
CRank: 5Score: 13120

Numbers mean nothing,and talk about which cpu or gpu is better on paper means nothing.Its how they perform in real life and as of today ,august,december08 and 09 they will be equal. Even though both systems are different they are on the same lvl. The cell means nothing because it is held back because the ps3's lack of ram and the gpu as well. Deal with it people

5951d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

No matter what people say to make installs a good thing they are forgetting 1 major factor that devs & gamers always liked about consoles was no installs.Thats top 2 advantages consoles always had on pc's. Now 1 minutes install ,2 or 3 then you just lost all arguements. If it was 20 sec install or a 30 than ok i can deal with it but 3 minutes ew.I can changea disk in 2.3 seconds. disk change wins 70% cutscenes lose. If Konami wants to make interactive movies than make night trap ( se...

5952d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I rather swap a disk than h ave to install. Takes 2 seconds to swap a disk. people need to get a grip on reality. If it wasnt for the cutscenes this would have no prob being on a 360. People saying disk swapping is a pain dont know what they are talking about.Its not like your swapping every 10 minutes or every hour. Games that require that many disks are going to last some time before a disk change unless its something like MGS where its 70% movie 30% gaming

5952d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

console games shouldn't have install times! Thats the major advatange consoles have over pc gaming . Also 2-3 minute installs or loading between acts is ridiculous .The game didn't have to be a 50 gig game and the only reason it is a 50 gig game is because of the stupid cut scenes. I bet the game would fit on a standard dual layered dvd without all the crap

5956d ago 3 agree5 disagreeView comment
5959d ago

This game is garbage! Looks bad on both systems .Its very bright on the ps3 but I think the ps3 ver. looks better just because of the brightness.Textures and all look like poo

5959d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

iM glad they didnt review it. Any company in any industry that puts restrictions on what can be said about a product,album,movie shouldnt have their product reviewed or in a magazine.Anyone think Konami is right for what they are doing is on crack.Yes they allow these people to play the game early but if key features/problems are left out of reviews that the devs dont want the public to kknow about its like lying to the public.No critic should be silenced.Konami is wrong

5959d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

to the fools saying its the xbox's fault you need to get a life. Its the engines fault.The engine the game was built on is from the original xbox version. Team N needs to move to next gen.I am still getting the game because its is awesomeness

5960d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I find it amazing that people praise Kojima for making mgs games.People they were good games but not great games.Both are allowed to have their opinions, its sad howclosed minded some fannies are on this crap site

5961d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wow this game look awesome , much better than dmc4 .Scores only mean something to fanboys. Just watching thing game u can see it looks awesome.The bosses are massive

5961d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

more wasted space on a server. That article was tarded

5963d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

look identical to me

5963d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

who ever wrote that is retarded! Brute force was a good game , and having killzone 2 in there is a joke when the game hasnt been released yet

5963d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

all the reviews listed on that site are garbage.Cant take the seriouslyc"not that any critic should be" but its the same with nin power and oxm
* PlayStation Official Magazine (UK): 10/10
* PlayStation Official Magazine (US): 10/10
* PlayStation Official Magazine (Italy): 10/10
* PlayStation Official Magazine (Dutch): 9.6/10
* LEVEL (Sweden): 10/10
* Joypad (France): 19/20
* Jeuxvideo Magazine (France): 18/20...

5965d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

wtf are all the fanboys talking about 8.7 is a awesome score. No one expected ng2 to " save the 360 " or get 10's. 8.7 is a great score from a decent critic, im upset about the camera.A slight frame drop is certain points doesnt bother me as long as its not throughout the entire game " mlb2k8 " .Also the framerate has nothing to do with the 360 it has to do with the devs not optimizing the game I cant wait for this GG

5966d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

personally i believe M$ are right.Bluray is too new and most people dont need or want it. many people are happy with dvd quality. The same with hdtv's. i like the look of the tv but cable and sat are just not ready for hdtv. i have optimum online/tv in New York and we only have 40 hd channels at most and the networks hd isnt that good. i have a hdtv in my living room and a 36 inch tube im my pc room and i watch tv on that more because when i have to watch a non hd chanel it look...

5968d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Guess we know why this game is too big for the 360.(0 minute cut scene ,what a waste of time and space.

5969d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Is it possible that the mags r wrong?They have been wrong before.I don't take anything seriously until the devs make say something.Screen shots mean nothing because they dont promote the ps3 in anyway

5970d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Game looks very nice Just hope it lives up to the hype and has good controls

5975d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

he wasnt speaking of a graphical limit due t o the 360 but as a industry whole.People really need to pay attention and stop bashing a hardware platform that stands toe to toe with the rival in graphical terms. Once again another article on this junk and people bash the 360. i thought that was for the other section

5977d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment