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it doesn't look any less violent. I agree with Captain Tuttle. I could care less as long as it's fun. And from what I've seen so far, I think they've got that covered.

6180d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

that was hilarious. I appreciate the good laugh.

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

at what point will we wake up and go back to the time when people were responsible for their OWN actions? Violence is the only thing you hear about getting blamed on video games. What about people breaking their leg skate boarding? You never hear anyone blame Tony Hawk for trying a 720 because they could do it in the video game. People don't blame Mario for getting sick because they ate a mushroom in hopes of doubling their size. Common sense needs a renaissance.

6181d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm sure they will sell the rumble controller seperately. I seriously doubt they're going to make people buy an entire console just to get a rumble controller. That would be a bad move, and I seriously doubt they would do it. So for the people that buy the lower priced 60Gb model, all it would be is probably ~$60 for the new controller. Not really that big of a deal.

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought it was a very underrated launch title as well. This one does look like they've made some graphical improvements. I enjoyed the first one...very creepy. This should be pretty intense.

6181d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

at what point are parents going to start taking just a little responsibility for their children's actions? It's their job to instill in their child the ability to distinguish between right and wrong. It's their job to follow video game ratings and not allow their child access to content not intended for them. I'm sure this kid had some serious mental and psychological issues, but it's also the parents responsibility to get the kid help. He was probably clinically depressed, bi-polar, schi...

6181d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

mine just died on me this morning for the 2nd time. Symptoms (game freeze) started happening on Wednesday. Maybe I can get it back from repair and upgrade to the Elite once the price drop happens and the 65nm chips are in production.

6182d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

hopefully like MK_Red and mmike855 said they try and keep the mysteriousness and spiritual aspects of the first two. Although, from the looks of it, it is kind of looking more like Aliens except with dinosaurs. Still, it's looking like a solid return for the Turok series.

6182d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

and besides, how many people really think that Sony designed the PS3 with a 10 year life cycle in mind? They know good and well that all three companies will have their next next-gen systems on the shelf by 2016. Come on. And for the last time, MS is well in the process of turning the ship around regarding the refurb/RRoD issues. That horse is so dead it's ridiculous. I always thought the best marketing campaign was to pump up your own product, taking the high road and not bashing your c...

6183d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

but Cliffy B didn't rule it out completely. I personally would be happy to see it come to the 360 as downloadable content. He11, even if they integrate it into Gears 2. Hopefully they will make it happen in some way, shape or form. It only seems fair to the early adopters and supporters of the game on the 360. Time will tell I suppose.

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

everyone will be able to enjoy this one. It's great to have games like this coming out.

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

that looked great. I am definitely looking forward to this one. Can't wait for more info and footage as it progresses!

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sony is in a really tough spot though. One one hand they need to increase sales. How do you do that? Lower the price. On the other hand, for each dollar the price goes down, they increase their loss on the sale of the console by a dollar. Catch 22. Both MS and Sony have been put in a pinch by the Wii. Nintendo has, in some ways, a technologically inferior console. But all most people see is the price tag, and Nintendo has that market cornered right now. I'm sure Sony didn't plan on n...

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Rumblaxis is Dumblaxis. I don't think Sony will let it street without a catchy name. I like SixSense, but DualShock 3 would be more of an homage to the old school. Who knows. I'm sure they'll come up with something. Regardless of what it is, it will have its fans and detractors alike.

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

they haven't really lost any steam so far. I don't know if/when they will slow down. One argument says they can't possibly sustain their rate of sales for much longer. Another argument says they can because they've built a product that has significant mass appeal. Nobody in their right mind would have predicted the Wii to come out on top this gen. Right now, it looks like they may. I'm still not convinced, but it will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

the problems have been documented, and this guy, like any smart technologically involved person would/should do, provided himself a back-up. When you're at an event like E3, and are showing off your hard work, why wouldn't you provide yourself a means of ensuring that you can display your product? Should he have to bring two consoles? No, but like I said earlier, the problems have been documented. He's taking a precaution. I'm sure this is not how MS planned things to go. They're having...

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I like those sort of games. The 360 is indeed lacking in the family/party game genre. I think this is a great first step. I imagine it will lead to more games like it. Hopefully like the Trivial Pursuit game on the first Xbox. Heck, they could really expand the XBLA library with similar games. Add to that downloadable additional content, and you've got the potential for a great variety of games.

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

originality is a huge risk. That's why there's so many cookie-cutter crap games out there. People take an original concept that was done well and run it into the ground *cough* WWII games *cough*. I agree with you xbox360rocks, Bioshock is an extremely original premise, and I'd bet my bottom dollar we'll see some crappy spin-offs of that, too. Mass Effect might not be 100% original, but what will set it apart from other RPG's is how incredibly well done it is. I think that's why they're ...

6184d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'll probably still give it a chance. Even with the bugs, it looked pretty good, IMO.

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not going to completely pass judgement quite yet, even though it looked way buggy at E3. I'm really intrigued by the game, so I may still give it a chance. The cityscapes and environments looked great. Hopefully they can tweak the gameplay quite a bit before launch. Not providing a demo is still kind of a cop-out if you ask me.

6184d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment