CRank: 5Score: 12890

PS4 CPU Bus is 20GB/s
PS4 Onion+ & Onion- Share 10GB/s CPU and GPU
PS4 Full Bus GPU only is 176GB/s

XB1 DDR3 coherent 30GB/s all components But not ESRAM
XB1 DDR3 Full Bus 68GB/s Main MMU
XB1 ESRAM 109GB/s Read + 109GB/s write to MMU components only, CPU accesses is not inedible as of yet.

3780d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"ESRAM can't do 1080p = CORRECT!"

Like i said wrong!

"XB1 will have problems putting multiple render targets in ESRAM = CORRECT!&qu...

3787d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now i see why MS don't talk specs people have to been shone.
People say some wrong $hit...

ESRAM can't do 1080p = wrong!
XB1 has a old GPU = wrong!
XB1 will have problems putting multiple render targets in ESRAM = wrong!
XB1 ESRAM is a bottleneck = wrong!
XB1's GPU is the same GEN as PS4 = wrong!
GDDR5 is faster than ESRAM+DDR3 = wrong!
You guys know a lot pf nothing........

3788d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

The_Infected + 7h ago | Well said

"Let me say it again "Forza Horizon is 30fps" was it a good game and fun to play? Yes. Driveclub should be no different. Yes Forza 5 is 60fps with downgrades."

And only 90% of the GPU.

3789d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

But but wait its downgrade the problem with that argument is that you guys here ignored the stuff they added to the game, and also the fact that turn 10 at the time only had access to 90% of the GPU. digital foundry:
"Forza 5's tree assets, as crude as they may be when viewed at 1080p, are still a vast step up from those used on the same stages in Forza 4."
digital foundry:
" On the plus side, the "pop-out" of geometry spotted in rear-v...

3791d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Forza 5 is a launch title, and at that time they were only using 90% of the GPU. So for Forza 6 that extra 10% should fix that and guess what we will still be at 1080P 60fps.

3791d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please stop talking you have no idea what you are talking about. First of all Forza is a simulator. Simulators are computational heavy, unlike a arcade to through 3-D side scroll game like Resogun. First of all Forza 3 which I own, does not calculate tire heat spots. Because you are someone that gives a lot of speeches I will leave links so you can learn.
Forza 3 was 720p texture maps
Forza 5 are 1080P texture maps
so how is Forza 3 better?

3791d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Don't forget they did not use 10% of the GPU when this game was made, do to MS's SDK where late.

FMS5 will be DX12 with 98% of the GPU.

3791d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

whoever is saying that statement has forgotten about last generation where the hardware of the PS3 at lunch was $600. Due to Sony's conclusion of the Blu-ray player.the differences this time Microsoft has included Kinect and charging for its value. It comes down to a Blu-ray player that added nothing to a player's experience versus a Kinect that can impact the players experience.

3793d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Most of you have no idea about specs. In the real world and not NEO GAF land all of the talking points that a lot of you used to say that XB1 has less power makes not one bit since.
Like GDDR5 is better,ESRAM is a bottleneck, well not really! PS4 has a better GPU, yes but XB1's GPU off loads a lot off the work, but you guys only see what Sony told you to see 1.8TF V.S. 1.3TF, and you guys can't see pass it.
Some time in the near future maybe facts like FMS5 ...

3793d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

"if PlayStation is a niche product and it leading in sales, what do you make of the Xbox One?"

12 V.S. 72 country's

3794d ago 0 agree21 disagreeView comment


6."XB1 will have problems putting multiple render targets in ESRAM"
Responsible: B3D.
Answer:"We split the frame into four passes (shadows, G-buffer rendering, lighting and post processing), and then tried to get as many as possible live resources simultaneously to ESRAM in each pass, while trying to keep as many resources in ESRAM that were needed later. This was a really successful strategy and allowed us to utilise over 95 per cent of ...

3796d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Now i will list all the BS you PS4 fanboys have been saying for the past year, Neo GAF are just plain stupid fan boys. Next up is NG4. last but not as bad is B3D, and DF.

1."XB1 is just a entertainment system and not a true game system like PS4" Responsible: Neo GAF ,NG4,B3D,
Answer:Both systems have the same games PS4 more 1080p games right now but XB1 games have better online play. =

2."XB1 is a casual game system ...

3796d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

He is mad because every single PS4 fanboy talking points are getting crapped on!!
1. "Microsoft IS building A media machine not a game machine"
Answer:Yes, and it plays games better than the PS4 too.
2. "PS4 is 50% more powerful"
Answer: Sebastian Aaltonen: "Both competing consoles are now closer to each other than ever. While the last-generation consoles required a lot of custom console-specific optimisations, now most of the o...

3797d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Forza 5 1080p 60FPS with downgrades of only sideline pedestrians and building textures.

RYSE is the best looking game on the market and it was running at 1080p 30FPS then a shader was added to make it 900p.

Dead Rising has had performance updates so you better go back and check your information.

3798d ago 6 agree18 disagreeView comment

HA,HA,HA, Called it!!! "time of day is something that will be implemented at launch" in other words not only is it not dynamic for real-time & it's not 1080P 60FPS... And the WINNER IS Forza 5 using only 90% of the GPU. So PS4 has not one 1st party 1080p 60FPS game, WOW....

3798d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

In what universe does the weaker hardware out perform the 50% better hardware or 40% less ROPs what ever the numbers are that you guys pull out of your a$$?

Forza 5 did lose some roadside details, like 3-D people on the side of the road and building textures. Here's the problem with that argument. Let's not forget that this game was a launch title that did not use 10% of the GPU and who knows what else. It's only going to get better from this point. Forza 6.

3799d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

1080p 30FPS ,HA HA HA.......

3799d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

Driver CLUB is not a racing simulator,AKA GT5 or GT66. it's a ARCADE racing game, more like F355 Challenge,Daytona arcade,Furious DRIFT, and a Outrun 3d. It's not a simulator.

3799d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

You don't have to put all the render target in ESRAM.
ESRAM and DDR3 work as one. so you can back fill into DDR3 as well.

"The Xbox 360 was the easiest console platform to develop for, it wasn't that hard for our developers to adapt to eDRAM, but there were a number of places where we said, "Gosh,...

3805d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment