
CRank: 5Score: 13120

no ways its 68%. Thats just BS! They would have to of reported that and it would have been everywhere.

5862d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment

its time he starts making good games again. Also Mccain is going to lose,This chick is going down

5865d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

they are right. As of now probably 70% of people dont want or need bluray and are happy with dvd nut technology is improving so fast that bluray will be out dated soon.

5865d ago 2 agree6 disagreeView comment

your wrong.The xbox game into the gaming market as a new console by a hated american company and it was going up against a powerhouse ps2 and nintendo. The xbox with its live grabbed a big portion of sony only gamers. Now its safe to assume most gamers will buy both consoles which is great "I have both" so the xbox was able to get into sony's market and sell its machine as a "hardcore" gaming console and it has done a great job of that.

5865d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

I dont think its reach its limit for games today but epic did say that on the games in 2 or 3 years you will see the the limit reached.As for as games not passing gears and bioshock ,I dont think its the 360 but more of the devs.You can say the same for the ps3 right now because just about every game is a multiplat game.But if the 360 does hit the ceiling in 2 years than that falls in line with the 5yr plan.Im happy with a new xbox in 2010.

5865d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

LBP is nothing more than a viva pinata/N+ wanna be clone.Its a gimmick that has great marketing.Sony should have markets uncharted like they do with LBP. LBP isnt a system seller. It will sell lots of copies to droids but It wont have an impact like MGS4 did.

Now I do agree that the new dash board avatars looks like mature wiis and I dont want them but oh well I want everything else except them

5868d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

home is nothing more than a second life reject.Its all flash but has no quality.

5868d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Icant wait for this update but I dont like the HD installs.Its not going to make a big difference like it does on the ps3 because the ps3 drive is slower so it needs to use the installs. Installing on the 360 will boost games what 20% thats nothing . I like that its optional but I think devs will make it mandatory and that I dislike.Also since the 360's drive is faster I dont understand why installs will take as long as the ps3's if not longer??? 7-10 minute installs.Its not a long time but...

5868d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment
5869d ago

what a crap article.I can write 8 article about how MS customer service has been uber nice to me and solved any probs I had. What a waste . Like whe nmy lil bros 360 died after 8 months and his mlb2k8 disc broke they sent a Brand new not refurbed console and they couldn't give him a new mlb2k8 so they gave him a pgr game and soething else I dont remember plus 3 mo live free.

5869d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Paying $15 a month to play for a few hours a night if even that worse than paying $4 a month for xbl period.If your argument is psn/ps3 is better than 360/live because psn is free than thats jus ta fanboy rant that cant be taken seriously because the only reason psn is free is to compete with live because if there was no live you better bet your ass that psn would be charging.Sony is losing millions a month on the servers. $4 a month is not alot of money you can recycle 80 side cans ...

5870d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

psn is the same way.If xbl was so bad people wouldn't dev for it.I agree the cert is a b1tch but its MS's platform and they make the rules sos they can charge or do what they please.The braid guy knew what he was getting himself into so he has to deal with it.

Whats silly about paying to play on live? Its a service and you have to pay to play. No different from wow ,lineage, or any internet subscription.

5870d ago 3 agree9 disagreeView comment

MS is making money on the 360 and besides not having a harddrive how is the arcade worthless?

5871d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

what is amazing is that this turned into a xbox hate feast again and and a ps3 love feast all because he said the ps3 is easier t owork with than the original nintendo "nes" and the reason he said that was because gaming tools and engines and code were much different than today where a 5 year old and design a flash game. Back then It was really about 0000111111111000000 and not like most of the lvl creator software and the pcs they use now.This has nothing to do with NGS being...

5872d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I agree what your saying but what I was trying to say is that a score means nothing . Its cosmetic.What matters is what is written about the game, the good points and bad points of the game not the score.Too human is a good example because alot of reviewers said very very very good things about the game and they listed all the bugs but it seems that the score is reflecting more on the bad than the good. ! of the sites gave too human liek a 7 something or a 6 something but only really com...

5872d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the fools saying he wasted tens yearsneed to stop the game was a concept 10 years ago.They never started work on the game until 3 or so years ago when the 360 kits went out. I cant stand seeing this over and over.

Also I love this game but can admit there are alot of problems but I do believe the gameplay is better than the problems,with that said the problems just shouldnt be there its not a 10 or a 5.5

5872d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

what I dont understand how people can say the 360 is in bad shape because of a few games with decent scores because the only ones who care for scores are fanboys and not the general public.Just because a game getsa 7 or a 8 doesnt make it bad.Also you have to remember when its said and done maybe 10-15 people will have made reviews on the game and no matter what the reviews are if some 500000 people go to a store and buy the game its a success. Reviews " scores" mean nothing,...

5872d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

only way 2 systems with different amounts of ram would work was if thegame had a texture/graphics slider option like pc games do.Where the system detects the game and configures its graphics according to the hardware.This wouldnt be a smart move for sony and I would bet my life they wouldn't do it because no company would.

5873d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Everything he said was absolutely correct.The game is amazing Fact! If these reviewers sat down with the game and actually played it too play the game not to review it then i bet their opinions would be different.Im lvl 32 cyber champion and I cant wait to get to 50. I had 1 camera problem and a few sound prob's here and there but nothing major.I do admit that there are a lot of things Id change and tweak but the game is awesome and is Like crack when you start it up,you just don't want to ...

5874d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

If i posted a video from the people who made the ram in the 360 they would say hte samething about their product . Its all spin.

5874d ago 1 agree7 disagreeView comment