
CRank: 5Score: 48300

I'd like to see a bit more variety from them, glad to see they are doing well though.

972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

It really depends on which way they go, I think at the very least violence level should be comparable to Ghost of Tsushima if they want to stay true to the character.

Violence doesn't make or break the game for me, I'm just excited to see what Insomniac does with Wolverine.

972d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

When an announcement is this early it's to get developers interested, basically a hiring call. Considering Blizzard has been bleeding developers, I'm sure they could use it.

973d ago 15 agree2 disagreeView comment

They lost the exclusive rights to the license. Now it's just available to everyone, including EA.

973d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

They've lost any good will from me at this point. Show me something meaningful or don't show anything at all.

973d ago 22 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm loving everything I hear here.

I thought Zero Dawn looked somewhat interesting and didn't really see what was special about it but then I played it and it quickly became one of my favourite games.

There are just some things you can't see and feel until you actually get in the driving seat and the first game felt great.

Really excited for this one, few more weeks.

973d ago 9 agree1 disagreeView comment

I did two 100% playthroughs and quite a bit of Legends in there as well.
The game was practically made for me though, from the vibrant world to the Samurai era Japan time period.

976d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing has been confirmed, we only know they are working on a new Playstation IP. Considering their previous experience, people are expecting a FPS, most likely with multiplayer.

Wonder if this second team will be working on the same game or are they trying to work on multiple projects.

976d ago 13 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nothing stops you from playing the PS4 multiplayer, nobody is taking anything away from you, calm down.

977d ago 11 agree4 disagreeView comment

3D Audio and Dualsense implementation is also in there. Not sure how important that is to you but I find those add quite a bit to a single-player experience.

Like you said though, if you already played them and got the platinum, perhaps passing on it might be the right choice for you.

977d ago 17 agree7 disagreeView comment

If you own Uncharted 4 or Lost Legacy, you can upgrade for $10 and you will get both even if you don't have one of them on PS4.

There is no additional upgrade for the PS4 version on PS5 unless you pay $10 though.

977d ago 17 agree0 disagreeView comment

This was a neat little thing to scroll through. Ghost of Tsushima was sitting on top with 250hrs for me.

977d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

The only problem with 2022 is that my backlog is going to grow even bigger. There are so many great games coming out and I just don't think I'll be able to keep up.

977d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I was watching a tech break down and I think they mentioned that the engine 343 is using is not really made for open world. It seems to be bursting at seams as it is so it will be interesting to see what they do if they ever want to expand it.

Multiplayer should be smooth though because it's closed off.

978d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That's unfortunate, nobody should have to go through crunch.

978d ago 6 agree6 disagreeView comment

I usually start all my serious conversations and remarks with "Lol" as well.

978d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm not a huge Star Wars guy but this looks absolutely fantastic! They took a lot longer than their previous games and it really shows.

I predict 2022 is going to be an amazing year for gaming that will not be matched for a while.

978d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Put me down for another Tenchu game as well. Your vision sound a lot like Sekiro and Nioh, give them a go if you haven't already.

978d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Once you step away from all the immature fanboys on either side, you notice that nobody reasonable thinks this is great for the industry. You're not wrong that they would be saying it but it's a mistake to listen to the vocal fanboy minority.

Xbox gamers haven't really gained anything here. They just took something away from a platform. If you're celebrating that something is getting take away from other people, you might just be an irrational fanboy. (not ...

978d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

That's the interesting thing for me. Specifically when talking about the console space, Call of Duty is a huge deal. There's not a lot more there though, if you're not into it, the whole acquisition offers very little. King is mobile, Blizzard is primarily PC, Overwatch and Diablo are few and far in between.

The only significant thing really does just come down to Call of Duty as far as consoles are concerned.

978d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment