
CRank: 5Score: 43820

It would be hard for Nintendo not to. Take Uncharted 2 and Super Mario Bros Wii for example. I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo spent 1/8th of what Sony and Naughty Dog spend on Uncharted 2. I mean SMBW could probably be made on the SNES. Yet SMBW is going to probably sell at least double what Uncharted 2 does. Lets face it Nintendo lives the easy life. Everyone including reviewers just give them a pass on story, presentation and graphics for their games. Its a double standard where N...

5444d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

I would actually consider this if I didn't already have enough systems and too many games with too little time to play.

5445d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Really looking forward to this one.

5445d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Like others have said save yourself the ridiculously expense 360 hard drive space and buy the disc at Amazon or anywhere else for $20.

5446d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I owe all 4 gaming platforms and any game that comes out on PC and 360 I'm getting it on PC. For me at least it will run smoother, look better and be cheaper. So personally I don't consider a game on pc and 360 a 360 exclusive. That also goes for the PS3 as well. I don't consider FF 14 a Ps3 exclusive either.

5447d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

There have always, always been a decent amount of PSP games to play. Everyone who has ever whined about no games to play on the PSP were just too lazy to look for the hidden gems in the collection. 500 plus games in its catalog and all these whiners have read about or tried everyone? Doubt it...

5447d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Yeah I don't see how Sony benefits from this. I mean MS benefits cuz they require people to have gold to get the netflix streaming. The only thing I can think of is if Sony charges Netflix a continuing fee.

5448d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

For the price of a macbook you can by 2 (or close to 3 if your a savvy shopper) Windows based notebooks and just image everything from one laptop to another and never have any down time...

5449d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Insomniac should of had more respect for Resistance themselves. They sold over 3 million copies of the original so what do they do? They go and change everything to try and be more like other shooters.

5449d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think the bulk of that $50 mill was to make sure GTA 4 came out day and date with the Ps3 version. The DLC was probably just a bonus offer to sweeten the deal for MS. Just like the 360 got Star Ocean 4 and Last Remnant (probably won't come out at all since it bombed) first. It was probably a package deal to get FF 13 day and date with the Ps3. Kind of like a buy one exclusive away from Sony and get two lesser timed exclusives free.

5450d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

R2 was a big letdown for me. My biggest complaint was the removal of co-op campaign. Me and my cousin had a blast playing through the first one. When word came that they removed it we were both extremely disappointed. Removing the weapon wheel, vehicles and narration was just pouring salt on the wound. Not only did they remove the good stuff but they added stupid instant death moments. Like the invisible monsters and falling in the water. Instant deaths are never fun and just break up ...

5450d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I wonder if people truly believe what they type sometimes.

PS3 = $299

360 Elite = $299 (An Arcade + 120gb HD would be at $350 already).
Play and Charge kit = $20
Wifi adapter = $100
Live = $50 a year

That's $299 vs $470 for the first year. Add in another 3 years of Live and you are at $299 vs $620 (for cost of ownership over 4 years). I own all 3 system but come on...

5453d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are a lot of Xbox 360 120 gb hard drives from China that are unlicensed and sold on ebay and other importer sites. I'm guessing the people that bought those will be screwed.

5453d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

@1.6 Well I'm sure some of that boost was from Halo ODST as well as the $50 rebate from MS off 360 Elites that started Sept. 22nd. Who wouldn't by an Elite over an Arcade for only $50 more?

But damn the Wii numbers are just scary. They shifted a ton with their price drop only in effect for 4 days. I personally think the Wii is crap but I guess the masses have spoken.

5454d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't think piracy is exaggerated. But the effects of piracy on sales probably is. I just don't think that many people are willing to put out $20 for a download only portable tower defense game. Especially one with about half its content recycled from the PS3 version. Not to mention the original was half the price at $10 (I bought it when it was on sale for $5). Personally, I have never spent more then $15 for any downloaded stuff and that was for SSF HD Remix.

5454d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately, Insomniac caved and tried to make Resistance 2 like all the other generic shooters instead of embracing what made Resistance different. It didn't work and it pissed off the people that loved the first Resistance. They need to get rid of the crappy storytelling over the radio and bring back the narration. While they're at it they better include Co-op campaign, the weapon wheel and vehicles. Without them its just another generic above average shooter.

5455d ago 7 agree0 disagreeView comment

It will probably sell better in Europe then it did in the US. I believe the first one sold more in Europe. So it should be over a million easy.

5455d ago 11 agree3 disagreeView comment

Even 2x wouldn't be that bad. They charge 3x to 4x. I mean $150 for 120 gb? You can buy a 250gb to 320 gb for $50 on sale. I got a 320 gb Western Digital Blue Laptop hard drive a few weeks ago for $48 at Dell.

5457d ago 10 agree0 disagreeView comment

Best Buy moved into our closest old Toys R US building. They also closed down the other 2 Toys R US stores within 10 miles. Gotta drive 20 miles now to get to the closest one. But yeah I wonder the same thing.

5459d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm starting to wonder if the God of War collection will really come out in November. Less then a month away and still no official screen shots and videos from Sony. Seems really strange.

5465d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment