
CRank: 5Score: 43820

Not sure what your talking about. Just about every game I've played in the last 2 years utilizes multiple cores. Plus no one is afraid to freeze out single core computers. In fact Intel doesn't even sell single core desktop processors anymore and AMD only has 1 single core desktop processor currently on the market(which is actually a dual core chip with 1 core disabled).

5217d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's for an in game item and a CHANCE to get into the beta not guaranteed entry into the beta.

"Players who purchase a copy of FINAL FANTASY XIII for PS3 will receive a FINAL FANTASY XIV secret in-game item and be able to enter for a potential opportunity to become a beta tester for FINAL FANTASY XIV for PS3."

5219d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They may be *biased* but at least they went to school and took a couple of English classes along the way.

5219d ago 9 agree25 disagreeView comment

For Dragon Age Origins Awakening it probably had something to do with value. Original game was 70+ hours(I logged close to 100 hours) for $60 on consoles and $50 on pcs. Awakenings is rumored to be about 15 hours for $40 on consoles and the same $40 on PC. That's 1/5 the content for 2/3's the price on consoles and 1/5 the content for 4/5's the price on PC. As for Sonic Racing its a very good kart game. If it wasn't for the mild frame rate problems I would call it an excellent kart game. ...

5220d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

You obviously are as silly as the system fanboys. Any Intel I series quad core is quite a bit faster especially when overclocked. My I5 750 clocked at 3.8 ghz is about 33% faster encoding then my old Phenom II 940 clocked at 3.5ghz. Memory for Intel costs more? WTF are you smoking? They use the same memory. Yeah you can recycle some ddr2 if your amd board takes it but if you were to buy it new ddr2 and ddr3 are just about the same price now. X58 board can run triple channel but they ce...

5223d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

@1.25 You should probably check your facts before saying someone is wrong. Metacritic as well as a quick search on google will show that Edge gave Mass Effect 2 a 9.

5223d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Edge should just be black balled from aggregate review sites. They also gave Dragon Age a 5. They are pretty much useless. Dragon Age was probably one of if not the best rpg last year. Their scores are so ridiculously inconsistent that its laughable. It seems like anything with a shooter slant scores higher. Dragon Age scored a 5. Add guns and a reticule and you have Mass Effect 2 and they score it a 9.

5223d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

AMD for the low to mid range duo to quad core $50-$150. Intel i5-i7 quad cores if you have $180 and up to spend.

@1.5 Yes you'll need a Socket AM2+ to AM3 to run a AMD cpu. Please be more specific about which Intel you have running at 3.6ghz? But usually to match an Intel core 2 duo/quad chips the Phenom II chip has to run at about 400mhz higher. Your chip might be fast enough where it would be better to stick with Intel and go the i5/i7.

5223d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment


Uh, wouldn't the people buying Final Fantasy 13 be fans of the Final Fantasy series? So wouldn't it be wise for them to get the viewpoint from a fan of the series? Would it have been better to dump the game on some sports game editor and force him to play through 60 hrs of a genre he may hate? Your idiotic comment makes absolutely no sense at all. Clements was the perfect choice. He knows more about FF then probably anyone at the ign offices. If he says the game i...

5224d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yep I changed the date manually as well and got 4/30/20 when I turned it on. I just updated the clock via internet after that.

5227d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Try turning on your ps3 and keeping your finger on the power button until you hear a beep. That should reset your video settings.

5227d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not just the price, its poorly configured for gaming performance. He could have went i5 750 or i7 920 with 4-6gb of ram and spent the extra money on a 120gb-160gb ssd which would have just about eliminated load times. Not to mention he lives in California and could have bought the parts from Amazon or Tigerdirect tax free. TigerDirect even has 15% bing cash back a lot of the time. Which means he could have saved about 9% tax and gotten 15% back. So right off the bat he overpaid abou...

5228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Good god I built my computer for around $800 and it can play any game just as well as that computer if I slapped a 5870 in there for $400 more and sold my 260 gtx for $150. So $1050 vs $3500, less then 1/3 of the price. Sure I only have 4 gb of ram instead of 12 gb but who needs 12 gb of ram just to game? Unless your running professional software its ridiculously hard to get over 3 gb of ram usage. And tax, waste fee and shipping? Don't pay no frickin' tax! Just buy the computer or part...

5228d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow, six sentences constitutes an article now(two of which are a quote and a reference to that same quote)? Talk about trying to turn nothing into page hits...

5228d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If MS ponied up the money to keep Mass Effect 2 at the very least a timed exclusive I'm sure they'll do the same for Gears of War 3. But the price tag Epic has in mind will probably be astronomical.

5230d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

@1.5 I said SINGLE player, not playing against other people. Coming in 1st in single player is based on luck no matter how good you are. I've been playing Mario Kart since the first game on the SNES and I know what I'm doing so your comment about people complaining about Mario Kart Wii is rubbish.

You can run a track perfectly on a technical basis and still come in 10th place. Why? Because if you get hit with a blue shell. You are likely to get hit a 2nd or 3rd time or be kno...

5232d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

It wouldn't be hard to offer a better single player experience than Mario Kart Wii. Nintendo drained the game of just about any skill requirement. What use to be around a 50%/50% split between skill and luck is more like 20%/80% split in that game. BTW there was nothing fundamentally wrong with Sonic Tennis. It was just too shallow. If they added some depth and removed the mandatory pause in gameplay for power moves a sequel would be a fine tennis game.

5232d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

So your saying a new 260 gtx card goes for about $50 in Asia right now? Since it was a $400 part when it was released almost two years ago it should be about $50 or less using your logic.

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

$100? No. $150 to $200 maybe in a year or so if you're a bargain hunter, do rebates and sell freebies that it comes with. For example I got a 260 gtx for the final price of $80 in August. $185 -$30 mfr rebate, -$23 bing cashback, -$20 paypal promotion, -$25 for Batman Arkham it came with and I sold on ebay, -$8 for cryostasis it came with and I sold on ebay. Came out to $79. But of course that's a lot of promotions and some extra work selling stuff. But I can turn around today and sell...

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Honestly, no one would have cared if Valve just shut their mouth and didn't develop ps3 games. But the joy Newell took in bashing it on numerous occasions is gonna make any game they decide to put on ps3 an awkward proposition for their PR team. It's too bad because it really was only Newell talking trash. Everyone else at Valve seemed to be much more diplomatic about the situation. But he is one of the heads of the company and it would be fun to see him eat crow.

5237d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment