XDefiant Best Assault Rifle Loadouts

Sceen shot during a firefight in XDefiant

Assault Rifles are the backbone of any FPS game, and customizing a Loadout is a big part of XDefiant. Picking a faction in the game is important, but picking the best possible loadout for your chosen weapon can make an even greater impact on your games. So keep on reading to find out what are the best Assault Rifle Loadouts in XDefiant.    

Best Assault Rifle Loadouts in XDefiant

When first launching the game, players will have only one weapon option unlocked, and it is only the bare-bones option. Luckily, playing the game will expand your arsenal, as well as opening weapon attachments for the guns you use. Below, you will find the best loadouts for all the Assault Rifles that can currently be used in XDefiant:


Muzzle: Booster

Front Rail: Superlight

Optics: Reflex

Magazine: Fast Mag

Rear Grip: Quick Draw

M4A1 is one of the most balanced weapons in XDefiant, and this loadout aims to improve all that. Muzzle Booster helps with recoil control and rate of fire, while Reflexed Sight gives you greater aim capacity. Moreover, taking Superlight Front Rail in combination with Quick Draw Rear Grip will drastically improve aim down-sight speed. Lastly, taking Fast Mag improves reload speed, allowing you to put constant pressure on your enemies. 

Screenshot before the match starts in XDefiant
Image via N4G Unlocked


Barrel: Lightweight 

Front Rail: Pistol

Optics: Reflex Sight

Magazine: Fast Mag

Stock: Folded 

The AK-47 is currently one of the best weapons in the game, and this loadout makes it even better. Taking Lightweight Barrel, Pistol Grip and Folded Stock increases player speed drastically and decreases aim down-sight speed. Furthermore, Reflex Sight and Fast Mag will help out with aiming and reload speed. All in all, this build makes the AK-47 a beast of a weapon capable of ending enemies in 2-3 shots.   


Muzzle: Compensator

Barrel: Rapid Fire

Front Rail: Tactical Grip

Optics: Reflex

Stock: Padded 

This weapon is great for players who like engaging enemies at longer distances, and this loadout improves its long-range capabilities. Burst-fire is this weapon’s greatest strength, and landing a headshot with it will instantly kill almost every opponent. All the attachments used for this loadout help reduce gun recoil, so you can easily land those burst fire shots. Furthermore, Rapid Fire Barrel increases the gun’s fire rate giving players more chances to land their bursts.     

Screenshot during a match in XDefiant
Image via N4G Unlocked


Muzzle: Barrel Extender

Barrel: Lightweight

Front Rail: Small Vertical Grip

Optics: Reflex

Stock: Padded

The most important part of this loadout is a Barrel Extender Barrel, this will increase MDR’s close and medium-range damage significantly, although this does come with a penalty to speed. Luckily, this can be compensated by attaching Lightweight Barrel which gives players a speed boost along with faster aim down-sight time. Combining all this with a Small Vertical Grip and Padded Stock for increased recoil control and stability makes the MDR one of the contenders for the best assault rifle in XDefiant.  

ACR 6.8

Barrel: Stabilizing

Front Rail: Small Vert

Optics: Reflex

Stock: Lightweight

Rear Grip: Grip Tape

The ACR 6.8 biggest strength lies in its versatility, offering great base damage across all ranges. Considering this, the loadout for this weapon was created to give players bonus speed and more control over gun recoil. This will allow players to maneuver into the best positions and take advantage of ACR 6.8 damage. 


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