
CRank: 5Score: 66000

I've said it before and I will say it again, they won't sell xbox as the brand has good resonance and at this point is cost neutral at worst. However, they may decide to not release new hardware in a few years and keep xbox as a name for a suite of services.

However, in the unlikely circumstance they did sell, it would be a Chinese company like ZTE who would need the brand cache. The companies listed in this article are all big enough to launch off their own brand.

3771d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just hope that the order doesn't get so overhyped it is doomed to get a kicking on release for not being the greatest thing ever. Naughty Dog made Uncharted and it was fun and interesting but it took a sequel for it to become extraordinary so I would settle for nice looking, fun to play and has god ideas for the first game and build from that.

I just hope that this game doesn't get mauled on release when it ultimately is good but doesn't measure up to our memori...

3772d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not trying to be a movie, it's just that it is in cinemas where it is used most. A 2.35 ratio will mean that the environment and the surroundings will be on more of the screen rather than the player, ultimately it will make the scale of the world grander and more awe inspiring by makings he character smaller and thus more vulnerable.

Think Lawrence of Arabia for the effect

3774d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I've always said Microsoft is unlikely to sell xbox, mainly because it costs little at this point to keep going and the Xbox brand is so closely tied with things like Bing and the music and video service. However, it is emenantly plausible that in 3-5 years they neglect to release a new console but keep the brand on in phones and tablets rather than go through all the expense of developing and marketing a new platform (billions I imagine).

Why would Amazon need xbox, the...

3775d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

How about something like this

Hi Mr publisher, you remember that game you released 5-15 years ago, you know the one you made money on for its first few weeks and since then has been doing nothing for you as all copies are pre owned. How about you let us put it on PS Now and we give you maybe 20p for every hour someone plays it for absolutely no extra work for you whatsoever and your not losing anything. Never know, your game might become a cult and there will be demand for...

3781d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

I have no problem with this provided it sees proper Game stores stocking more choices of new games, it is a real failing of a specialist store to have the top 10,2 shelves of other new games and the rest pre owned often 4 or 5 times more than new stock). At least keep a couple of copies of new copies of what would be agreed as best of the generation games, just try to buy a new in plastic wrapped copy of LA Noire on the high street, near impossible.

And that is why digital do...

3781d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Tis true, I seriously had my doubts about if hacking apart Ellie would give a cure, and more so if the Fireflies would use a cure for the common good or would they use it to wipe out their enemies.

I think however that the triumph of the game is that you are under no doubt that Joel would have happily handed her over up until maybe halfway through Pitsburgh but he grows to love her and so by the end you can genuinely understand his motivations for offing the fireflies. It is ...

3790d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Bravo, you completely misunderstood the ending. By that point, Joel needed Ellie, she pulled him from the brink and to save himself he was willing to screw all humanity for his own ends. Nothing to do with leaving it open for a sequel.

3790d ago 7 agree2 disagreeView comment

It's not the hardware that will make some things difficult to get on the PS Now, is licensing which is the problem. Music, advertising logos, use of certain engine can all make some things uneconomical to release.

Just for example, call of duty licenses real world weapons for use in the game but they won't be lifetime licenses, to release on PS Now they will likely need to renew all these licences for the new system, but what if someone refuses to relicense their weap...

3804d ago 10 agree1 disagreeView comment

Would buy this and GTAV again in a second but that artwork is horrible, if is real, I hope to god that's not the final cover.

3840d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Love Nintendo, every time they release a new Mario game I swoon a little, really think about it, decide it's just a little to expensive to buy a console for just this, think about a 3DS and equally get pulled away. That's the biggest problem IMO, the biggest competition is itself because there are 2 platforms with the Mario and Zelda games we all want, but you end up buying neither.

I hate to be one of those people who tries to tell a huge multi national corporation w...

3850d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This is brilliant, it's either incredibly well done satire or the work of a total eejit, after reading another article on the site (5 new reasons to be unhappy with your vagina) I think it is the former.

Some brilliantly written takedowns of far right bloggers on this site, great find.

3850d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

So, in laymans terms - Microsoft will continue to refine and update their drivers and sdks to be more efficient and thus free up more resources to developers as the stuff in the background will be able to operate with less. And Sony will continue to do this with the PS4

It's amazing how the most basic feature of an internet enabled system becomes some huge point of argument.

3854d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

This is kind of a basic thing, would have thought really that any of the testers in Europe would have noticed this, unless Microsoft only did product testing in the continental US which given the general focus of the features seems emenantly plausible.

Shame but guess some clever software patch will fix this eventually.

3858d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

So one of last of us best features in helping create tension (aiming is not that precise so try not to fight as you might not win) would be improved if you switched to fps when shooting? Maybe easier to get head shots, but somewhat missing the point of the game

3862d ago 9 agree2 disagreeView comment

Thing is, aren't these type of reviews par for the course. Was anyone really going mad for Resistance, Perfect Dark zero or Timesplitters 1? Launch games are always a bit ropey, Halo and Mario 64 are the obvious exceptions but most consoles launch with good but not great, graphically impressive if somewhat hollow games.

As for the it's an evolution and more of the same argument, again its always the case until someone makes Gears or Uncharted and you realise that grap...

3869d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Sure it'd be a good view but video doesn't play on an ipad, it's 2013 and escapist hide html5 video behind a registration page, great move guys!

3869d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Couldn't see Samsung biting myself, see them more likely to go down the Steambox angle aggressively, Nvidia also strange as it would mean them turning their back on their core business to cannibalise it with their greatest competition and only making hardware once every 5-10 years.

If it were sold, and I stand by my scepticism of this, it's more likely to be someone like Huawei or ZTE.

3871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But as I said, who would buy it? No self respecting investment firm would as it is a money pit, none of the big western firms need it as they could launch something them self, maybe a Chinese company might be a buyer a la Lenovo IBM but Xbox as a business ain't worth much, few in house developers and a brand name which is well known and worth more to Microsoft as a name.

I'm not saying xbox will die, that's a silly suggestion, what I am saying is that the big buck...

3871d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Would they sell xbox? No, probably not, the brand is good and has no value to anyone who could buy it (who is going to buy the ability to spend billions on console development, the few who might could just use there own brand like Apple or Samsung).

However, given there isn't much 1st party at Microsoft, it's not difficult to think in a few years time they decide not to work on developing a replacement to the Xb1.but continue to use the xbox brand on phones and to ...

3871d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment