
CRank: 5Score: 43820

I got my 320 gb 2.5 western digital blue from Dell 2 months ago for $48 including tax and shipping during a sale. But I guess it is a 7200rpm. But I'm just using mine in a usb enclosure so it doesn't really matter.

5372d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That 39 million number is also shipped. So there's probably 2-3 million sitting on retail shelves or warehouses that haven't been sold yet.

5374d ago 8 agree6 disagreeView comment

How far did you guys get before you gave up on it? It doesn't really take off until you get to the over world map and start forming your party. Before that it is kind of dry. And for those that played it on a console it is very different on the pc. I paused it all the time to issue commands and aim my spells. The AI just does a horrible job.

5380d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nice. Been waiting for an expansion with some meat to it. If its 15 hours then that's not bad but would have preferred about 25-30 if they really plan to charge $40 for it.

5380d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't think it is exclusive or a timed deal. Just that it takes them longer to get the ps3 version out. It's not like the fallout 3 deal where MS paid to get it 6 months earlier and put the clamps on bethesada where they couldn't even talk about ps3 dlc. Obviously if money had exchanged hands they wouldn't even mention dlc for ps3.

I had hopes that this would be some meaty dlc but at only $5 bucks its probably only good for a hour or two.

5381d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

wtf are you talking about? A person can't find bargains at a sale because of the reasons behind the sale? Who the hell cares if stores have to clear shelves for newer games. Bottom line is the consumer benefits from it. So how exactly is that a scam? Motorstorm Pacific Rift is a steal at $20. Even when Sony finally makes it a Greatest Hits title it will still retail for $30. So how are people getting scammed on that?

5385d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's on the component cable which they no longer include. If you want to use spdif out and hdmi together you either have to make alterations to the component cable(take off the plastic shell so it will fit) or you have to buy a dongle for like $15-$20 or so off ebay.

5385d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Damn that is pretty sad. What's that? Another 2 or 3 gigs eaten up on a 360 hard drive. I guess Capcom is in cahoots with MS to force people to eventually buy those ridiculously overpriced hard drives.

5387d ago 12 agree1 disagreeView comment

I know exactly what he's saying. Fanboy crap, can't deny Uncharted quality blah blah. But his example is stupid. A rolex costs $3.5k and up? Almost anyone with a job could afford that. So why doesn't everyone have one? Because most think its not worth it. I could go buy one tomorrow if I wanted but I won't cuz there are plenty of other stuff more worthwhile that I could spend my money on. In my opinion as well as the majority of people he's actually dising Uncharted.

5387d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

A Rolex is not worth the amount. It's simply a status symbol. A $50 watch or a cellphone can tell time just as well. You're statement actually makes you look stupid.

5388d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

No sh!t its about profit. Sony is a business not a charity. And they can do whatever they want with their business. If you don't like it then sell your PS3 and be rid of them.

Sony have taken a blood bath on the PS3 since launch. Heaven forbid they should try and make some money back. They have already provide a ton of services for free. But I guess you would want everything for free until they were driven out of business. I mean they already let users upgrade their hard d...

5390d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Yes, because the competition provides that stuff for free right? Hell you can't even play games online or netflix jack without paying on the other console. At least Sony lets you do both for free. So people who pay get more features,that sounds fair to me. I won't be getting it because I won't be using 99% of that stuff but to say Sony is screwing people is a bit ridiculous in comparison to Microsoft.

5390d ago 6 agree8 disagreeView comment

FF 8 sold over 8 million copies. I'd hardly call it the underdog of the franchise. The game was fine for its day. But I'll wait for a remake to play it again. If it doesn't come then I'll still have found memories of it.

FF9 was the only FF I never finished. The character designs were just so unappealing that I only played it for a few hours.

5392d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Sony should use cheaper shipping instead of raising fees. When I sent one in for repairs they used 3 day to send me the box. 1 day prepaid label to send it to them and then they sent it back 3 day shipping. That 1 day shipping must cost them a grip. If I wanted to send something UPS 1 day at 13 lbs it costs something close to $140. I know they probably get a fat discount from UPS but even at 50% off that's $70. They should just use UPS Ground like MS does and keep the repair costs down....

5393d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I think GTA as a franchise may be crumbling. Poor sales of the DLC and Chinatown Wars on both handhelds is a pretty good indication of this. There was a time when anything with GTA in the name sold 2 million minimum.

5394d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Strauss Zelnick should win dumbass chairman of the decade for not selling to EA at $26 a share.

5394d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I'm sorry was Sony telling people in pal regions to import the collection from the US? Nope, you did it on your own and now they are the ones to blame? Anyway, quite your whinning you got to play the collection 5 months early and if you want all that other useless crap just get the US Ultimate edition or whatever the hell they call it.

5394d ago 5 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeah deal went live at Midnight PST. Lasted less then 2 hours and sold out about 30 minutes ago. Sometimes Amazon does put out more copies for sale later on in the day when they sell out this fast. But not that many and the chances of getting one aren't very good.

5395d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

it's sold out already.

5395d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I assume it's Origins because you get to choose how your story begins.

5399d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment