Mark Rubin Announces News About Penalties and TDM in XDefiant

Screenshot during a match in XDefiant

The Executive Producer of XDefiant has done it again! Mark Rubin has quite a reputation for being transparent and honest with fans since day one. In the last 24 hours, he has addressed a big issue in the game and made a couple of announcements as well. Mark Rubin revealed if penalties were coming to XDefiant and if we’d ever get TDM.

Will There Be Penalties for Leaving an XDefiant Match Early?

Fans have been asking for the developers to introduce loss prevention into the game. On June 9, Mark Rubin addressed the issue on X. He discussed adding some sort of incentive for players not to leave the match early, rather than penalizing that kind of behavior. He also mentioned: “Will also be looking into rewarding players for joining mid-match. And making sure JiP doesn’t give you a loss”.

Executive Producer of XDefiant on penalties for leaving the match early
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked via X

This kind of engagement with the players shows the dedication of this EP. Fans were very thankful for the update, some even had suggestions on how to resolve the issue. A player, toxicity18241, explained: “The simple solution is to actually incentivize playing the objective. People are KDA farming because it’s faster to level weapon attachments”.

Germanspartan15 said: “Idk why so many people are up in arms about someone leaving in a casual game in the first place. It’s casual, who the hell cares”. Another fan, Affectionate-Cost525, explained: “It’s not the leaving that’s the issue, it’s the joining halfway into a completely one-sided game that you have no chance of winning that’s the problem”.

Mark Rubin made another announcement on X. This one was in regard to the announced patches. He said: “Just FYI we had to spread out the changes into two patches one week apart. The first patch is this Wednesday. 2nd patch is one week later”. So, the players have something to look forward to this week, as well as the next one.

The Executive Producer Discloses the Addition of TDM

Probably the biggest news Mark Rubin and the XDefiant team have shared is about TDM (team deathmatch) coming to XDefiant. The EP revealed on X: “In case you missed the IGN Live interview, I wanted to say that we have been listening to the amount of people asking for TDM and we will be adding it in a couple of weeks”.

Executive Producer of XDefiant, Mark Rubin, announces TDM
Screenshot by N4G Unlocked via X

In the same interview, the EP stated: “We have been community first since day one”. He went on to explain how the two main pillars of the game were the community and the game being a good shooter. It’s safe to say that they have the community part covered. Mikaveli said: “Very refreshing how much you guys listen to and interact with the community“.

Having the developers actually listen to their fanbase is very rare in the gaming industry. We commend every effort to engage with the community and give them what they ask for. So far, Mark Rubin and the developers of XDefiant have done a great job of communicating with the players directly and announcing news on topics like penalties and TDM in advance. As with any other new game, XDefiant has had its challenges, but gestures like these have us hopeful for the future.


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