
CRank: 5Score: 13120

customer service from every company sucks.

5978d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

take this garbage down. N4G has really become the enquirer of gaming. Between all the fanboy crap and these bs articles i dont understand why i come back.

5978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

anyone complaing about graphics or framerate are on crack. The video looks to ve compressed and low res and for some reason any video i watch on here from GT always skips but when I watch it on live or on another site the video runs smooth also the models were designed to looks kind of blockish.I apsolutely loved ti especially the water part

5978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I see alot of people saying well theres nothing on the list that says wow I need to buy a 360, well what on the ps3 or wii list screams wow I need to buy one of those consoles. I own the ps360 so Im happy but Theres nothing that screams buy a ps3 . MGS4 doesnt ,personally I think its an aquired taste just like FF. Killzone 2 if it lives up to the hype should be good but i dont think r2 will be a system seller. The wii on the other hand has nothing. Are there system selle...

5979d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

personally i think the game will be nice but i dont think it will be ground breaking or have visuals that are more stunning than a gears or a uncharted. also reviews by any ps only or xbox only mag are garbage

5980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What games had gears its ass that have been released? The lighting in gow2 looks fantastic and remember this is the first footage we have seen and its a rail level .

5980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

looks nice but nothing spectacular. I like this gameplay better than the video that was shown in the past. Hopefully it lives up to the hype

5980d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

cant wait! it looks beautiful , Its sad people say certain games copy the look when every game has the same elements of another. most use the same engines. But in this case I believe this has been in production longer. Looks great.

5980d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

before I read the hole thing in my head i was saying they both look fine. I dont get people posting videos like this. The games not even out yet. The crash effect has been around since n64. the ps3 or 360 and the wii can have realistic crashes

5981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That blur effect is in most games now adays to make the horizon look realistic" sorta". I like it. I watched every video i could find on killzone and still ddint see anything that was mind blowing. Theres no benchmark there. Crysis on the pc with everything to the max is a benchmark not kz2 . In all honesty it has nothing to do with fanboyism its just that gears of war 1 set the benchmark for this gen gaming consoles " both" and so far on the ps3 only unch...

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

its hard to compete when 1 was launch like 3 years b4 the other so it carries the name brand. today most people dont say im going to listen to my sony mp3 or my ms mp3 they just say ipod. I own both a ipod and a zune .In a perfect world Id put the itunes software with the zune and a subscription service like zune software and Id be so happy.

I love my zune but the software is very buggy.The subscription service is great especially that you can unlock the drm is a flash...

5981d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

what I dont understand is why people need to use killzone 2 as a bench mark. From what Ive seen of kz2 its nothing better than gow1. How long has k2 been in dev for 3,4 years? Dont compare it to kz2 compare it to r2.Its like people comparing everything to mgs4 looks ok but doesnt look like a super next gen game. When gow1 was announced it looked freaking amazing but looking at these ps3 games does nothing for me . little big planet now that looks good but kz2 ewww mgs 4 nothing sp...

5981d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

GOW2 looks amazing. KZ2 and R2 better step it up if they want to compete. Especially kz2, It would of been nice if they released a video with more ground war but I love it. This will be a great year in gaming for all consoles "except tiiini wiiiini"

5982d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

there is no lie. sony does the same , so does apple , honda , coca cola and every other company, its called good PR. Nothing to see here jus t another anti ms xbox article that has nothing useful for gamers

5985d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

no the real question is how important is a big hdd. IMHO its not that important. The only reason why it would be was if you had to install all your games to the hard drive to make them run better ala pc but by doing so yo ut ake away the 1 major advantage the console has over pc. theres no reason someone would need more than 120 gigs on a console or even more than 80gigs. unless your a pack rat and dont want to delete all those crappy demos

5985d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

why would you keep all those demos on your hdd? you can always download a demo again. Also i dont see why anyone would want a mp3 on a ps3 or a 360 anyway.whats the point of that? I understand downloading xbl games and psn games and downloading movies. I have had my xbox360 since day 1 and have no problems at all. and I have 12 gigs free on my hdd because i delete my demos . I have 9 xbl games and a few gamer pics . No need to keep alot of gamer pics .I would like to see th...

5985d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

one of the main features of consoles over pc was that there was no install. Now having to install a game on a console is a joke.The load time between the ps3 and xbox is a diff of about 4 or 5 sec with the install. Thats not enough to make me want to install my game . and the popin isnt bad ont he 360.Yes it does happen but its not bad at all.

5994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just watched it and in the club scene the colors on the 360 look slightly better.i did notice only 1 frame dip but im not sure if it was the video or the game.The game looks great on both systems but its the 360 for me.

5994d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

its really a matter of opinion. I just dont understand why sony fannies think the ps3 version is the better 1 when its the same game just a little sharper visuals. Not more textures or better frame rate just sharper because of the aa. I own a ps3 and a 360 I have gta4 coming for 360 and not having a c*nt hairs worth of sharpness doesnt turn me off to a great game.

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

SLIGHTlY sharper textures doesnt make a game better. A 2x better frame rate does. Better control does, extra content helps . So basically their is NO better version but because the 360 has the extra content coming that has the upper hand. Remember they said Slightly better textures. Every review I have read said the same SLIGHTlY and slightly means jack but extra content adds new life to a game.Either way both consoles win witha great game but the 360 gets gta4 gta4.1 and gta4.2

5996d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment