
CRank: 5Score: 67840

That’s good, but also worth pointing out that after maybe 3 months on sale, this game was selling for about a tenner. Reminds me a bit of Days Gone, good sales overall but only after huge discounts so unlikely to make large profit

281d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love that every photo shows Greg looking just like Noel Fieldings portrait of him (if you know, you know)

300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The difference between the UK and US description of being laid off is confusing. Not really sure why in the US it is called that instead of redundancy.

If we all agree that game budgets and scope have gotten out of hand, some degree of scaling back of the biggest cost is required. My concern however is that it seems to be very long standing and experienced people getting made redundant, I assume because they are paid more and expect more secure employment and benefits. It w...

319d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Me too, but having to do the same 5 crime types in every district for Fisk, then the demons, then sable and then doing it again in each of the 3 DLCs too was a painful way of getting the platinum and gaining enough resources to unlock all the costumes and skills.

324d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It’s bizarre to me we are talking about 30 hour games as short when we used to spend £60 on games that took 3-4 hours to complete for the SNES. 10-12 hours is short, games that take 40+ hours are fine if you like that but to me they would need to justify it with variety and creativity, not just repetition, fetch quests and stat hoarding.

I’m so glad Spider-Man 2 did away with the district crimes thing because it made the first game longer but not enjoyably so.

324d ago 19 agree0 disagreeView comment

I remember getting a demo of Lamborghini from OXM just before it got cancelled because the studio collapsed, it was so good and when I heard they converted that game into Juiced I bought it day one; the demo was better!

387d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

A smaller nm processor is going to help the Xbox one with a better battery life? There's nothing quite like an article where you get the impression it has been copied and pasted together from other sources without a read through for context.

3357d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

WiiU was actually a pretty impressive piece of hardware but

- it was overpriced
- it's name confused people
- had too many bits and pieces and add ons (amibo only worsens this)
- there has never really been any game which has demonstrated why it is designed like that. Without a real reason for why you need a screen in the controller, it became a gimmick.
- over reliance on new versions of old ip, I love Marino kart as much as the next perso...

3384d ago 19 agree2 disagreeView comment

Blah blah there aren't enough first party games...

And everyone cares so much when the top 5 selling games will be fifa, Madden, Battlefront, COD and Assassins Creed.

3407d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe Sony has stumbled upon a better way of spreading its titles. Around Xmas, what you want are a few interesting first party games but not the big hitters, something you can bundle with the console but knowing fully that COD, Battlefront, FIFA, Madden, Assasins Creed etc are what most will be playing. Then you spread your first party stuff over q1&q2 so anyone buying a console has something great to look forward too.

Most buyers aren't hardcore gamers, they will b...

3423d ago 1 agree6 disagreeView comment

You can buy a 2tb 2.5 HDD for about £60, unless you have a spare 4tb or 8tb 3.5 hdd lying around, I can't work out who this drive is for. But then again, an internal SATA hard drive will always be a better bet than a usb one with its slow transfer speeds and I guess it is good to have the option if you really need the capacity.

I'd definitely be interested if they worked out a way to have 2 2tb 2.5 hard drives in a a RAID config though, or one hard drive and a sm...

3448d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Maybe what is really holding back gaming is a narrow minded but very vocal minority who prize graphical fidelity and hardware fetishism over actual gameplay. Great games are being released all the time on consoles and PCs, neither is right or wrong, that the 3DS is the best selling gaming hardware in the world should really start to make some realise that gaming is more than showing off your rig on gaf!

PS, I didn't read the article, I'm not giving you the traffic and...

3477d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looks pretty but tbh I think in pretty bored of track racers. Most driving fun I've had in the last few years have been the point to point time trials in driveclub and the weird challenges in forza like racing a train.

Does look very pretty though.

3483d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

From just reading the title of the article

Hey, did you spend £400 on just one of the new generation of console. Are you upset for no known reason upset because there were great games to play which could also be played by people who spent £400 on the other new gem console. Well we have the answer, spend another £250.

Forbes - what a bunch of eejits.

3502d ago 4 agree6 disagreeView comment

I used to play the airplane mission from the end of COD4 over and over, we even used to do pass the controller sessions when I was at uni, pure 3 minutes of gaming heaven.

3504d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Awful website, writer who apparently cannot write properly (who proof read the title?) and an idiotic concept.

Flop would be commercially unsuccessful to a degree that it is loss making, none of these games will be that. What this seems to be is an individual pointing out 5 games they don't like the look of or games where the media hype may not be met by the final game (though because there are so many hack bloggers out there, every game can be seen as overhyped so it mea...

3523d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Exactly, it's almost the British tabloid approach of build them up so you can knock them down and I feel goes hand in hand with the annoying trend of the angry game journo which has seeped into other media (movie sins I'm looking at you) that the constructive and well researched opinions which distinguished good journalism have been replaced by faux anger, shouting loud and lots of swearing.

Perhaps the cure is to either stop gushing over announcement trailers or enco...

3560d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

when I played tlou on ps4 I thought it looked no different to the PS3 version but when I went back, it was a huge improvement but the original was very good at delivering a great environment which my mind filled in. UC4 is a huge upgrade graphically but in a way looks like how you remember the other games rather than how they were.

Looks amazing though, surprised how many tlou mechanics have been borrowed but love that they seem to have tried to open the environment and give ...

3582d ago 6 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is without a doubt one of the stupidest things I have ever had the misfortune of reading.

The reason we need slims of consoles which are less than 12 months old are to install ssds which you can do in ps4 already, to make it more portable (er vita and pstv) and to give fanboys something new to argue about!

Of course my favourite is the idea you could whack extra gpu shaders and ddr5 into the xbox and it would catch up with ps4 performance wise, somewha...

3665d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

Love the vita, would really love to be able to put I a 128 or 256 gb card to hold all my games but it's not a big deal.

Part of me wonders if the reason sony use proprietary cards is to ensure consistency of performance, the variations between a.class 5 and 10 sd card are huge and would significantly impact loading times etc.

3671d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment