CRank: 5Score: 12890

it's only been one year. Xb1 and PS4 will get more powerful as time goes on. One of the console have already giving you a glimpse of its potential. Most of the engines made our old retooled from last generation. Therefore they do not take into consideration a closed box environment.

3684d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I know that most of you don't do homework on both these systems.
Let me just say, PS4 is not the powerhouse you may think. Developers are always going to say how good there game is but we must always keep that in mine.

PS4 is easy to code for do to it being a standard AMD GPU of today. It's memory system is in my opinion horrible.
PS4 is not full HSA.
PS4 is not 176GB/s effective bandwidth.
That is why developers don't tell you the...

3684d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

To be fair it's not done...

3686d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

MisterxMedia is not the "source". It's from a reader like me who is looking for the truth!
Not the BS passed from site to site (NG4, NEO GAF) that tells you what you wont to hear. "ESRAM is a bottleneck", classic case of that. The GPU inside PS4 is not NEXT GEN and you guys don't like to hear that...But XB1 is a 7770 GPU love to hear that... Also wrong....

This is a place where you go to talk about XB1, (PS4 lies) hardware "theories&qu...

3686d ago 6 agree4 disagreeView comment

Your beyond3D link was based on the VGLEAKS docs the INFO at the time, so you are wrong again..... And i still on B3D. Next up, is that you have no idea what you are talking about 99% of the time. Why do you even reply? And you wouldn't even know what a GPU was unless Neo GAF told you. Like the following:
256bit x 4(8MB) x 853Mhz /8bits = 109GB/s read
256bit x 4(8MB) x 853Mhz /8bits = 109GB/s write
Take this to beyond 3-D. I have been right about the ESRAM + DD...

3691d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Also you are the same people that said ISS and or KZSF looked better than RYSE....... WOW!!!! Like said better weather don't make a better looking game.... That's still running on a PC.... All most two years later....

3691d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I have never said that there was something hidden inside Xbox one, I don't have to, so as usual you are wrong. I have always taken information or statements directly from Microsoft or Sony (architects), and then from developers in that order. Technology not artistic flavor of the month. There are clear differences in technology being shown by a machine that is supposedly less powerful. At the end of the day the only facts that are slowly being portrayed as happening ...

3691d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

"On topic weather effects in DC are right where this gen racers should be."

Right, so where is the open world, where is destructible objects right where this gen racers should be......


IF XB1 is so weak where is your open world or destructible objects? If PS4 had the power where are they? If PS4 had the power why are the cars all ways racing through the jungle (less textures calls), where is the cit...

3691d ago 9 agree35 disagreeView comment

Looks are in the eye of the beholder!
I talk POWER and as all was there is a clear winner here!

dynamic weather DC/FH2
day and night cycles DC/FH2
1090p DC/FH2
destructible objects XX/FH2 + (CPU/GPU)
open world XX/FH2 + (CPU/GPU)

So it's clear that XB1 has the power to out perform PS4 again. Yes DC has a better storm as...

3691d ago 6 agree57 disagreeView comment

From textures to the models. If you think that XB1 is still a 1.3TF console your a fool....
1080p no black bars.

3692d ago 12 agree7 disagreeView comment

I had the same thing, go in sitings move the slide two 100%, do it for the gas as well.

3694d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Power and you don't have to downgrade, no party...

3694d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

"you're right, but the winner isn't who you think it is."

It's just getting started!

"no, it never was, and it never will be."

Ryse Winner of best looking game. FMS5 still unmatched, FH2 still unmatched see post above, All say hello!!

" "

Did they build XB1? No!

3695d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Is that the same guy that told you that ESRAM was a bottleneck or the one that told you that GDDR5 was faster than Sony's own Developer PDF? Maybe the one that told you that BW on XB1 was lower than PS4, that was wrong as well... Hell for all you know it maybe me Pucking with you !

Really......"a CLEAR STATEMENT."
Here is one about XB1 developer kit with a GTX780.

Just for the hell of it i will say it here right now!
This war was over before it started almost a year ago.
Xb1 is and always was the most powerful system . MS did not have the software ready but now that is coming to a end.
XB1 is a beast.

From VGlecks to now it's been the most powerful, that's why developers are making it there lead platform.

One year ago Mark Rein of UNREAL Tweeted this:
3696d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Again someone just talking and not POSTING LINKS....
I post links most of the time but most don't. One time i did a step by step of how to do this in 3DSM.
PS4 fanboys use to say that this game didn't look better than SSS,KZSF, or 1886 but i point out that why it's a winner. You are just like them "FORZA 5 uses 2d backgrounds" wrong!!!

3696d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

All my dreams are coming true! $1.3 billion V.S. 3.2 billion.
XB1 is more powerful than PS4. Forza 5 was the start.
Software (SDKs) is catching up with the hardware.
Quantum Break is next.....

3696d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment


I come with FACTS, you don't, that's why i win...
Even now XB1 is getting better with every new game. I said this a long time ago. 1080p is now becoming the standard on XB1, that's a win. GDDR 5 is not better than XB1's memory system, i called that a long time ago, plus No one in the industry will use GDDR5 with a SOC or APU, that should tell you something! Third-party game developers are using Xbox ones as lead pl...

3697d ago 5 agree16 disagreeView comment

Or XB1 was all ways more powerful. Developers didn't know how to use the hardware from the start..... But if Sony told you that, most would say no "Sony is wrong" just like they did here on page 13 CPU and GPU Bandwidth Interaction
135GB/s then post a link to a Gameing Bolt saying it's 176GB/s..........

3697d ago 5 agree22 disagreeView comment

1. it's a launch title.
2. Made on PC developer hardware.
3. In Crytek's PDF they say that we did not use XB1's hardware scaler. Crytek used some of XB1's GPU ALUs for Scaling.

"Target hardware less powerful than
high-end PCs at launch" page 3

"Efficient: just a single bilinear sample and a few ALUs on the texture coordinates Did not yet evaluate the Xbox hardware upscale" page 13
3699d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment