
CRank: 5Score: 13120

I like the new look.the current blades are annoying butthey get the job done and aren't bogging the system down.I hope the new " experience " doesn't hurt the system with excess resources

5747d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Theres nothing wrong with sony charging for the game if its worth it or if you feel its worth it.I paid for wow,lineage 2 ,and planetside and live and If mag was a type of game I could get into then I would pay for it. They jus thave to make it worth a subscription. Also come next year ill be paying for stargate worlds hmmmmm stargate I love thee

5747d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I concur with ^^^^

5747d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I personally like the shape the the 360 and wouldnt want it changed.Im a type of person who buys the newest version andif it looks like the ugly slim ps2 then ill pass

5747d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

scott steinberg is a flaming fanboy :) He has a blu-flame on his buttocks

5748d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

im happy if it gets patched within 2 weeks after that ill be angry like animal from the muppets. 2 weeks for single player and then the world

5748d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I see people speaking of articles thats MS ripped off the consumers, hmmm really. How did they do that. Yes the rrod was a Fup but they have done a great job with that. now it should not have ever happened but sony went though something similar with the ps1/ps2 dre. Which I suffered far far far worse than the rrod " never happened to my launch systems " 2 ps1s and 4 ps2 over the ps2 life span. and sony never gave me credit for my discs that were broke or paid for my shipping. ! t...

5748d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GG LBP GG . I dont like the game.I like the concept but every video I have seen it looks boring to me. "just my opinion" Same with spore ew

5748d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I just dont understand why this even got put on the site.Oh wait its n4g nvm

5748d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

i think im going to make a site and blog about how I hate sony and nintendo so the xbox fans and have negative things to post on here because its ridiculous how all this bogus negative MS/xbox crap gets approved.Its really sad that its even on this site.I thought this wasa news site not a gamers rag mag like star or national inquirer

5749d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

I have 2 xp machines and 1 vista and my vista machine run great . Its a slower machine than my xp machines but seems to run vista extremely smooth.I love the added features but I dontthink it is a major upgrade.Xp was such a great improvement from me/2000 that xp to vista wasnt a huge jump. But I predict win 7 will be incredible

5749d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Great list of games! Theres about 40 games ill be renting and 30 Ill be buying. GG

5749d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats a shame I was looking forward to this but oct. 7th isn that far away so its all good.

5749d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I fell alseep that was so boring. Granted you can do alot with this game but 90% will be junk. I love this lil sacks

5749d ago 5 agree25 disagreeView comment

360 beat the ps3 by 84000

5751d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Home is not a system seller and its a nice idea but its been done before " second life ".I predict it will get boring fast.

5751d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

let the ps3 have it.Its boring anyway. The concept was great but that game isnt that much fun after a few hours ( my opinion ) .Also the game makes more sense on a wii than the ps3 and 360 anyway

5753d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

pc gaming offers too many problems, system spec/lag, viruses, anything. Im a pc gamer also but a network like live andpsn is much better than open pc gaming because on a pc thers no standard. Also $40 - $50 for live is worth it and And Ive been paying for it Since day 1 launch.If psn was $50 id pay for it aswell. If you cant afford it recycle some soda cans :)

5754d ago 6 agree7 disagreeView comment

R2 ( maybe )

Fable 2
gears 2
left 4 dead **
dead space

My holidy season will be great. Me and my games and F! santa

5754d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dvd is fine for this gen.If it was in ps3 wii of 360. There isnt a real need the 50gig discs. Theres only a handful devs if even that would use that ir even half of that. Also if rage is supposed to be 15-25 giggy's that install on a pc is going to be a B!tch Because installed BF2 and UNreal Champ 2004 were a pain with their 5 disc installs. A 2-3 disk streaming is fine

5757d ago 1 agree5 disagreeView comment