
CRank: 5Score: 13120

anyone who says thats theres mopre of a difference between r1 & r2 is on crack. Watch those multiplayer visa and single player vids. r2 looks just like r1 if not worse. Granted both titales wont be done for a few months so give them time

5940d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

sony doesnt win devs over with support ,they give them cash to support their IP's just like MS and EA.Its buisness and if sony was doing it with re then all the power to them but their not.

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its not bribing. thats the way u win. sony does the same.Look at k2. Its paid for by sony.Only one who doesnt do it is nintendo because they have a crap system

5942d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

awesome i hope they do it Sony then will hit back with something else

5942d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whom ever says that the memory structure in the ps3 is better than the 360 is wrong. In the 360 the gpu can take advantage of the the full amount of ram not just half. so since games are graphically intensive it can use more ram than the ps3 can for higherend textures where as the ps3 can only use 256. Both systems use too small amout of ram and to be honest its amazing that both systems can produce games that look this amazing on the small amount of ram they have.

5944d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Its a amazing that a few reviewers gave the game a lower score peeps think they are wrong for that. What are they supposed to d o follow the rest of the sheep and be cookie cutter reviewers. Its their job to review things how they see it and this is his review.Alot of the reviews should not have been 10's. But they are because they are cookie cutter reviewers.Alow of these review sites listed alot of faults with the game but didnt put the faults of the game into their final re...

5944d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

PLayer models look like xbox1 models.Mutliplayer looks like 1 giant deathmatch. Ill pass on this and wait for k2 & gears

5945d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bet the 2 disc is for the added content " cars". Forza 2 is huge and an awesome game. Anyone saying disc changing is a hassel is a fool. If it was changing a disk every lap or every race than yes that would suck but you wont be doing that and a 10 second disk change beats a 4 minute install

5945d ago 2 agree4 disagreeView comment

Well every game u listed ranks among each other.Theres nothing in that list u made of ps3 games that are above the 360's. The 360's line up is better because there is more of it.The ps3 has great games coming but the 360 can match it head on it just depends on what the consumer likes. u hate the 360 and worship the ps3 thats fine ,thats you but thats is d0uchebag way of thinking

5946d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think thta many cars is stupid.Theres no need for 200 300 or 500 cars. Alot of tracks are great but theres no need to have all those cars

5946d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

did some1 say the 360 is obsolete and that forza 2 had square cars? wow fanboyism at its finest. gg N4g gg

5946d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

Iagree with some of your points but the reviewer is right on whe nhe says other review sites/mags ranted about certain faults ( even if they were minor ) But still gave it a 10. If you are going to go indepth about a games short coming or a fault then you have to put tthat fault into your review score.I love halo 3 love love it love it , buts in not a 10. Multiplayer 10 single player 8.5 . People found problems with halo 3 and scores were dropped. GTA wasnt a 10 and mgs4 or gta4 are g...

5946d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

there are no mods here .Just abunch of fanboyism and poo

5946d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Of course MS would do this so would SONY andNINTENDO and any other company. If your competitors big gun is being released of course to try to pull attention away from them .Thats buisness. All these companies want their products to do well .If anyonethinks what MS did was them being nervous,low, or pathetic than you have no clue how buisness or life works.

5946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fanboys are crazy. The reviewer found faults in thew game just like all the other sites/ mags but this 1 actually did the right thing by putting the games faults into his review.Thats what they are supposed to do.Just too bad other games that score 10 faults get overlooked for $$,exclusivity .

5946d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think that these sites or mags that arent giving it perfect scores are the only ones that state whats wrogn with the game or what they dont like about it.I personally wish all mags/sites world put the negative about certain AAA titles in their reviews but they are scared the devs will black list them and this is a fact. Simple fact is there is some

frame rate trouble
Way too many cut scenes
Difficulty has dropped due to the ability of purchasing
Some flat/...

5946d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks pretty good but im more excited over the ufc game than r2

5947d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

ps3 only has 3 maybe 4 titles

FF maybe

lbp is a gimmick
mgs4 looks to be great
r1 was bad and so was its multi so r2 has to live of to the hype

Besides mgs 2 theres nothing eye catching or system sellers in that line up. 360 isnt dead , its perfectly fine and so is the ps3.Just too bad these to great consoles are losing to the biggest gimmick of them all the wii " and I love nintendo".

5948d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Personally the line up isnt that bad. If most of these games come out this year than the line up is good. Sony and nintendo's lineup arent much better for this year titles.Nintendo has nothing and little big planet and R2 are sony's big guns. ps3 & 360 systems have some goos games coming.

5949d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

u fanboys live in a fantasy world. This is everywhere and it will never stop . live,steam,psn,irc,myspace etc. Deal with it,every medium has aholes and everyone of us are aholes because we all b!tch and moan on the networks. We all curse and yell. its part of competition.I do agree the racist talk is bad no matter what but deal with it ,freedom of speech . Also if it reallyt bothers u that much than mute them . I do . If your going to let some lil dooooche bags ruin your fun online than ur th...

5950d ago 4 agree5 disagreeView comment