
CRank: 5Score: 48300

Sooner than I expected! I've also been meaning to revisit the first 3 games as well.

I played them all whem they came out, never got around to seeing what the PS4 collection ended up looking like.

1023d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

If you actually want to make a point and have people take you seriously, this is not how you do it.

1023d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sounds like they are planning to support this game for a while. It's going to be interesting to see what this game looks like in couple of years once the dust settles.

1023d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

Would it be nice to have the PS5 version as well, without a doubt! Heck I would have even settled for an upgrade path.
We were promised a PS4 game and that's exactly what we got though, a decent one from the sounds of it so I can't really complain.

1023d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I don't ask for a lot.

Ape Escape developed by Asobi, it's all I need.

1024d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was already sold but I can't get enough of hearing about this game. I remember the days where that one clip where the does a flip stealth kill and then proceeds to bounce between enemies, grapple, plant a bomb and then zip down a line used to all be in cutscenes.

Now we get to play it out.
Games have come such a long way.

1024d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

'He also criticizes the exclusive culture in the industry, pointing out PlayStation and Nintendo as being “scared of change” and that they still believe in “walled gardens”'

It's right in there if you bothered to actually read it. From the sounds of it, he's against exclusives in general but has personal experience with Microsoft which is why he brings them up specifically.

1024d ago 55 agree13 disagreeView comment

Not much to go on at the moment. Just combining the two isn't enough to entice me to pay more and they probably know that so there has to be an extra element to all of it that we are not aware.

1027d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

They should have just kept quiet.

It's even worse now knowing that it's going to be free on the Epic Store.

I'm not upset about Godfall, I'm upset that they went out of their way to give you a glorified demo as part of Plus. For me it has very little to do with Godfall actually, just the practice of getting a demo as part of the subscription.
What is to stop other developers from doing the same in the future?

1027d ago 63 agree3 disagreeView comment


1027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Great to hear, always looking forward to his weird and unique take when it comes to games.

I'm actually playing through Ground Zeroes right now in preparation for Phantom Pain. Want to get that done before servers shut down.

1027d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Just when you thought Take-Two couldn't get worse.

It's weird to root for EA but It Takes Two looks like such a wholesome game that I hope they send Take-Two packing home with this ridiculous trademark claim.

1027d ago 46 agree0 disagreeView comment

Not a lot of games outside of first-party are indefinitely exclusive anymore. This always seemed like a game that would eventually come over.

1028d ago 21 agree2 disagreeView comment

Keeping my expectations low on this because they call it an experience. It could be a full blown game, it could also be something else.

1028d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think the recent trend is to leave the game at full price and just give discounts during a sale.

Godfall has had quite a few discounts already over the last year but the price will most likely remain at $70 for a while.

1028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I really don't get how this whole comment thread contributes to the article discussion.

Complaining about what fanboys will or won't do is just as toxic and bad for the community as fanboys are because in a lot of cases people calling someone a fanboy, pony, xbot, etc. are just a fanboy themselves or they just like to pretend they are "neutral".

1028d ago 22 agree6 disagreeView comment

I ranted about this in the other article so I won't go I to it again. Just a really disappoint way to end the year for Plus.

I wonder if they plan to sell this version of the game on the PS Store as well.

1028d ago 28 agree2 disagreeView comment

I was not aware of this... I really enjoyed the game when it came out so this is a pleasant surprise.

Kinda crazy to think that the updated version is getting DLC original game never had. This does not happen often.

1028d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is not how all the previous Plus games have worked. The Persistance let you upgrade, Greedfall didn't. It's up to the deal they made, we won't know if that's the case until we try it out.

1029d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not free, it's part of the service that promises to give you 3 games each month. Right now there are 2 games and a demo. This sets a precedent where it's now fine to put a demo on Plus and count it as a full game.

You shouldn't just roll over and accept it since it's Godfall because next time it might happen with a game that actually has a good story.

1029d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment