
CRank: 5Score: 13120

they can stack 82 cells and 82 nvidia chips into 1 die but its going to mean nothing with the amount of ram thats in the ps3.You need ram for more textures and the 360 and ps3 are maxing out.

5885d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

all sony did was steal second life and my it a gaming portal.Thats all home is . it looks pretty but its second life and too much work when joining a lobby and clicking friends names is easier

5886d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

how many of those who bought the system actually use it for gaming and not as a blue ray player?I know 3 people ho have a ps3 just for blueray. Also for having 14 1/2 million users shouldn't there be 14 mill psn accounts?

5887d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

true but everyday Isp are getting better and faster,HDD's are getting bigger and cheaper. 97% of gamers are not collectors, they buy games beat them or play them for a few months and take them to gamestop so that's out the window. Like I said i dont see it happening for at least 4-5 years. In a month and a half my isp is going 50/10 for $40 bucks Im on a 30/5 for $40. In 4 or 5 years bluray will be garbage because either their will be smaller media with a bigger storage capac...

5887d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If apple had Half the users, half the computers ,and half the computer component manufacturers that windoes does Im pretty sure osx would have more problems as well.Windoes is made for a wider audience and theirs way more drivers and problems that pop up when some dip in a company makes a bad driver for their product.My 2 xp machinces and 1 vista machine have never given me a problem with the os its self but rather hardware problems or bad drivers

5887d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

LBP isn't going to kill xbl or make MS change it in anyway. Just like UT mods didnt affect it at all.yes the option of using community mods are nice but when it comes down to it who wants unwanted crap on their servers.I don't need so dip making lvl's or mods for a game that ends up screwing my game.As of right now LBP is a viva pinata to me.Its a flashy gimmick.It does look niceand the premise is nice but I don't think it will take off the way fanboy's think it will.Also its not going to ...

5887d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the majority of people are happy wit hdvds and dont want to rebuild a library again.i am 1 of them. i have over 500 dvds and dont want to bu y blu ray versions or pay 35-40 bucks for a bluray movie.Also at 400 bucks who needs a player. I wish I never started a dvd collection becauseI would of saved so much money. I bought these dvds and only watch them once and a while

5889d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

msg4 took 4 years, so this game is taking awhile big deal.let ps3 daily worry about ps3 games not 360 /pc games

5889d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

this game is ugly, and bad.i know its in beta but everything is bad. " my opinion" I have played it for a few hours .

5890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

people hating the game really need to play the demo for some time. Everything about he game is wonderful , the controls take some getting used to but other than that itsgreat. Its not a 10/10 game but it is very well done

5890d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

carmack states both games will look the same in the key scenes ,the scenes that everyone will talk about and the parts of levels where peeps wont go or far a way shots that have no bearing on the game will be blurry.So whats the problem? 2 discs doesnt ruin a game . Lazy mofos ruin games

"All of the key scenes, the things anyone is going to take a screenshot of are going to look exactly the same on both platforms," Carmack explains. "They'll get the high...

5891d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Every business that is #1 in their field is considered a monopoly and its wrong. Every company strives to be the best and make the most money but when that happens you are a monopoly.I understand MS and other big companies do make wrongful business moves that do hurt smaller companies but those small companies would do the same if they were in MS's shoes.The n all these countries better start suing Apple & Sirius/xm because they are the same as MS, especially Apple

5896d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I already have 2 launch models and whe nthis hits Imgetting 2 elites and selling these.

5897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what about nintendo with its different skus and sony with its different ps2's and ps1's . They all want us to upfrade or buy a newer model. Same sh!t different casing

5897d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

" Sony looking better and better. with that one year wait the better value for your money.

Wireless integrated.
Hard Drive in all ps3.
Bluetooth .
Better backward compatibility. "

1- yes bluray is nice but its still not a necessity.
2- Wireless gaming is foolish "free is nice" most people wouldnt use it
3-Harddrive is a great thing
4-bluetooth is not needed
5-Backward Comp your on crack.360...

5898d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment

if this is a pc game how many disc will it be on for the pc? if its coming in 2011 will pc's have bluray drives or something else? hmmmm Something to ponder... Seriously does anyony have the pc info for this. Doom4 is supposed to look even better and need 2 the hardware power so what medium is that gonna be on .Also how much worser is it really going to look?Not much .Its just the word "worst" that makes it sound so bad. If he would of said not as good or has les po...

5898d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

N4g is an epic fail and so are the peeps approving this garbage .ms support has been grat with me but nintendos support are morons and tried getting me to pay 80 bucks for nothing . F them.

5899d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

what kind of crap are they puting on the discs. Also if the 360 version is gonna be the worst because of 2 dvds hows the ps version gonna look?Also who cares how it looks if it is a good game.chinese checkers is an ugly looking game but its fun. :)

5899d ago 4 agree22 disagreeView comment

this means nothing. It doesnt help bluray or the ps3. This a a bluray player that can download netflix movies off the web. It doesnt hurt the xbox360 because if you own a ps3 are you going to pay another $400 or so for another player just to watch netflix? I think not.Its great for new bluray owners but doesnt help the ps3 or hurt the 360

5899d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

what does ps3 have?Thats what i want to know.

I say gt5 sucks and is a rehash because thats what it is. Its a rehash of a old franchise with pretty graphics and more cars. Its a hardcore sim that wont do well in america.In europe it will sell great but the magority of people wanting a racing game wont buy it because of the steep learning curve.

I own a ps3 and love uncharted and want motorstorm2 but saying "not just you" that the ps3's line up...

5900d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment