
CRank: 5Score: 67840

I don't really get your point about 3D on PS3; the PS3 doesn't need glasses to work, unfortunately it it the 42+ inch tv in your living room which requires glasses. Yes it is impressive that a 4inch active 3d screen is on the DS but frankly, a 60inch LED LCD is a different kettle of fish.

And no-one really knows how the 3DS will perform in the real world.

5213d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

I do wonder if the amount of usage people will get from cross game chat will really measure up to the whinging they have done to get it.

I figure it is a bit like when the kid next door gets a trampoline; you absolutely have to have one and you wont stop until you get it but when it arrives you just kinda don't really use it as much as you thought; the feeling of someone else having it has perverted your own sense of necessity.

5214d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Erm, yes Nintendo is great at portables (though I still don't own one) and they have defeated competition from many companies.

However, let us be realistic, PSP goes for a different demographic than the DS does/did and with about 50m sold (at a profit) I hardly think they are ging out of business. True they have been trounced royally in terms of sales but PSP still has some great games and has been vastly more successful than any other non Nintendo portable ever has.

5214d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

I played Infamous, quite liked it but I think you are stretching it to compare the character to Snake. In reality, the character was quite forgettable so the change is to try and make him a more interesting and iconic character. its a minor thing, get a grip.

What will you complain about next, maybe that Captain Price looks slightly different in each COD game?

5214d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

Maybe you had a point but TBH it was only 5 years ago everyone said what ids the point of HD and look how that turned out.

The thing with 3D is that you don't have to have it but you kinda would like it and when you buy your next TV, you will likely consider the extra for a 3D one.

5215d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Wow I am rather impressed that touch sensitive buttons are now considered a trait worth considering when buying a console.

Look, the reality is, if you want only one console you should still choose the one with the exclusive games which you want to play most but you can now choose a 360 without the fear of a RROD or confusion o which model to track down)

If you can afford both, all the better.

5217d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If it has an integrated power supply, I may just consider parting with my hard earned cash. If it still uses a monolithic power brick, I can wait - power bricks are IMHO a symptom of a flawed design; you wouldn't buy a car that had the petrol tank as a separate add on in a trailer.

5218d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If they wanna get something at a similar time to the movie, RE PSP seems like a no no as they would announce it much longer ago than 3 months prior to release.

Perhaps the PS3 port of the move enabled RE4.

5225d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

ISS 98 on the PS1 (with Paul Ince and Ravanelli on the cover). I truly loved that game, just brilliant fun at the time.

5233d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

That is a redundant argument for several reasons;

1, Car and house manufacturers have much larger profit margins. I am sure the second hand market would be completely ok with most publishers if they were taking a 10%+ profit margin on every unit (thats not just their cut, that is pure profit). However, for this to work then games would have to increase in price new (bad idea) or go digital only so the cut which would have usually gone to the store goes to the makers.

5241d ago 3 agree7 disagreeView comment

So tell me, if EA charges Gamestop etc a fee for every second hand game they sell, will they eat the loss or will Gamestop increase the price of a second hand game to cover the surcharge?

5243d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Get a grip, you are not being ripped off. Pull your head out of your ass and be real for a second. The choice is simple, you spend £40 on the game new and nothing changes but if you buy the game second hand 2 days after launch for £35 it will cost you more so it makes sense to buy it new. Same for if you buy it platinum. In my opinion, it is a very clever and mostly innocuous way of protecting their core business so it is them getting money to reinvest in games like Dead Space rathe...

5243d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

I am so confused; open, closed, what???

My head hurts

5244d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

The shape, size and button placement is perfect IMO. Don't really mind either way about the shape of the triggers or the thumbsticks.

Potential additions could be some sort of headset space (a cheap wired headset in the box would make online more interesting). The question is what will be the big gimmick of the next gen (surely at least 3-4 years away), will the screen of the dreamcast pad make a come back? Maybe a small slide screen with the start button and Home button...

5247d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Might I suggest you actually read the EULA in any game you care to mention. You buy a license for that piece of software for your own use and no-one else. I think it is a dumb law but that is the letter of the law. As I said, no-one will ever be prosecuted for it (in the same way that the law strictly says that it is illegal to rip a CD to your iPod) but that is what the law says.

It is not about bragging to be able to buy new games, personally I rarely see the value in games...

5248d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Almost every media I can think of comes with a notice that it is illegal to lend, borrow and or copy said media. You are technically not allowed to loan games to a friend, no-one ever gets prosecuted but it is the letter of the law.

Anyway, you could easily loan the game to a friend or family member and they could play for example several seasons of Madden or FIFA with no issues but would have to pay extra if they wanted to go online for more than 7 days (thats right, you get...

5248d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

I must say, i think the idea by EA is a really good idea and I have absolutely no problem with the principle of it.

Don't cheap out people, buy new games (unless you only play single player like myself, in which case great news as the cost of second hand EA games is about to drop considerably).

I don't think it is a sign of EA being 'evil', it is a sign of a company experimenting with new money making streams to balance its bottom line. it ma...

5249d ago 1 agree9 disagreeView comment

Don't see how EA charging people £10 for using a pre-owned game (perfectly reasonable IMHO, buy the game new and support the talent and your local indy retailer) has anything to do with 350,000 people never coming back again after one game. Seems like a bit of a tenuous link to me.

5252d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

Wow this article is poorly conceived. Sony 'must' forget about 2 of its 3 platforms and also ignore the non alien shooting in the face demographic as apparently in the last 3 years it hasn't pandered to the kind of blinkered individual who writes the "company x won E3" article.

There is no reason for a premium PSN either. I have listened to people complain about cross game invites for ages and it is getting old. Look, I don't play online at all becau...

5254d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I never understood why a 7/10 is average; surely that is why a 5/10 exists. If 7 is average, then why do you need between 1-6 to quantify bad but the difference between average and excellent is 3 points. No wonder I see so many tv adverts with 4/5 splashed across the screen.

Myself, I don't really care for reviews, there is either a game I want to play or one I don't; I don't need a manchild with an inflated sense of his own worth scrambling for credibility by fai...

5255d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment