Epic Games Just Added One Borderline Overpowered Perk to Fortnite

Fortnite Epic Games adds a new op perk

It’s been well documented that Fortnite’s augments had their ups and downs recently. With much of the player base unhappy with the current choices, it didn’t take long for Epic to take notice. A couple of powerful new augments will be making their way to the battle royale with the new patch. We had a preview of what they’re going to be like, and let’s say that you’ll want to pick them up when you get them. But how does the community feel about them? Let’s find out.

Fortnite Rolling Out With Banger New Augments

Two new augments have been revealed, courtesy of iFireMonkey on Twitter (or is it X nowadays?). In his tweet, iFireMonkey shared that the new augments are called Pistol Recycle and Scoped Salvo. Pistol Recycle gives pistols a 33% chance not to expend ammo while shooting. Scoped Salvo increases the damage of scoped weapons by 15% while decreasing the fire rate by the same amount.

Fortnite Community Welcomes New Augments With Open Arms

It’s no surprise that the players, starved for good augments, have been welcoming of these new additions. The pistol augment looks like a fun addition to run no matter what. Though Ceven77 brings up a good point – it would be even more powerful if Sidearm Pistol augment was back as well.

Meanwhile, Scoped Salvo looks like a complete winner. It might even verge on being OP with how good it is. You can run it with MK-Alpha or with Thermal DMR, and just melt people, even with the lower fire rate. Proqze went a step further, compiling a handy chart of how these weapons would perform with the new augment. Suffice to say, those numbers look menacing.

Even with these two additions, Fortnite’s augment system may need a bit more work to make it worthwhile. Still, it’s a move in the right direction. Do you plan to use these augments if they show up in your games?

For more Fortnite guides, check out Where to Find Coconuts and When Is the Next Fortnite Update.


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