
CRank: 5Score: 43820

Just take your time. It's very hard to screw something up unless you try forcing in a part wrong.

5285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its always better to build you own pc if you have the time and know how.

1. You get to choose the parts that go in and fit your specific needs. But it could take you months to piece together the parts if your picking like I am about what you're willing to pay.

2. You get a longer warranty 2-3 years for most computer parts vs 1 year for buying a prebuilt system. If something dies you only need to RMA that part and not the whole system(not sure about this but I ass...

5285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Ebay. Although they are genuine keys they aren't really suppose to be sold. They are given away by Microsoft for joining various programs like technet. So you may still get blacklisted though the chances are very slim and you will still need to get your own copy of Win 7. Up to you if you want to take the chance.

5285d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Apple could slap an Apple logo on a fresh smoking piece of turd and people will buy it right now. Sad but true. Apple stuff is like technology fashion at this point. Seriously though what gen Ipod are they up to now? Does that thing have a FM radio receiver built in yet?

5287d ago 5 agree4 disagreeView comment

Only the people that upgraded to 3.21 agreed to the new terms of service which isn't legally binding anyway. The people that haven't upgraded haven't agreed to anything. Now if Sony requires the update to play new games or new blu-ray movies like they do on the PSP then aren't they guilty of false advertising(PSP and 360 games required an update but they never took features away)? Unless they forced people to sign a "terms of service" agreement at point of purchase I think they a...

5288d ago 6 agree13 disagreeView comment

@1.4 Yeah and for that same $900 you could have probably got a quad core i7, with blu-ray drive, tv tuner and better video card. Just go to HP and configure any laptop you want up to around $1300 because they often have $400 off $1300 coupons.

5289d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If the PSPGo has shown Sony anything its that people don't want all digital. NPD doesn't separate PSP and PSPGo numbers but looking at sales in Japan its obvious the PSPGo is getting trounced in sales at almost a 18 to 1 clip by the regular PSP. Something in the neighborhood of 36k PSPs a week to 2k PSPgos a week.

5289d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Actually, I have much less of a problem with Sony removing the media reader and ps2 BC. Because those were new model revisions. Informed customers knew what they were getting. And if they didn't know and found out after the purchase they could return it for a refund. But removing promised features retroactively? Nah, that is not cool. Unless Sony is willing to accept returns and provide refunds for these linix users.

5290d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hackers wont update their ps3. Only people Sony is hurting are their own customers.

Edit: below

By forcing customers who use the linux feature to choose between linux or psn. I would consider forcing people to choose between one of the two when both were originally promised "hurting" their own customers.

5290d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I would have to agree with the others that say this is pointless. Who wants to play a game all chopped up like that? It would annoy the hell out of me. I would just play games on a projector if you want a giant screen.

5290d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Mass Effect 2 is more shooter then rpg in my opinion. It seems someone who says its the best rpg they have played in years hands down means they just don't play many rpgs and prefer shooters. I'm sure I'll get a lot of disagrees but please tell me where Mass Effect 2 excels as an rpg?

As for Mass Effect 2 on PS3 it will come around August this year or February 2011. Depends on if EA signed a 6 month exclusivity deal with MS or 1 year deal.

5291d ago 13 agree9 disagreeView comment

They should wait to see if it actually is exploited then ban the mac address of systems playing pirated games. That's what Microsoft does and their game sales seem to be doing ok. Instead they are just punishing everyone. Let's face it Sony is doing what's best for their own interests and not their consumer's. You know what would also be in their best interest? It would be to disable ps2 bc when they eventually bring PS2 games to PSN. Would you also support that?

5292d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

What do you expect? Most of these comments are from fanboys that are so self-centered and in love with Sony they don't give a damn about anything that doesn't directly affect them. I haven't used the other os in years and don't really care about it. But over 2000 posts at the playstation blog obviously show that some people do. In principle alone, its wrong to tout a feature as a selling point then force people a few years later to either download what is essentially malware to gimp their...

5292d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Heavenly Sword was average or slightly above IMO. The animation was choppy and the hit detection was sloppy. It just didn't have the polished fight mechanics that games like Gaiden and GOW do. I was only about 2 hours in when the game glitched and a boss didn't come out when they were suppose to. Turned it off at that point and never felt the urge to turn it on again. Returned the rental a week later. BTW I'm pretty sure Sony owns the Heavenly Sword IP so its probably up to them if a se...

5293d ago 4 agree9 disagreeView comment


That kind of makes you an idiot. He's talking in regards to the PSP. His comments have nothing to do with the PS3.

5293d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

That ad says nothing about a console being included. It just says arcade and isn't even listed under systems but under games. My guess is that its some peripheral or arcade games bundled with those two games. But I guess facts don't matter on n4g. Fanboys on either side just run rampant without a care. Got the 360 fanboys yelling Sony's done for while the PS3 fanboys yell desperation. Despite the fact that this article is most likely bogus.

5293d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's pricing the 5850 at $325 which is at the high end since you can get one on newegg right now for $280 and a few more at $300.

5294d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its for people that like to install their games. Quieter, loads faster and no disc read errors.

5296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The retail price difference between a 250 gb drive and a 320 gb drive is only $5 to $10. So expect MS to charge $20-$40 more for a price of probably $150-$170. I wish they would release a 500 gb drive so people could hack it. My 120 is filled with installs but don't want to bother to upgrade until they have a 500 gb drive.

Kind of stupid that PS3 is the system with the cheap drives but you don't have the option to install every game. While MS charges ridiculous prices but h...

5296d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The 360 will limit bigger drives to 16gb.

5297d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment