
CRank: 5Score: 67840

of course people dont buy from iTunes store, Personally I do everything humanly possible to avoid DRM from anyone! I'll continue to buy CD's and rip them because then I know that I will always have a copy just in case, the problem with iTunes and iPod is that I am well aware that at some point in the future I will not use an iPod anymore and I will use some other brand of MP3 player and when this happens i dont wanna find that all my music is unusable and I would need to replace my entire col...

6584d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I got iTunes 7, its a definate improvement in functionality and design over 6.0 but I have had a few problems including the music skipping when the player is minimised! Just a few teething problems which is to be expected with any huge jump in software, I'll expect iTunes 7.0.1 to be released within a fortnight to patch the problems!

6585d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I know this might seem a bit outthere but as the release date in US and Japan are later than most expected I am willing to make a prediction that Wii could launch in Europe first! I know it sounds strange but who would believe that a Nintendo console would launch in US before Japan! it a long sot but Nintendo could be making the biggest PR coup ever by howing Europe some love after Sony screwed it over and it will also show the hardcore Nintendo faithful that they will no-longer treat Europe ...

6588d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Hahaha, SIXAXIS is a terrible name, why name the pad, cant it just be the official Playstation (I aint writing it in capitals!) 3 control pad. Rubbish third party pads get names, official pads just need to say official!

6588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

$250, thats a bit much I think, it would be fair if it included 2 wiiwands and nunchucks and the wii sports game but as it doesn't its overpriced by about $50! As I will assume in the UK we will also get the usual price hike just because every company screw Europe I guess it'll be £180 which is much to close to the price of the core Xbox 360(£199), I really dunno which one to buy but I guarentee it'll be only one console this generation coz I really cannot afford all three! Either ...

6588d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a ipod and love it, I bought zuma last night and loved it, this morning I saw the worldwide prices, £3.99 in UK but only £2.66 in USA and £2.72 in EU nations! Steve Jobs, you have lost my business because you joined the ranks of corporations ripping off the British consumer, here I come Creative!

6589d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had a thought, PS4 would have to have a disk drive coz if the only way you could get games on your console was to buy them exclusivly from Sony would breach EU antitrust and competition rules. You would have to have a drive so people could have the choice of buying from the high street!

6590d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a very interesting article and I totally agree with the writer, Europe, nay infact all gaming territorys outside Japan and USA are totally neglected by the industry. Our money is just as important as Amrican and Japanese gamers dough. We deserve to be treated properly! If Hollywood can launch a movie like Matrix or Pirates of the Carribbean in every nation on the planet in every conceivable language within a few weeks why cant we get games at the same time as our foreign brothers, why...

6591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

So the PS3 has been delayed by over a year because of problems with manufacuring bluray drives for it and all along we were told it was worth the wait because bluray was the future of entertainment and we all had to have it but in five or six years the technology is going to be made obsolete by the very company trying to make us buy it! Congratulations Sony, that is possibly the stupidest business model I have ever heard! Anyway, I dont wanna speak for anyone else but I dont think I want digi...

6591d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The link doesnt work! It says it cant find the URL!

6592d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its about Sony who are in the industry, when articles about share prices get posted no-one complains then!

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thank you, I like the new ideas on the site, its about time something was done to quit down the idiots who often frequent this site. The case in point for me was the news of the PS3 being delayed during the week, nearly 1000 messages and 75% were idiots bickering and calling each other names. So thank you moderators for the great new ideas for the site, keep them coming!

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

GBP is British pounds sterling aka the money used in Britain. £200 (thats GBP) equals $370 but as Britain always pays more for everything you should expect to pay between $250 and $275 in the USA.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Thats a lot of money but atleast you have a choice whether or not you want the hi def movie player.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

refreshing honesty from Ken, more of the same in the future would be nice from all areas of the business.

6593d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

WOW, this is probably the worst week of PR any company in the entertainment industry has ever had but look on the bright side, it cant get any worse, ok, it cant get much worse! I still reckon the PS3 will get another delay in Europe and not launch until October 07 with GTA4 as a launch title.

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I just read and they state that all news companies already have the info but just cant print it yet, they also say its not the info we want but they hint its Wii related (they say wee bit of analysis, no-one uses Wee as a word outside Scotland for anything other than piddle!) On second thoughts, possibly a new partner for the virtual console, Amiga? Commodore? Atari? Who knows, maybe as another outside bet could be an answer to the web rumours about the Nintendo/Apple link up, Wii ...

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Its gotta be Wii related, if not a price then a release date, in japan atleast, also possibly the launch line up. Outside bet on new Xbox 360 SKU's, core to be dropped so the Premium package becomes standard and a new platinum SKU which will include the HD-DVD drive and have a HDMI socket on the motherboard and a 40GB Hard drive, it'll obviously cost more though.

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I have a feeling we will be seeing this news report again in about 6 months, PS3 will almost certainly get delayed in Europe again as Sony wants to try and flood the market in USA and Japan before they think about Europe, just like they did with the PSP! My guess, PS3 Europe launch on October 20th 2007 with GTA4 as a launch title!

6594d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I aint no fanboy but I have gotta question the wisdom of anyone who believes any statement that comes from Sony at the moment, I dont even think they have any idea what the hell they are doing.

6595d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment