777d ago 5 agree13 disagreeView comment


Xb1 has hardware for TR, like ESRAM and DATA MOVE ENGINES Hardware not on PS4. Also DX 11.x did not have accesse to all of the XB1's hardware AKA the second graphic command processor...

How made that youtube guy god of XB1?

3778d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Wow, that's two in a row. Well PS4 is 50% more powerful ? If that was true would we be having this talk?

3778d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

They look all most the same.

3778d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment