
CRank: 5Score: 67840

I'm in this boat, downloaded it twice, wouldn't give me any of the pre-order bonuses (even though it was a pre order - left with an 18gb file which is unusable, a phone bill for 20 minutes on hold to an 0844 number after which I gave up and an electric bill for a PS3 thats been working for about 8 hours to download a game twice and it going to have to do it again.

Asked by email for a refund, anyone know Sony Us history around this, do I stand a chance?

4027d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think it's a great piece of kit, but what I'd love even more is if that remote play software was put into the ps3. That way, I'm not replacing the ps3 with the ps4, I'm just relegating my ps3 to the bedroom as a companion device for the ps4.

It's a great way to reward those people who already are part of playstation eco system and tempt them to stay in it.

4033d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

In my opinion, medal of honour was one of my favourite games of the year and vastly superior to black ops which I really didn't enjoy (even with all the sequels, cod4 is still the best).

While I enjoyed it, I was disappointed in parts by f1 2010.

5019d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

I had never heard of the game until I saw it on Gameface yesterday but it looks amazing.

Would definitely like to see it on PS3 but as others have said, this will probably go the way of other Pachter predictions like the definite MGS4 on xbox and the equally definite Splinter Cell Conviction on PS3.

5044d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Its not a system resource issue that I think makes it impractical, I think the key to those games visual style is about scale and speed which would need to be reconsidered to use this type of tech in any worthwhile way, it could be used but those games would need to have a very different style than in the past to be really key components to the game (which they really need to be to justify £120.

Just remembered where I first saw this video, it was being used to demo the ...

5071d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

The problem for Nintendo is that they face a slip back into the Gamecube style era of very little 3rd party support. The Wii reset the cycle and Ubisoft et al jumped in to try but the fact that only Nintendo made software sold has made people go away again. it was the same for the DS which actually has very poor software attach rates and sales, 3DS is a gimmick people can jump on and again lets people try again to make a big 3rd party push.

What I am saying is that Wii2 is a ...

5071d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Interestng but I cant see any practical applications in the sort of games that most xbox gamers actually play day to day, just not practical in the FPS, GeoW or Forza type games, just t fast moving and too much detail on screen to actually use this type of tech.

That video s really old BTW and regardless, its not Kinect which is doing 3D, the xbox is; the camera ia already capturing an image within a 3D space, the xbox is just displaying it on a 2D plane.

5071d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

He doesn't say it hasn't sold out, he says that they have been allocated very low stock and implies that this has meant that PSMove has received a big push in advertising from them because they have the stock and is selling truckloads.

5077d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I think this is evidence I am getting old, I have never heard of quickscoping until now. Who knew, Call of Duty has its own language.

5085d ago 4 agree0 disagreeView comment

It's not a bad game by any stretch of the imagination and in terms of gameplay it is by far the best of the series by scrapping the invisible lines and re-spawning enemies of previous games.

However, I also felt the story was a bit all over the shop and nothing like as engaging or interesting as COD4 which was genuinely one of the greatest single player experiences of this generation. Also, I thought the level design was largely forgettable, again not bad but just somewha...

5095d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

TBH I bought it just for Frontline in HD, well worth £32 IMHO.

However, I think review score impact on sales is overstated, I think that like movies, if you throw enough money at the advertising side, it is always going to be a success regardless of the quality of the game, look at Assassins Creed for evidence of this in practice.

Also, when did 85% become bad? Its that type of idiotic idea that sees so many games talked about as amazing and genre defini...

5098d ago 3 agree1 disagreeView comment

None of the movies on that list would be good games though I would enjoy seeing the Sin City visual style in game form.

Game I would like to see made; Pitch Black the game! I know that since it was releases, several games have embraced the idea of the light as a weapon (most recently Alan Wake) but I feel the very open world and the narrow light band would be stunning.

5112d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Can't get it all working at a later date, the reason they have had to use core audio on 3D disks is because of the bandwidth limitations of HDMI 1.3; 3D requires 2 1080p images at the same time which means something has got to give; they chose to get rid of the lossless audio and preserve the picture. If PS3 had HDMI 1.4 it would not be an issue, maybe for a PS3 slim2

If you want 3D and lossless audio, buy a stand alone 3D player.

5117d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Looks ok but a little, well, bland. Maybe it is just that video but it fails to really sparkle.

More important how it plays.

5142d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

3D tvs are pricey now and not for me, however I said that about 4 years ago about HD and look how that turned out, I have 3 of the bloody things. HDMI was a waste once, now it is the daddy, so was DVD and BluRay.

I don't want to dig but GamesRadar seems to be against everything in gaming, just everything in order to generate hits; thats all well and good but you can't say no to everything all the time.

5153d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I disagree, this is not aimed at Microsoft. Myself, I read it more as a dig at the larger 3rd party publishers, especially Activision.

I think Microsoft have tried to take risks on occasion but in a different way, Alan Wake, Halo Wars and even as far back as Blinx and Grabbed by the Ghoulies. Sure they are not setting the world on fire but I at least see a pretense of trying to be innovative and different unlike Activision (who can forget there me too efforts like True Crime ...

5155d ago 7 agree9 disagreeView comment

Games are an entertainment medium, they give story, animations and experiences to excite and entertain. if I wanted a mental workout, I would watch Countdown

5159d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

What would be the point of spending millions on advertising now when no-one can buy it for another month?

When the thing is released they will advertise it and when people see an advert and Google it out of interest, the first place they will find is a gaming website full of comments and previews. Other than that, what is the point of pushing it now.

5163d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Looking at it, I have Heavy Rain already, I have a PSEye already and I can use the DS3 as a navi controller so I can give Move a try for £29.99 (what the Move is selling for at and make my decision from there.

I may buy Kinect next year maybe but only if there comes some good games I want to play 9not saying there is nothing good now, just not what I want to play), I can use it sat down and someone tells me if I can wall mount it as my TV is on the wall and the...

5163d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

I was reading this months edge and there is an article about a company called Gaikai which will use an onlive style service but for demos. You click on a normal flash advert and it launches into a demo of the game streamed into your browser. At the moment, this seems like the very best way to utilise this kind of the technology and has the scope to be used on consoles fairly easily too (rather than having to download a 1500mb demo file, install it and then delete after 5 mins because you don&...

5163d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment