
CRank: 5Score: 48300

Interesting list of nominees.
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Final Fantasy VII Remake
The Last of Us: Part II

916d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I actually finished the game over the weekend and I feel like people would miss out on a lot if they just jumped into Lost Legacy first. There are so many references to other games and little moments that would fall flat because you would lack context.

916d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well, looks like I'll be giving some money to Square on Wednesday.

917d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

You'll notice that a lot of the games on the list were on Gamepass. When people have the option to try the games with very little risk you come into a situation where people just try a game for a bit and drop it.

There's plenty of reasons that could affect game completion besides the quality. This list has nothing to do with any of that, it's mostly there for fanboys to yell at each other over. Just look at the comments here.

919d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Those got a small nerf in one of the updates.

919d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Please explain to me how my logic is flawed. All of the Xbox adjacent sites gave it a score above the average (71%) there is no logic here, just facts. The last two are close but they are still above average whether you would like them to be or not.

I never said only Xbox adjacent sites gave it a higher score because other sites clearly gave it above average. It would be incorrect to say that.

I actually think the game looks interesting and will probabl...

919d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game has a 71% on Metacritc.

Windows Central 90% on Metacritic.
XboxHub 90% on Metacritic.
Xbox Achievements 75% on Metacritic.
Xbox Tavern 73% on Metacritic.

It's interesting to see that predominantly Xbox adjacent websites give it higher than average score on Metacritic. The highest score it got when you take away Windows Central and XboxHub is an 8 on Metacritic.

There we go, sorry about that. Just...

919d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Their review is not on Metacritic.

919d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

The game has a 71% on Metacritc.

Windows Central 90%
XboxHub 90%
Xbox Achievements 75%
Xbox Tavern 73%

It's interesting to see that predominantly Xbox adjacent websites give it higher than average score. The highest score it got when you take away Windows Central and XboxHub is an 8.

There is a reason people can't trust reviews anymore and this is one of them.

919d ago 5 agree6 disagreeView comment

Did you just say that black males have contributed way more to gaming than women, homosexuals, transgender, etc?

Then you wonder where the disagrees are coming from...

Edit: I guess I should have said straight black males to make the statement a bit more accurate since you clearly made that distinction, my bad.

920d ago 12 agree3 disagreeView comment

Just because the author can relate to Cole does not mean other black people can. Trying to make out Deathloop as some sort of savior is ridiculous.

I'm still waiting for everyone to riot when they learn Sifu is being developed by a French based studio.

This fixation on race, gender and sexual preference of fictional characters is getting tiring.

920d ago 27 agree5 disagreeView comment

NFTs and Crypto have a negative effect on the environment, just Google "NFT impact on environment" and read up on it. There is no issue with one person only being able to claim it. People have been put into games a lot of times before, this is not anything new. They just chose to use a method that is harmful to the environment and is basically a pyramid scheme to do it.

920d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It was a really good game but there was a ton of room for improvement all around. If they had another crack at it, it could be something special.

920d ago 12 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would love to see the PS4 and PS5 side by side comparison just to know what to expect from the two versions.

Looks fantastic though, eagerly looking forward to this.

921d ago 4 agree4 disagreeView comment

It's one of my most anticipated titles next year, I'm so glad to hear that it's as fun to play as it is to watch because it looked amazing. It's always been enjoyable for me to see martial art games take on a fresh approach.

I think I need to go on a media blackout because I'd love to experience the game on my own at this point.

921d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

Imagine being annoyed at Sony for quietly improving their workflows with indies.

921d ago 5 agree3 disagreeView comment

Hey, give me a good reason as to why NFTs are beneficial to the gamer and I'm willing to listen. Not even the developer bothered to bring up a good reason, they just dance around the questions while giving empty answers.

921d ago 18 agree0 disagreeView comment

This doesn't sound good at all, a lot of these sound like a Kickstarter stretch goal that if you own, you'll be able to sell to the next highest bidder.

Not really sure if it's worth the hassle considering the simple mention of NFTs will push people away from the game.

921d ago 14 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's one of the issues for sure. I went through the catalogue of the developers that initially complained about this and most of them just looked like shovelware.

921d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

I made a few different points there and I can see how you would take away a wrong point from my rant, that's my fault.

Basically, he journalist spent the same amount of time previewing how politically correct the game is as he did with the rest of the game. Something that should be of the highest important to a video game. If I wanted an amazing story I'd go watch something that focuses on that.

Just to be clear, I have no issues with who or w...

922d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment