
CRank: 5Score: 13120

the same everyone wins

5917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I dont care what sony nintendo and MS have for 2009 I want to know whats coming this year. So forget Killzone2, and God of war any other games coming in 2009. Gears of war 2 r2 fable is all i need.

5917d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I have a launch model " white dvd drive plate " that never rrod if i wanted to trade it in with a wired controller and a wireless controller to game spot how much do u think i could get as a upgrade to the new model?

5917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The PS3 has 22.4 GB/s of GDDR3 bandwidth and 25.6 GB/s of RDRAM bandwidth for a total system bandwidth of 48 GB/s.

The Xbox 360 has 22.4 GB/s of GDDR3 bandwidth and a 256 GB/s of EDRAM bandwidth for a total of 278.4 GB/s total system bandwidth.

Why does the Xbox 360 have such an extreme amount of bandwidth? Even the simplest calculations show that a large amount of bandwidth is consumed by the frame buffer. For example, with simple color rendering and...

5918d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Does it matter who has faster ram or a better cpu because neither will beused to its full power . Also the only game that can say looks better than a 360 game by a small margin is mgs4. so all those spe's and rambus isnt speaking for much because devs aint using them.Also I do remember rambus being used for intel mobo's a while back because it was light years faster than ddr but where is it today.Its in the back seat because its crap in real world but great on paper. Also this whole t...

5918d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Graphics mean nothing in gaming, its all about control for mobile gaming and would bet that the controls using the touch interface must suck ass because moving the interface in general use is a lil finicky .Typing is a pain in the ass with the iphone.

5918d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I love xbl but think it is very possible for psn to match xbl in feature set. Theres not much to catch up on really. Psn being free is nice but anyone saying xbl is a rip off of 50 bucks is a crack head. Its like 4 bucks a month and if 50 a year is bad the ni think u should go and complai n to your isp for charging you 30,40 ,50 bucks a month.

5919d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its never going to "fixed" because there are tons of peeps with the consoles that will at some time be affected. I have 2 launch models and both have had 0 problems.My brother is on his 4th console because of rrod. He gets was pissed about it at the time but it only took 2 weeks to get the repaird consoles and the 4th was a brand new unit sent from MS with a free game and 2 free arcade games and 12 mo free gold live. Hes very happy and MS tech support never gave us a problem....

5922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its sad because i had high hopes forthis game.I will s till be renting it from gamefly but its amazing if all t he stories are true that SK screwed this game up. The article states this has been in dev for 10 yrs, thats a long ass time for 1 ip and since SK had M$ money they should have done a better job" if reports are true". This is not M$'s fault to those blaming M$. Oh well e3 e3 e3

5922d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

the reason the ps1 and ps2 problems werent well known were because we didnt have the net like we do today and thats a fact. Every 10 minutes theres a neg story about the 360 on n4g and 95% of the time its some moron blogger doing his part in fanboyism.Sony didnt fix the problem quickly and they never reached out to the customers they way MS has. Yes after a while they did allow people to send them in But i was already 2 of my own ps2 and 1 ps1 late ,my bro junked his as well.So ...

5923d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

this report means nothing .Has everyone forgotten the major defects of the ps2 dre drives and the ps1 dre . plz people this happens , its said that it did affect so many but MS is doing the right thing.Sony never help customers out like ms has with tis consolesi n the past. We " my br oand i went through like 4 ps2's and 2 or 3 ps1s. all because of the drive.I have 2 launch arcades and still have no problems.My ps3 gave me a few probs but i sent it in and its working fine. Theres...

5923d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Personally i'd like to know why all these "Analyst's constantly have to make articles dooming the 360 . How come everyday theres not 1 for the wii ,psp,ds, or ps3 but because MS owns the 360 there has to be doom news everyday. This whole article is nonsense. Maybe the 360 wont be first or second but that doesnt mean that MS has failed! They took a large bite out of sony's market and have made nice n nice with many dev companies.You have to remember this is aan american ...

5928d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

only thing i got from this is that grid looks amazing

5930d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Does any of this matter ? Its 1 Dev stating his opinion on another devs IP.He didnt say anything about Kojima and if he did so what.Kojima is a big boy.Its amazing how Fanboys are looking at Kojima like a game industry god.All hes made is MGS. Mgs 3 ok MGS 4 better. Hes not Shigeru Miyamoto!!

5935d ago 0 agree7 disagreeView comment

CLiffy B can attack anyone and any ip he feels like.He doesnt have to show respect to anyone if he doesnt want to especially Kojima. Who is Kojima to Cliffy B? Hes nobody andMGS is nothing.Kojima and MGS are the competitors .I would do the same thing .The world needs more peeps like him and Jaffe .

What mold does it break? Take out the cutscenes and its not half the master piece everyone says it is. It is nice but way over hyped. Uncharted was better in * my opinon *

5935d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

just wondering what makes peeps think mgs4 is the ultimate game?Personally i enjoyed uncharted more.

5935d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally so what if he dissed Kojima. Besides mgs what big game has kojima made. Not many .I kno CB hasnt either so big deal.They both suck.Kojima made 1 great game.Its not like hes Marios,or zeld's papa then there is a issue.

5935d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

the game works so theres no lawsuit. Yes its buggy but you have to deal with it just like we have to deal with mlb2k8

5937d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm happy there's a ps alternative. It makes buying consoles and game better for us. Also I happen to love my launch 360.Personally I dont care who wins the market share thing because in the end it means nothing.All 3 consoles are going to sell for a few more years until the next next gen pops up.What MS did was cut the ps fandom in peices and gave hardcore gamers another system .I jump from my 360 to my ps3 all the time.I have always hated the ps controller and think the sticks a...

5939d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

whats truly sad is how everyone focuses on the graphics of any game and totally leaves out game play and stuff.Yes the first thing we all see are graphics but they arent everything.AlsoNO game on the ps3 looks dramatically better than the best graphics ona 360.Yes mgs4 looks amazing but its still not mind blowing.Its hype.

5939d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment