CRank: 5Score: 12890

Ryse looks that good..

And yes it was a launch game but it still looks better than this non-launch game CRAP at 30fps.

3819d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

Wow,WOw and Wow. Look I can understand that you guys are sold on his PS4 thing, I get that, But this game even with the day and night cycles doesn't come close to the visuals of Forza motorsports 5. I see why Sony didn't release this game at launch, it can't compare. Most of you who saw this video has never played Forza motorsports 5, did you notice that the cars have absolutely no glass on the front windshields from the cockpit view, no reflections in the glass Dole paint jobs a...

3819d ago 4 agree17 disagreeView comment


leave your talking points for your Sony fanboy forms. I will keep telling you people this time, after time. Please do some homework people, I know this tech talk is difficult for a lot of you and that is why Sony can get away with telling you just about GDDR 5. There are many disadvantages with the PS4 memory system as a whole. Nodding dog actually tells developers in its slides at GDC do not rely mostly on the main memory, but use the cache next to the GPU and CPU.

3821d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I say this all the time, Microsoft has been completely honest about the hardware so far. Phil Spencer said before the launch of Xbox one that it was double the performance of 1.3 Tflop. You do not say I have a 10 year plan with a weak system. You do not say my machine is capable of 4K resolution if you have a weak system.
Here's an example the GPU inside PlayStation 4 has a continuous bandwidth to memory on one bus that is 176 GB/s and a bit rate of 256 bits wide. Please do some r...

3822d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Forza motorsports 5 says hello!!!! still waiting on that first first party game does 1080 P 60 frames a second it'll probably be another port........

3822d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

Asynchronous Compute is apart of the GPU....
SONY is not the masters GPGPU. It was first used by a console by the name of Xbox 360 use of Knect. so please do not speak of this super mythological creature of Sony programming knowledge it does not exist.

once again someone purely speaking without proof or at least in this case a link, so what part of this don't you understand. I am not speaking out of my ass like most do here with out links to back up there own BS...

3822d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I find it funny that Sony fanboys just say it's PR form Microsoft. Lets look at that. Well the two best looking games
are Forza motorsports 5 1080p/60fps and RYSE 900p/30fps..
We are still waiting on that first party games from Sony that are 1080p/60fps... Now ask your self how a 50% less powerful GPU outperforming PS4's GPU.
Why is it that both games used only a part of DX12 and soon the next games will use the FUll DX12 SDK treatment.

3822d ago 10 agree10 disagreeView comment

Where is your 1080p/60fps game mine is FM5......

3822d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Digital Foundry: Simultaneously? Because there's been a lot of controversy that you're adding your bandwidth together and that you can't do this in a real-life scenario.

Nick Baker: Over that interface, each lane - to ESRAM is 256-bit making up a total of 1024 bits and that's in each direction. 1024 bits for write will give you a max of 109GB/s and then there's separate read paths again running at peak would give you 109GB/s. What is the equivalent bandwid...

3823d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS4 BUS is 176GB/s on one BUS at a bit rate of 256bits-wide.


Nick Baker: Over that interface, each lane - to ESRAM is 256-bit making up a total of "1024 bits" and that's in each direction. 1024 bits for write will give you a max of 109GB/s and then there's separate read paths again running at peak would give you 109GB/s. What is the equivalent bandwidth of the ESRAM if you were doing the same kind of accounting that you do for external...

3823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Digital Foundry: So 140-150GB/s is a realistic target and you can integrate DDR3 bandwidth simultaneously?

Nick Baker: Yes. That's been measured.

that's 200GB/s +
Nice try.

3823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Digital Foundry: If we look at the ESRAM, the Hot Chips presentation revealed for the first time that you've got four blocks of 8MB areas. How does that work?

Nick Baker: First of all, there's been some question about whether we can use ESRAM and main RAM at the same time for GPU and to point out that really you can think of the ESRAM and the DDR3 as making up eight total memory controllers, so there are four external memory controllers (which are 64-bit) which go to ...

3823d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You see not one link, that is just you saying that crap.
PC GPUs are moving away from GDDR5. See that's PR.
Sony's own games can't do 1080p /60fps. more PR.
The one i love is the Naughty Dog at GDC silde.
"permanent hurdle too. ESRAM" How's that DRIVER CLUB going? FMS5 the only game that is 1080p/60fps.
where did you get this "CPU/GPU die to help mitigate the slow DDR3 RAM" no one but PS4fanboys. "link"? <...

3824d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Sony is the PR kings they all ways have . The first to say that PS3 is 2tf, lie. PS4 is a high power PC ,lie.
KZSF is full 1080p ,lie.
PS4 is full HSA , lie. It's only huma.
PS4 has the best memory, yes but that is only for you fanboys. The rest of memory system is Crap. Even Naughty Dog at GDC said don't use the main GDDR5 but use the memory caches closest to the GPU.

Sony made PS4 for gamers, lie. Sony cash flow is low you get what you pay for. ...

3824d ago 5 agree5 disagreeView comment

Like KZSF is full 1080p right?

3825d ago 5 agree7 disagreeView comment

And they still don't look as good as RYSE or FMS5..
inFAMOUS was down graded (lighting) to make it work.

3825d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

KZSF is full 1080p.......jump for joy, after launch welllllllllllll not so much........

3825d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment


FMS5 as well as RYSE are the best looking games this gen so far, and they are lunch games.. Driver Club was never in the same class as these games, that's why it's not out now 6 mouths later.

Ryse was rushed out and it still the highest water mark for this gen. Yes, the only game that is 1080p 60fps is on XB1, down grade as apposed to what Driver Club? or did Turn 10 run out of time? Just think, you don't, but Ryse 2 + FMS6 will be...

3825d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

FSM5 1080p 60Fps............ sounds demanding to me......

3826d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment