CRank: 5Score: 14420

I personally think that's a terrible idea! Seeing as so many WoW players have to do EVERYTHING the game offers and get all the achievements I can imagine so many ppl starting a new character with the intention of moving him/her over to the other side. Next thing u know orgrimmar is full of stupid gnomes, no thanks :)

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Woah never saw this coming. Won't affect me though, Horde ftw :)

5567d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well point number 8 certainly isn't affected by piracy. Here's what I think - consoles are becoming increasingly like pc's. One day they'll be more open source, and they'll have integrated operating systems similar to windows. You'll be able to download games direct to drive like the pc and mod games like on the pc. So my point is, one day I'll bet piracy will be a big issue for consoles as well. So stop saying "oh pc gaming is dead because of piracy" because if you think pirac...

5572d ago 6 agree1 disagreeView comment

Indeed, I think an integrated quest marker system is overdue.

5573d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Only 11 million people yeah. It's called an mmo, and they usually last years due to a wealth of content and continous updates from the developers. And there'll likely be a 3rd expansion in time. There are mmo's older than WoW being played you know.

5573d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've used a flying mount in Azeroth (private server) and there is a massive amount of redesigning that needs to be done. There are huge areas of nothingness between some zones. I'd rather they concentrate on new content altogether.

5578d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Certainly not. It looks decent, but is nothing compared to Crysis in many many ways.

5578d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is why companies like Blizzard and Valve have such good track records. Take your time guys!

5579d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Before WoW's release many assumed it would only be a niche and would only appeal to the nerdiest of demographics, but look what happened. A lot of friends of mine bought WoW when it was released even though they weren't fantasy nerds, and had never played an mmo in their life. They bought it because of the good reviews and postive word of mouth. If Bioware pull it off, Star Wars: The Old Republic will be huge.

5580d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's obvious you don't speak from experience. I'm a proud multi-plat gamer, and I gotta say Crysis takes the crown for best tech in any game to date, end of story.

5581d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice videos. Crysis still impresses the hell out of me, to this day nothing has come close to matching it's tech. I have KZ2 and a 40inch HD sony bravia, very impressive looking, but it doesn't match this. Truely a game ahead of its time. I've given up trying to defend PC gaming though, there's to many close minded console fanboys out there to who won't give credit to any system except their own.

5581d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The PC version of CryEngine3 hasn't been shown yet I believe. And when it is shown I guarantee it will look better than the console version due to the PC option of scalable graphics. The video maker concludes that the console version of Cry3 is about equal to the PC Cry2 on MEDIUM settings. So we can assume that the Cry3 for PC will out do the console version of Cry3.

5581d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling Diablo III will sell massive amounts, and make those who have written off PC gaming take notice.

5616d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's nice to see so much PC love on N4G. I guess the shouty console fan boys drown us out :P

5624d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have KZ2 and L4D for PC, and I genuinely think L4D is better. Is that so hard to believe? Now fanboys will either brand me a liar or just plain wrong. KZ2 is great, but it didn't do anything innovative or new for me. Graphics are spectacular though. L4D on the other hand is the best co-op experience in gaming, and is ridiculous amounts of fun at lan parties with 3 friends.

5624d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

3D is more than interesting, it's the future. I'm betting that Nvidia's recent push for 3D won't be an instance success, but it will gradually become essential for PC gamers. Then the next gen of consoles will embrace it, and it will become standard from then on. It's already happening in the movie industry. Speilberg, Lucas, Cameron, and Disney have already expressed their belief in the tech, and the majority of their new productions from now on will be shot for 3D.

5626d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agreed. Live is so invasive and clunky, and Steam was already established when it first came out. Why would pc gamers want another all encompassing game services when they're already content with the brilliant Steam.

5627d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I guess 4 million is a good estimate for just 2009. According to the article The Sims 2 sold 3.5 million in 2004, and it was released in September. Today The Sims 2 has sold over 13 million, so the first year sales are only a small portion of it.

5627d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That would be incredible. A super high detailed dark ride around rapture, in the style of the Haunted Mansion! Looking forward to the new Transformers ride, should be amazing.

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Cool tech, but I can't imagine a game more unplayable without a keyboard. There are only 6 buttons on the hot bar. What I'd really like to see is point and click adventure games on the iphone. They work well on the DS too. Now if only the old LucasArts team would reunite...

5633d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment