How to Fix Valorant Error Code 59 – Step-by-Step Guide

Valorant Error Code 59

Valorant Error Code 59 has become a significant hiccup for many players trying to dive into the game. If you’re constantly being met with this baffling error message, don’t fret. We’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you address and rectify this persistent issue, allowing you to get back into the game swiftly.

Many players face the annoying obstacle of the Valorant Error Code 59 when they attempt to launch the game. This cryptic error, while frequent, is not without its solutions. This article will elucidate the error and guide you through tried-and-tested solutions to get you back to playing Valorant seamlessly.

Valorant’s official support documentation states that Error Code 59 has a technical alias: ‘LoginQueueFetchTokenFailure.’ While Riot’s support doesn’t dive deep into its meaning, the name hints that the issue centers around the login queue. This error isn’t exclusive to Valorant and has reared its head in other Riot favorites, such as League of Legends. But rest assured, there’s a straightforward fix on the horizon.

Step-by-Step Solutions to Valorant Error Code 59

Navigating through this error might seem daunting at first, but with a systematic approach, you can quickly pinpoint the issue and jump back into action.

Restart Valorant

Being a login queue-related problem, a simple game restart does the trick. Close the game using the ‘quit’ option or the ALT+F4 command for a complete shutdown.

Reboot your PC

Sometimes, a broader reset is required. If the error continues to haunt your screen, try giving your PC a quick reboot.

Reinstall Riot Vanguard

When all else fails, it might be an issue with the anti-cheat program itself. Consider reinstalling Riot Vanguard to ensure it isn’t the root cause.

Riot Support and Server Issues

If the fixes above don’t yield results, visit the Riot support site. Submit a ticket detailing your issue. A prominent server issue may occasionally be the culprit, affecting a broad player base. If that’s the case, patience might be your best weapon, as the error will likely resolve itself once Riot addresses the server problem.

Dealing with errors like the Valorant Error Code 59 can be discouraging. Still, solutions are often within reach with guidance and patience.

Dive into our other guides, How to play post-plant in Valorant and How to improve Game Sense in Valorant.


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