Tired... as usual


CRank: 109Score: 6895630

Welcome to the world of professional gaming journalism. Where opinion is pretty much ALWAYS part paycheck. Every single publication out there, including websites like kotaku, live on commercial advertisement from game developers. Famitsu is no different, but for sure is no exception to be hypocritically pointed at.

Always got to take this in account when you look not only at review scores, but also at the reviews themselves. A skilled journalist can easily word ...

5271d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

It's not just one, and it goes beyond kotaku, do a google search for "famitsu+scores"

5271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Oh I'd love to see that :D

not that they would actually care...

5271d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Personally I don't dislike scores that much, but I consider them opinion, like the rest of the review. What for someone is 10, for someone else can be 8.

5271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

I've seen worse puns on that name :P

PS: actually I just discovered that you nailed where the name of the site is from :D Congratz :D

5271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

yep, I wish that more people studying games and their effects were like Mrs. Olson. Her opinions may be just common sense, as she says, but it's great common sense.

5271d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Nintendo may have a longer history in the gaming market, but their games never really evolved from the eighties, so I would say that their impact on gaming history, growth and evolution has been inferior than Sony's, and mind you, even Microsoft's.

When did Nintendo last create a new character for their games? Nintendo fanboys are still stuck headbutting bricks, FFS.

In any case, if it was for Nintendo, we'd be still playing games on cartdriges.

5273d ago 1 agree2 disagreeView comment

funny how people are surpised if a 540p game is considered graphically inferior to a 720p game.

in terms of rendered pixels 540p is nearer to the Wii than to 720p. Try doing your math.

Then what did we buy "HD" consoles for if the games run at a resolution nearer to that of a console that's not HD at all?

5273d ago 6 agree3 disagreeView comment

Since the admins still didn't put him behind the content filter by default (no idea why), he rides N4G for hits over and over, counting on controversy and fake hype.
When I see this kind of crap on the front page and legit articles ending behind the filter only because they're from some less known (but much more reliable) source or blog, I really wonder why we have to be subject to this kind of crap.

5274d ago 4 agree2 disagreeView comment

Nowadays I can detect the sensationalistic crap from hiphopgamer just by looking at the title.

The people that approve this kind of crap should get their approval rights removed. Shouldn't this stuff be at the very least hidden behind the content filter?

5274d ago 7 agree5 disagreeView comment

You know, I prefer to write a rebuttal article proving him wrong, than not write anything and have the usual troll comment sarcastically with "The inevitable rebuttal argument. Nice." :D

5275d ago 2 agree3 disagreeView comment

Not really, we don't, but someone needs to let him know :D

Guy got a big, big head :D

5275d ago 3 agree3 disagreeView comment

That's pretty much the standpoint of the article. Videogames CAN be art. Are ALL videogames art? No. Just as much as not all movies or books are art.
But still, saying that video games CANNOT be art is delusive.

5275d ago 4 agree3 disagreeView comment

Unfortunately even western journalists can't handle them. Read at the end of this article:

"That’s right, the third best selling PS3 game in Japan is Yakuza 4. Japan is weird."

That's seriously professional, and especially unbiased journalism there...

5278d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Lol the screens here aren't new by any standard. They have been published on March 26th and already reported on N4G.

5278d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

They already said that car morphing is not yet implemented in the beta, but will be.

5280d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I'm on my 153rd logged hour. probably going to finish the game tonight. Definitely a fullfilling gaming experience if approached without a massive bias.

Waaaah linear!
God of War 3 is linear. Uncharted 2 is linear. Modern Warfare is linear. More linear than FFXIII Is that a problem? No, it's not. If you have a problem with linear games (funny how critically acclaimed games are not defined linear, but "streamlined" to say basically the same thing), then you have ...

5280d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

If you found Odin hard, you obviously are doing something wrong. It's a VERY easy fight.

5280d ago 0 agree2 disagreeView comment

Sorry, but content does determine how good a game is. if a game lacks content, no matter how great it is, it doesn't provide enough bang for the buck.

If you lack playing as much as a full cake for half a cake, then good for you.
But honestly? The market is packed full of whole cakes to even think about wasting money on the cakes sliced in half because the developer has decided to be lazy.

Lazy developers shouldn't be rewarded with sales, or they'll get the im...

5280d ago 8 agree2 disagreeView comment

Too bad that to be that fast you have to know the game perfectly, skip most content (and most playable content, not the cutscenes), and lo and behold, use cheatish equipment that you acquire only beating the game multiple times.

Otherwise, even without the clips, MGS4 is longer than most games nowadays.

I guess this kinda debunks your troll attempt.

Fail troll is fail, but after all, what could one expect from someone with that nickname and avatar.

5280d ago 2 agree5 disagreeView comment