CRank: 5Score: 12890
Still not looking as good as this!
It's only 900p.

3576d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Game play was good but it still did not look better than RYSE or Quantum Break

WHY is that?

3578d ago 3 agree11 disagreeView comment


They also don't use GDDR5 for APUs or SOCs other than PS4. So when you make up BILL$hit you get $HIT! That's why they don't have links to that BS.

"GDDR5 would also work just as well in pc's but it makes no sense to use it because it is too expensive."
This is BS too! A PC can cost upto $4000.

Not only is the PS4 CPU slow it's BW is also lower. You can&...

3598d ago 3 agree12 disagreeView comment

How meany Ways do i have to tell you this...

PS4's memory system is not the best way to feed other systems. GDDR5 is for GPUs "G"DDR and does not play well with other parts of the system that is why no one uses it for a main RAM (just SONY).

GDDR5 is hurt by asking it to work with other parts of the system. It's BW is lowered 140GB/s down as you use the CPU. XB1's DDR3 is your main memory like in a PC and it's ESRAM is like the GDDR5...

3602d ago 12 agree23 disagreeView comment

What other advantages?
Time to wake up, this will also happen with The Division. PS4 has one advantage that's a GPU as far as we know now and that's only on paper.

CPU XB1 Faster/better read/write
CPU read/write XB1
GPU read/write XB1
Memory speed XB1 200GB/s real- world
Overall Memory System XB1
Sound system XB1

GPGPU will help but PS4 fans say 14 + 4 is not true? So where will all...

3602d ago 2 agree11 disagreeView comment

Good job, been saying this for a year now. Sony = PR at any cost!
1. We have the fastest GDDR 5 176GB/s that's not the real - world, never been used outside a lab setting. it's 140GB/s by Sony's own Developer papers. 176GB/s is just PR


"Microsoft's argument seems pretty straightfor...

3606d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

Last year CODG.
"XB1 is the 720p system."
This year CODAW.
"there's no way it'll ever be 1080p"
Next year COD???.
"1080p do to them holding back PS4"
Year after that 2k.
"PS4 is still more powerfull"

DX12 is coming.

3611d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's the black bars in The order 1886, where's that PS4 power?

3622d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

All those games have one big thing in common they are all ports of old GEN games, that use old game engines. It show that the PS43 hard ware is dated.

3629d ago 22 agree29 disagreeView comment

1. They did not use ESRAM to GPU.
2. GPGPU = the 14 + 4 of the vgleaks.
3. Test was versus DX 11.1

AS some think but as i said 3 mouths ago this is wrong. "B3D"
"18CU x 64ALU = 1152 ALU/SP"
AMD 153.6GB/s (maximum) is from the HD7870. On PS4's APU the more CPU the more bandwidth is taking away from the GPU. 140GB/s effective.

we start here once again page 53:
3630d ago 4 agree14 disagreeView comment

Well done! Unmatched like i said it will be! Next up is sunset overdrive then Halo 5 then QB, and FMS6, all will be unmatched.

3634d ago 11 agree5 disagreeView comment

you cannot blame Sony for your total utter ignorance. They have completely explained the truth to you and you ignore it. The architectural Achilles' heel with PS4's CPU/GPU is "bandwidth".

The more CPU you use the less GPU bandwidth is available.

That is why graphics heavy PS4 exclusive suffer in AI and CPU intensive activities.

This is from Sony's own developers network documents, what part of that don't you underst...

3639d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

PS4 fans it has always been right in your face!

you cannot blame Sony for your total utter ignorance. They have completely explained the truth to you and you ignore it. The architectural Achilles' heel with PS4's CPU/GPU is "bandwidth".

The more CPU you use the less GPU bandwidth is available.

That is why graphics heavy PS4 exclusive suffer in AI and CPU intensive activities.

Kill zone shall fall (AI) <...

3639d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment

I have to call this how i see it. This is on the PS4. Here's why.

Exhibit A: The Order 1886 = all GFX but little CPU usage! AI sucks. NPCs are stupid.
Sub 900p @ 30fps

Exhibit B: Infamous second son = all GFX but little CPU usage, AI sucks. NPCs are stupid.
empty city. 1080p @ 30fps.

Exhibit C: Driver Club = all GFX but little CPU usage. car AI largely drives in a straight-line.
1080p @ 30fps.


3639d ago 12 agree46 disagreeView comment


Did you see how he put that"No 2D skybox, no 2D vegetation, no 2D crowds" PS4 fans still can't get over Why this game is only doing 50% of the CPU/GPU in game features and still only 30FPS?
remember Ryse versus Infamous second son, do you recall there excuse of why infamous was better, I do! Here, I'll refresh your memory,
1. Ryse was not better because the game was
linear play and therefore graphics can be heavily used and ...

3641d ago 2 agree20 disagreeView comment

Don't you get it? driver club is the most linear race track game on the planet. It does not compete with a open world extravaganza. It cannot compete with a fully destructible go anywhere world. It's has a draw distance that you will never be able to drive and see. It lacks character. It's like a out run updated. And that gets boring. The lack of CPU usage is incredible. why do you people continue to bring up a game that has already been outclass and will never compete on the sa...

3645d ago 7 agree25 disagreeView comment

This game's visuals aren't on par with Forza 5 or Forza horizon 2, so once more lazy developers not optimizing or just porting an old engine from PlayStation to Xbox one..
Old game engines run well on PS4 (older hardware). Xbox one is designed for DX 12. Even Forza 5 plus Forza horizon 2 had only certain parts of DX 12 implement in it's code. now that we know that many of the complaints about Forza 5 was untrue (fan boy banter) like 2-D skies baked lighting and others, thi...

3647d ago 0 agree5 disagreeView comment

Again just because developers don't use the power, doesn't mean it's not there. MS does not mandate rez. Sony does. Are they using new SDK? Madden is 1080p so why not this shit game?

3647d ago 7 agree57 disagreeView comment

"Stop embarrassing yourself."

When you look into a mirror all you see is yourself.
Anyway i will lay it out just for you.

1.Peter Moore
“That was running on specs, on the Xbox One”

2.Community Manager
The E3 trailer is running on a devkit powered by our brand new game engine Northlight. You can even see a glimpse of the engine logo at the beginning of Sam's and Ozz's TwitchTV segment (starts at 31 mi...

3650d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

Expected no less. this is the same engine that was used in Forza 5. a PC would need a equivalent of a 5.1 Tflop GPU to match this game engine.

3651d ago 9 agree9 disagreeView comment