Tired... as usual


CRank: 109Score: 6895630

The reviews of the English version were quite biased, it shown that most were purposedly nitpicking (a Japanese game and Sony Exclusive! Burn it!). I wrote my own review here:

The game is not perfect, but it's very, very polished, expecially since it includes all the fixes that have been applied to it in a year. It's actually very innova...

5298d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

A really beautiful trailer, and surprisingly very fitting :D

5300d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

therealcliffyb: Rule #76: On any given day one of my tweets will appear as a very controversial headline on the game news aggregate site n4g.com.

5300d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Waaaa! Bioware doesn't write their characters accprding MY sexual tasteees! It's a slight to gay rights I say! I have the RIGHT to be gay in a videogame!!!"

Call the waaambulance before he floods us with tears.

5302d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Might be so, but it's very unusual for them to use a countdown for that.

Also, the studio Tango has already been announced officially, so there would be no reason for naming the site just "Mikami Shinji Project" :D

In any case, we shall see in two weeks for sure.

5305d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

There are few more satisfying things than getting Jim Sterling so butthurt that he'd write a full wall of text just to insult you :D

I claim full dibs on the deed :D

5309d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

There is: I wrote it long ago lol

5309d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

While on one side I hope the content returns as DLC, simply because I want to be able to play it? If Sega tried to capitalize on cuts by selling it as pay to play DLC (unless it's massively cheap), it'll probably be one of the worst PR debacles of this generation, worse than the cuts themselves.

5309d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

They're also very proficent at blaming their fans for their own errors actually :D we'll get to that stage, eventually. Oh wait, they already did (it doesn't "resonate") :P

5309d ago 5 agree0 disagreeView comment

To be honest I actually hope that Sega decides not to bother with 4 and that someone else like Atlus publishes it in their stead.

The situation you describe paints actually an even worse picture. Sega knows that they're holding the series hostage, and as such they're basically giving us a "you want the game? then we can screw you up as much as we want, neener neener".
Honestly, I find it unacceptable, and such an attitude doesn't deserve any kind of support. <...

5310d ago 3 agree6 disagreeView comment

You're stepping on a very slippery slope mate. Just because "people aren't going to notice" does that mean that publishers should feel entitled to cut content from the games whenever they want (and on top of that issue misleading statement on the size of those cuts)?

The game being nice in itself doesn't excuse Sega giving us a maimed version for a full price, trying to trick us into believing that it's "99% intact".

5310d ago 13 agree3 disagreeView comment

Lol, "destructoid" and "best" in the same sentence? This is the most funny part of this thread of comment. Did you really say that the true scum of gaming fanboy-journalism said something "best"?


5311d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

"I’m not saying I approve of the booing. But I’m not saying I don’t approve. http://bit.ly/9YL9v5 (well-played, Koalition tweeps!)"


Just LOL!

5311d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Fresh approaches are all nice and good when they have some actual application. From the demo it's applicability is still very very much in the dark. It's all static stuff, all suspiciously organic, and the detailing looks nice at a distance, but not that much from nearby.

At the moment I'm unimpressed honestly. Maybe if they show more, with animated content, better detail and precise surface, I might be interested, by so far it seems like a gimmick.

5311d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

Also, forgot to mention. ALL the models they're showing look very organic. There are no flat or precise surfaces. This really makes me doubt the application of this technology to real gaming and it's precision.

If it's so good, why not showing us some flat surfaces too? If the technology can draw organic (and pretty much granulous, i think they look fugly) monsters, but it can't draw a car with the necessary precision, then it's useless.

5311d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

I actually watched it a lil while ago. The demo looks very fishy, and it's implementation in real games seem to pose quite a lot of problems.

And for goodness' sake. They were so good to create such an allegedly "advanced" technology, but they can't even design an half decent website? Paint me very, very dubious.


5311d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

so they won't support 42 LED Tvs online as well? because you know, it's an advantage compared to the poor gamers with Standard resloution TVs lol.

5311d ago 4 agree1 disagreeView comment

The only ones actually complaining about people using a different controller are the ones who like to moan about nothing.
Everyone will use the control scheme that feels the more natural to them.

I don't moan at people when playing forza 3 because the guy that passed me was using a 300 dollars fanatec wheel with manual stick, pedals and clutch and I'm using a normal controller.

In console FPSs nowadays, there are already plenty people that use several implemen...

5311d ago 7 agree1 disagreeView comment

Number 1 in the US, which still means number 3 in the world. Oops.

5312d ago 3 agree4 disagreeView comment

Actually the sixaxis was released one week before than the wii. Lots of people forget that the first motion controlled platform this generation is indeed the PS3.

5312d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment