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Last time I played a Medal of Honour game, I believe you could play MP as a NAzi to kill Allied soldiers so I fail to see the difference myself.

No doubt Fox will love it though.

5165d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

If we must stay in the US (I second the European idea, I like the idea of London and Paris together, flying a helicopter through the channel tunnel like Mission Impossible etc) then I would rather see the Las Vegas setting used from San Andreas as it has so much potential for Godfather and Casino references. LA is just so nondescript, not bad but generally not memorable.

5172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I don't really care in all honesty, it is worth what someone is willing to pay for it and frankly that is entirely dependent upon the quality of games at launch or in the future. For me, it is worth about £50 or so on potential but no more until I see some excellent games that can only work on it.

5172d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I already have a eye camera so a little disapointed I am either going to get a second in the pack or miss out on a demo disk by buying just the wand.

Either way, Resident Evil 5 Gld is only £15 so that is a good jumping off point, purposely didn't buy the game as I knew it would get Move so quite excited for it.

Just a question for everyone doing maths of how much it will cost for 4 players etc, when was the last time you played 4 player anything th...

5174d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Must say, I played Infamous but I found Cole to be a completely uninspiring and generally not memorable hero so I really don't understand why there has been such a big outcry about him being changed to be more photogenic.

5177d ago 2 agree9 disagreeView comment

I admit, I have something of a Sony thing going on with a TV, amp, dvd player, PS3, camera, PC speakers and even alarm clock. However, much as I like Vaio designs, they are still stuck on the Windows OS which I just cannot go back to after my time with a mac. Same for my iPhone, I umped from a very good K750i which lasted 5 years but I can't see me going back.

Good features though, I just hope they are easy to get working for the laymen out there. An iPhone app would be n...

5178d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

I am gonna be a little controversial and say the best FPS game I played this gen was COD4, nothing else really came close, the rest have been mostly disappointing (including for me Halo, Bioshock etc) I guess I will also give a pass to Riddick but for the forst game not the Dark Athena part.

I know that people have said there are too many FPS this gen but TBH the best games have been 3rd person like Gears, God of War, Uncharted and Batman.

As for last gen, I...

5184d ago 1 agree3 disagreeView comment

Indeed Thom, complaining about an MGS game having long cutscenes is like complaining that COD has too many guns or Grand Theft Auto encourages morally objectionable actions.

I think you are correct though that MGS does have many influences from American action movies. There are also some very interesting western psychological influences which are now deeply rooted into Japanese stories about the nature of identity and the concept of liberty in a world where technology is so ...

5191d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

What a great example of cultural imperialism you demonstrate. yes the MGS story is odd compared to traditional western standards but it is actually a fantastic demonstration of Japanese story telling matched with western gaming mechanics and styles.

And yes, the cutscenes were long, but they were also integral to the story, fantastically well executed and comparable in length to those of other Japanese games like the Final Fantasy series.

5191d ago 8 agree1 disagreeView comment

I will admit I got a lump in my throat in Sunny's closing scene.

5191d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

I don't hate him, don't love him either; he is just an executive like any other. Frankly I like his comments as he raises debate and he says the things publicly which every other CEO says behind closed doors but is so stale and media trained they don't say it to the world.

5191d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

I don't think anyone deserves the title of Pixar of the gaming world, Pixar uses new innovative ideas every year and pushes boundaries with every release. I am unsure if there are any companies who do the same. Maybe a combination, Bungie get the numbers, Blizzard get the profit, Naughty Dog do the attention to detail, Nintendo do the amazing variety and universal appeal.

Either way, we can all agree, Pixar are amazing.

5192d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Agree with the number one but think the SNES should be 2nd.

Also the Dreamcast should be on the list for planting the idea of online multiplayer on consoles player minds, it wasn't the first and it was not the best by a long way but it blazed a path and Live and PSN would not have existed in the same way without it.

5193d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

Nice idea and all but I would prefer a HD port of the excellent MGS Twin Snakes.

5194d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is spurious reasoning, you could just as easily make the case that Live is only popular because of COD. The fact that COD was wildly popular on PC before it came to xbox would render your argument to be dumb.

Look, does it suck that this guy wants to make as much money as he can? Well yes if you are a customer but no if you are a shareholder; don't kid yourself that any other CEO will do any different.

I am afraid it is capitalism, you find a produc...

5197d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

No-one is forcing you to buy them and if like me you missed some of these games, the option of playing them again is very welcome, especially cleaned up and much better formatted for a HD widescreen than a normally upscaled PS2 game; AA is really worth it.

Come on Metal Gear Collecion, perhaps including a port of the Twin Snakes from Gamecube as an ultimate package. Wouldn't mind a Resident Evil collection also made from GC ports and including RE4 for Move, I would happil...

5199d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

For another point of view (I love how casual is used as a pejorative term), as someone who works a pretty standard 8-9 day and has a reasonable social life in the real world, 5 hours is a pretty good average, some weeks I play hard (well, weekends, had a great Saturday playing Batman AA a few weeks back) and others like last weekend I don't play at all.

That said, I also spend maybe an hour a week playing Portal on my macbook and about the same playing stuff on my iPhone....

5203d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

A company leveraging its assets in order to further other elements of the business, I am shocked to the core. Whatever will you tell me next; does Apple only run iTunes so they they can sell more iPods.

5210d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

There is a part of me that sees something like the iPad in Kinect.

Before it was announced, everyone expected the iPad to be $1000 but then they announced it at $500 and everyone was surprised. Maybe this is the same, everyone expects $150 or so, if it is 2/3 of that then it gets loads of press heat saying what a bargain it is.

Clever, if this is indeed the case.

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It is a decent point, but on the other hand there are tons of people who drop £110 on a full band box for Guitar Hero so I don't think it unreasonable to think that if one piece of software genuinely resonates that many a casual gamer will drop some cash.

In Moves favour is that it does seem to be able to be used by the FPS gamer demo meaning it can survive in the short term as a kind of novelty and be pushed later as a play thing.

5211d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment