
CRank: 5Score: 13120

You all are making like this is some kind of smoking gun. Theres literally nothing wrong with MS taking the full share of IAP rev. Obviously the companies who signed up had no issue with it so why do any of you? How cou l you find them take 100% of the rev "scummy" but not Sony having devs Not make games for the xbox platform or forbidding it?

415d ago 2 agree14 disagreeView comment

this comment section is full of waterheads. Companies have been coming out in support of the deal, The so called "Bad" deals that detailed ms keeping the full share of iap is justified if you understand he process and if Nvidia who has geforce now which isa much better streaming platform than Xcloud thought they were getting a bad deal do you really think they would sign it and then come out on twitter insupport of the deal?

There was nothing BS about this deal....

415d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

xbox doesnt need adaptive triggers, they are annoying and i turned them off. Menu music..really? What xbox needs is to redo that horrible dashboard. its absolutely terrible and looks like a mess. Also while they are at it streamline XBP UI also because that thing is a giant cluster F of sections

1245d ago 1 agree4 disagreeView comment

I have both and to be honest i could have done without either. they both are terrible launches. The dual sense controller is pure trash to me. The adaptive triggers are annoying as fk, the touch pad is useless Other than the remake demon souls and i guess MM the ps5 has nothing special going for it.( i do like the new UI) the xbox controller is still the best controller even though its stale and boring, game pass is a game changer for a new gamer but when youve already played all of those g...

1299d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

xbox should have refined the elite controller and included that with every series X. with that said the dual sense is not mind shattering. the adaptive triggers are annoying and i turned them off. the touch pad is useless. i do like the feel of the controller and the speaker

1302d ago 1 agree11 disagreeView comment

This reminds me of a prettier looking Too Human (which was one of my favorite games )

1608d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Are you people retarded? Xbox will have exclusives. Just because games will also appear on xbx1 doesn't mean they r gonna hurt or nerf the series X. Sometimes I feel half of y'all don't know ish about ish. Let's see.. develope a multimillion game and release it to a platform with no install base in the first year or release it to the new platform and the previous with a 40 million install base. You make it like everyone will run out and buy series X week or yr 1.

1615d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Do you actually think Sony is gonna stop supporting the PS4 in yr 1 ? It makes no sense not to release your games on both gens. It's not like on day 1 the entire install base is gonna upgrade to the next box.

1616d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

How could anyone say "well it's on game pass so duh" as an argument for the game having 10milliom players? That's like writing off league of legends or fortnite for having the playerbase they h e when they are free. I think 10million for SOT is a great accomplishment. It was once a fully priced game and even now gamepass being able to get 10 million to play it means alot.

1620d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It benefits the publisher not the developer. The publishers want more money

1878d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Complete and utter horseshït. There's no way steam could survive at 12%. The epic game store won't be able to survive either at their current rate and Sweeney knows it . Epic/Tim are being scumbags and just want to disrupt pc gaming because they think fortnite made them king shīt. I fully understand publishers want more money and it's a 3 way deal between the platform (steam) the publisher and the developer but epic is acting like a damn terrorist. Gabe should walk out on ...

1878d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

does it really matter about the power of each? they were released in 2013 and this generation will be significantly shorter than the last, so if this gen goes 5-6 years how many triple
A games can we really expect from each dev that will cause a graphical uproar?

3144d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Dude are you crazy? This would be no different than ea ubi or Sony purchasing a studio. Do you think any and I mean any of Sony's current exclusives were developed by Sony or by separate studios that they later purchased . this is business nothing more nothing less

3567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

My story is true. 1 was a launch day amazon ps4 and the other was a replacement from amazon. Its rubbish because I didn't say omg praise lord ps4? How do you know the failure rate of either console? How do you know who's console is failing more? Are you going by bs articles on n4g and gaf.

3826d ago 5 agree11 disagreeView comment

its just as bad as all the blod on the ps4. I went through 2 ps4's and i gave up. my bro is on his second xb1. The only diff is that theres 10x more xbox haters so all these stupid articles are posted on this site. the start of this generation is the same as any generation just with more media exposure to highlight the shortcomings of production by both companies

3826d ago 4 agree29 disagreeView comment

It should be noted that this settlement doesn't mean a free $25 for everyone who ever got a "Disc Read Error" message from his or her PS2. All claims must be accompanied by proof of the purchase and/or repairs. Claims must be made over the settlement Web site or mailed and postmarked by February 16, 2006.

Everyone with a 360 got a 3 yr warranty extension where only those lucky people with "proof" of purchase recieved $25 bucks if even that. MS support wins ...

5713d ago 1 agree13 disagreeView comment

There wont be a recall because theres no need to do a recall. The warranty extension is enough.Stop the flaming fanboyism this wont help sony.How about you sue sony for screwing of the psps/laptops/and TV's witht he pixel problems?

5713d ago 2 agree22 disagreeView comment

this lawsuit will be dismissed quickly.Ms will win. I want some1 to sue sony,samsung,jvc,LG,and every other tv manufacturer for selling tvs with dead or stuck pixels.I had to return 3 tvs because of this. This is a BS lawsuit to just get some cash.I think we all know this.Yes the 360 has had its problems but MS did extend the warranty on the 360. Most game consoles or tv or any electronic device normally only has a 1 year warranty so after that 1 yr your screwed anywa...

5713d ago 2 agree17 disagreeView comment

I have been playing this game non stop and havent had 1 glitch yet. Its an amazing game I just wish the character models were a lil better but other than that and the enemie being a lil weak the game is in the running for GOTY

5713d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

until we all see actual gmaeplay video of each retail copy than this means nothing.

5716d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment