CRank: 5Score: 12890

Did you notice no HD 7770 or HD 7790.

At first I wasn't going to write this because of the haters that refuse to accept facts, and only like the information that they deem correct. Well today is literally a great day for me as far as the information in which I am going to share with everyone who comes to this website.

I don't care if the administrators banned me this is my victory lap, they have deleted my bubbles because they like a lot of you have fall...

3451d ago 2 agree8 disagreeView comment

6 minutes ago
At first I wasn't going to write this because of the haters that refuse to accept facts, and only like the information that they deem correct. Well today is literally a great day for me as far as the information in which I am going to share with everyone who comes to this website.

I don't care if the administrators banned me this is my victory lap, they have deleted my bubbles because they like a lot of you have fallen once again for Sony's c...

3451d ago 5 agree12 disagreeView comment

At first I wasn't going to write this because of the haters that refuse to accept facts, and only like the information that they deem correct. Well today is literally a great day for me as far as the information in which I am going to share with everyone who comes to this website.

I don't care if the administrators banned me this is my victory lap, they have deleted my bubbles because they like a lot of you have fallen once again for Sony's complete utter misinfor...

3451d ago 6 agree28 disagreeView comment

Yes! Why XB1 is the most powerful SOC and this year that will come to pass. HALO 5 will be unmatched by any PS4 game. Time for all the lies to come out. So get ready.
You're not a smart person are you? That's why you blocked me from PM.

1.Albert is not a engineer or programmer he is a pencil pusher. That's why I use links from actual engineers and programmers. Like Boyd Multerer who said "The GPUs are really complicated beasts this ...

3452d ago 1 agree8 disagreeView comment

From LEAKED SDK under PIX Table of Hardware Counters

"SRBM_PERF_SEL_XDMA_BUSY 17 The Multi-GPU DMA (XDMA) block is busy."

"The Multi-GPU DMA"

Xb1 better with each SDK, do to the hardware all readying being there.

As said by Phil Spencer,
"10x is local"

3452d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Oh I am going to love this! How many of you noticed that he was comparing it to a Xbox one? Now Google Elemental running on Xbox one, guess what it doesn't exist. At the time when the video was shown (2years ago) they used a PC versus PS4 and i said "it's most likely a PC equivalent to Xbox one" of course the fanboys "no you're wrong!" , but anyway that demo was ran on a GTX 680 and guess what the teraflops are 2.5TF. .
Now for the part I blow your min...

3454d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

A people watch this!
1.Post a up to date source that tells you PS4's memory system in detail?
He will post a vague article based on hearsay Based on old not current information.

2. Post a source from Sony that tells you it's specifications for its memory system as a direct connection to link 1?

He will not.....

My turn.
1. PS4 @ 256bits x 5500GHZ /8bytes = 176GB/s PECK.
From here page 12 here

3454d ago 7 agree6 disagreeView comment

This is only the start! Xbox one was designed for as I have always said continuous improvement over time. this is what ultimately is happening.

1.Your very first warning was you do not pay more for the same type of hardware if it is equal in technology (1.6B to 3.1B}, of course FBs made up excuses.

2. Microsoft is a software company that created GPGPU, they are the masters. Xbox one has done nothing but get better over time as software continue to improve as...

3456d ago 6 agree14 disagreeView comment


"Ubisoft made a performance test (see the above picture) for the CPU and GPU of both PS4 and X1, with the following results:
- PS4's CPU power: 98
- X1's CPU power: 113
- PS4's GPU power: 1600
- X1's GPU power: 830"

Well that's only partly true...
They left out one big part ESRAM to GPU!
It's way faster than PS4's GDDR5.
PS4 GDDR to GPU 200ns

3457d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

I just have to say i told you so! XB1's architecture is "Continuous improvement over time". PS4 is the easy to make games for. XB1 is the complex system to develop for system.

Mark Cerny
"One thing we could have done is drop it down to 128-bit bus, which would drop the bandwidth to 88 gigabytes per second, and then have eDRAM on chip to bring the performance back up again," said Cerny."

XB1's DDR3 is on...

3462d ago 14 agree8 disagreeView comment

My list based on category.

Best graphics overall.
The only game to use complete Physically Based Shading.
Forward+ rendering.
Subsurface Scattering.
Skin Translucency. Not found in UC4.
GDC winner of best graphics.

Best graphics in a racing game. (simulation)
The only simulation of a OPEN-WORLD.
The only game that has a destructible environment.

3463d ago 4 agree22 disagreeView comment

It's the best look ARCADE racing game so far. 100% agree.

Note how no one talks about how it plays! Why ?
just play outrun 3-D, PGR, Need for speed, SEGA Rally, and any run of the mill driving arcade games with less Graphics.

3463d ago 4 agree7 disagreeView comment

Driver Club is not a simulation it's a arcade game, With simple mechanics,and simple physics for the casual gaming drivers. All the complexity is completely excluded from this game. Preset cars gives the player easy dumbed down pick and play access.

People think that this game technically wise actually think that this game is performing more calculations than a simulation when in actuality it's just a pretty Hollywood special effects show.

Look it&#...

3464d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Quote :
"Where i said that Driveclub is a driving simulator???"

That's it now you get it! So you now know that it's all FAKE!
I was right about that!

Quote :
"You really have a huuuge problem. It is a SIMCADE. You have hybrid ( sim/arcade ) racing games Test Drive Unlimited, PGR series, GRID are one of them. They are not pure arcade racing games."

They are sti...

3465d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment


Don't fool yourself this is not a driving simulator. It is not based on simulator real-world principles. This is a arcade racing game based upon simple principles. Driver club is in fact the best looking arcade game. For those of you who believe that this game is a match for a simulator you are mistaken.

Definition of being a simulator.
"Simulation is the imitation of the operation of a real-world process or sy...

3467d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

This is the best looking racing game to date, PC or not but at what cost?
This is a Arcade outrun type game and that's it. DC sacrifices all the other important aspects of the a good racing game to achieve this graphic level ,like lack luster AI, simple car choices. Take Project cars, right off the bat it's a simulator, that runs at 1080p 60fps with dynamic car physics. So the game developer ultimately decided that dynamic weather that has virtually no affect on your cars perf...

3467d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

I don't have a problem with calling this the best looking racing game to date. I have a problem with you saying it's the best game. This game only wins one category and that's graphics, everything else it loses. This game cannot be compared to Forza horizon 2 but Forza 5.
DC non-open world circuit racing game
FMS5 non-open world circuit racing game
So for dynamic weather and better graphics you forgave 60FPS...

Quote: imt558

3468d ago 5 agree9 disagreeView comment

There is no questioning it, this is the best looking racing arcade game on any console. The Cars look great the world looks great and the dynamic weather looks great all at 1080p 30FPS.

Now for the price!
1.The cars all perform pretty close to the same model.
2.Dynamic weather has absolutely very little effect no the cars.
3.There's no set up for any of the cars.
4.The AI is lack luster and repetitive and is completely uninspiring follow th...

3468d ago 0 agree6 disagreeView comment


"Xbone fans doesn't know that Driveclub has HUUUGE environments"

So when will you be able to drive to that "HUUUGE environment" ?


Why is that?

Race at 30fps (CPU/GPU).
Game physics (CPU).
Cars that you race against are driven by AI (CPU) Rain/Snow (GPU particles).

FH2 only!
CAR set up (CPU). Like FMS5......

3473d ago 0 agree10 disagreeView comment

Ryse is 900p 1886 is 800p winner XB1

3480d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment