
Sony E3 Conference: A Solid Showing But Missing Megatons

The Sony E3 Conference benefited from a great format and some great announcements but was the show as strong as many expected?

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ninsigma2883d ago

Septic, what do you call God of war reboot, crash remasters (from the ground up) and spiderman??

Gazondaily2883d ago

God of War is a megaton. I allude to that in the article.

Crash remaster I do not consider one at all.

Spiderman is solid but not a megaton.

ninsigma2883d ago

Why not crash??

There were no announcements anywhere near as big as last year's but an exclusive spiderman (more importantly it's from a great dev like insomniac) is still pretty darn big.

Everything else was solid.

naruga2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Crash remaster combined with Activsion-Skylander owner ship was one of the biggest let downs ever....

if it was smthing like this: Crash bought back by Sony with a top studio remaking (i repeat remaking not remastering) the originals would be really a megaton ....

Gazondaily2883d ago

A new crash game would be a megaton. Remasters of old games are not what I consider a megaton at all. You might.

Everything else was solid yes minus the VR games

Aloy-Boyfriend2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

- Horizon is a megaton
- Kojima himself was a megato and a - huge surprise
-Spiderman maybe, but it is a huge character
TLG is very anticipated

Maybe Naughty Dog was missing. Uncharted 4 just released one month ago

Seems there will be always something missing for some people. I only missed Sucker Punch.

I can say the show was way stronger than we expected. I know many thought it was gonna be Indie and VR galote; didn't happen. :D

ninsigma2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Naruga, I'm just happy he's back. We haven't seen what the remaster is like yet so for now happy days that the IP isn't dead.

Septic, the fact that one of the biggest IPs in gaming is back from the dead is pretty big.
That was probably Sonys best vr showing yet. Shows there's some great titles coming for it.

Karupika, I wouldnt call horizon or tlg megatons because we already knew about them. They were great showings but they were megatons last year.

Edit: Fixed outocorrect on Narugas name.

Erik73572883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Oh you are so wrong
Spiderman by insomniac studios, a quality developer, is a megaton and its not your movie tie in crap game......

Last time I checked Microsoft was riding off of sunset overdrive when they announced it.

OB1Biker2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Spiderman is solid?
Seriously be honest
What would you call it if it was a Ms exclusive from Insomniac on Ms show?

Deadpooled2883d ago

Spiderman is huge. Sony answered why people should stick to their platform, and being made by Insomniac and not a movie tie in game.

Morgue2883d ago

Depends on how one views " Megaton "

God of War was pretty much a given since it was announced that Corey Barlog was returning to Sony and it would seem rather odd if that series didn't have a game on PS4. Crash Bandicoot was a given considering the Uncharted 4 appearance and clamor from fans and lastly Spiderman. Which could really be the only megaton since it's exclusive to PS4 ( from what I read ) and looks really impressive.

For myself. I'm stoked for the GoW but the only " megaton " announcement was the new Koijima game.

Overall though Sony's E3 showing was pretty solid and to the point. Games and experiences for all types of gamer's.

jukins2883d ago

Sorry gotta agree with septic there were no Megaton announcements. Really the only surprise was actually seeing visuals from Kojima game. I know it's just a trailer but seeing as how his team recently formed didn't expect to even see anything for a year but still we all knew about the exclusive e Kojima game. Sony had the best showing but there weren't really any surprises

GamePeace2883d ago

I would gladly re-play the old Crash games if they get glorious remakes from the ground up. I'm excited to see how those levels look like with the new tech ...

Sitdown2883d ago


How is Horizon a megaton? They showed it last year. And I say that as someone who plans on playing it day one, as it's my Heavenly Sword for the ps4.

DragonKnight2883d ago

Crash isn't a megaton because it's a dead IP. If you don't believe me, how many Spyro the Dragon games have you been playing lately?

Horizon isn't a megaton because we already know about it. It's at the "releasing tidbits of info" stage.

Kojima isn't a megaton because we already knew he partnered with Sony for a game, but then he showed us an art project. The guy wants to make movies as clearly evident by the confusing trailer for Death Stranding which told us NOTHING about the game.

All the VR showing was boring.

Spiderman isn't a megaton. Maybe the fact that Insomniac is developing it would be if not for the fact that, since leaving their 2nd party partnership with Sony, Insomniac has been a mediocre dev and Sucker Punch should be developing Spiderman due to experience with the genre. Plus, Spiderman games have an up and down level of quality where some are good, some are terrible, so it's not a megaton if it sucks.

Days Gone is wholly uninteresting, and even if you are interested in it, I doubt it caused a stirring in the loins.

Only megaton was God of War, and that was at the very beginning of the show.

E3 was a general let down this year because everyone is scaling back on it.

the_dark_one2883d ago

"God of War is a megaton. I allude to that in the article."- then why did you put in the title "but missing megatons"

Tody_za2883d ago

It seems like your idea of megaton is what *you* consider to be megaton digimon, and not what is factual megaton digimon.

It is factual megaton digimon that a Spider-Man exclusive by Insomniac is something that's never happened before in the superhero game genre and a rare case of full creative freedom given combined with lots of resources. Sure we've seen creative freedom a fair amount of times in the past with Batman, Ultimate Spider-Man, Spider-Man Shattered Dimensions and Edge of Time, Spider-Man Web of Shadows and so forth, but this is combined with Sony resources. Only Batman by Rocksteady has been given triple A level resources. Could be the same here. Spider-Man brings all the geeks and children around, so it is big for Sony.

It is factual megaton digimon that Kojima is developing exclusively for PlayStation. You saw how huge the Metal Gear Solid series was for the PlayStation for the first four games + two portable ones.

It is speculative megaton digimon that if the remasters of Crash are successful Sony might deliver a new game. It is factual megaton digimon that a lot of gamers are happy with Crash returning, and Sony and Naughty Dog are clearly toying with it since even in Uncharted 4 there are big Crash easter eggs.

It is factual megaton digimon that God of War is huge, and the guts of Sony/Santa Monica to basically refresh the entirety of the gameplay is big.

It is factual megaton digimon that some people had a problem when Sony unveiled the PS4 without showing a physical console, and now applaud Microsoft for doing that and want Sony to do the same. It is speculative megaton digimon that we do not need new consoles right now - we need the best new games the consoles have to offer. Sony has only delivered Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Killzone Shadow Fall and Infamous Second Son from their list of flagships. They still have lots more to come, like God of War. I can hardly imagine any average consumer with a PlayStation is jumping at the chance to buy a brand new console + a 4K TV + PlayStation VR rather than just get great games and get VR this holiday. A new console is not 'megaton digimon' it's just media hype.

There's a reason Sony is killing it at these conferences. They're doing megaton digimon things for the PlayStation brand, and of course there's Gamescom and more to show off more titles.

But if you consider that Sony's E3 literally showed like 5 NEW games (Resident Evil 7, God of War, Days Gone, Kojima's game, Spider-Man), not to mention the upcoming new games like Detroit, The Last Guardian and Horizon that we've already seen...and EXCLUDED past games like Final Fantasy 7 and Shemue 3...

Then you'll see that their conference was megaton digimon for the PlayStation brand.

I find your lack of megaton digimon disturbing.

miyamoto2883d ago

Oh, it's you! I knew it.

harrisk9542883d ago

No offense, but how is Spiderman not "megaton"? That is a HUGE IP to have as exclusive to one console if Insomniac can execute. If last gen someone had said Batman:AA was going to end up launching the massive franchise that it ended up becoming and it was exclusive to PS3 or XB360, who wouldn't call that megaton in hindsight. Spiderman is arguably the most popular superhero out there.

jessionpc2883d ago

GOW is a megaton and Spiderman is absolutely also a megaton. Spiderman is one of the biggest marvel characters ever made!!! To get THAT exclusively with it's own unique PS4 spin is just... Incredible.

Crash is a nice nostalgia thing... But if Crash dropped in 2016 as a new title, it would flop immensely. If Crash DOES make a come back, it MUST modernize heavily... HEAVILY.

Darkfist2883d ago

Spiderman is a megaton, when you see people crying about it being exclusive to ps4

UnHoly_One2882d ago (Edited 2882d ago )

I hate this phrase "megaton", it's stupid.

But regardless of what you call it, I don't see how it applies to God of War.

I know it hadn't been announced but didn't we all basically assume they were working on a new GoW?

The only part of the announcement that was a big deal to me is that they appear to have ruined the gameplay and turned it into a Babysitting simulator.

+ Show (17) more repliesLast reply 2882d ago
Cindy-rella2883d ago

So he didnt like sonys e3 because it didn't have a decepticon?

Letthewookiewin2883d ago

Ya Sony didn't have any new system announcements to play mediocre exclusives on.....

gamer78042883d ago

I agree with septic on this one. a really good show but nothing that was unexpected or groundbreaking. I totally expected god of war. I also thought it felt a bit contrived with the young boy and tring to force an emotional conection

chobit_A5HL3Y2883d ago

i would say the gow reveal was unexpected and pretty groundbreaking considering they revamped everything about it and completely changed how it plays. it's pretty much a brand new franchise now. no other dev has had the balls to do such a thing, pretty much ever. i don't see how you can shrug off something so major.

Capital7Dream2883d ago

I'm with you on that. Along with that live orchestra.

2883d ago Replies(6)
GribbleGrunger2883d ago

Removal of the bubble system has had an interesting affect.

TwoForce2883d ago

@DragonKnight Wow ! You are very nitpicking person, aren't ya ?

Automatic792883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Sony had a good show but the only megatons for me was God of War and Resident Evil and Resident Evil is coming to Xbox One, God of War didn't feel like God of War it felt more Last Guardian with Kratos being the furry dragon and the boy well running around.

It will be interesting to see what direction it goes.

BiggerBoss2883d ago

With that GOW-Last Guardian comment I have to ask... Are you retarded?

jessionpc2883d ago

Wooooow wow wow wow buddy.

The words he chose over the Crash remakes were preeeeeetty off placing... Even the audience went quiet... They COULD be true remakes, but they really just sound like remasters to me...

Just don't get your hopes up, N4G is a nice little, "safe place", to dream, but consider reality too... Only time will tell, but it's not set in stone like the FF7 remake now is.

2883d ago
2883d ago
+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 2882d ago
naruga2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

i agree about the Crash Bandicoot disappointment ...the franchise is still in Activision hands and the only worthy thing that was announced was some ambiguous quality remasters coming from Vicarious Visions..worst let down ever ...i wonder didnt they noticed the disappointed silence when they announced remaster+Skylanders-Crash inclusion?? ..i wish the games to completely flop in sales in order Activision to be forced to sell the franchise

IIFloodyII2883d ago

Why would anyone buy a series that just completely flopped? The fact it's still in Activision's hands made me far more happy about the remasters, rather have a few Crash games I know are good, instead of whatever garbage Activision would have dumped out. If they can give them the R&C treatment, I'll be even happier.

Rookie_Monster2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Well written article. I agreed that the show was solid and there are a few great games like the new GOW and Spiderman but other than that, I don't think there were much to scream about tbh.

Crash was just a remastered of old, old games and the skylander part got everyone saying "why?". The Last Guardian finally has a release date but judging from the reception and lack of comments on previews found here on N4G, that game will be nothing more than a niche title at this point as 7 plus years of waiting is just too much, I guess. Lastly, the new games from Kojima and Bend's Days Gone were very early and doesn't seems all that exciting tbh with the later being reported drawing no crowd at E3.

The VR portion was underwelming to say the least with not a single exciting AAA title that is a system seller and the graphics were obviously sacrificed to meet VR requirment. Still getting my PSVR st launch and hopefully things can improved a bit by then. A Neo announcement and showing off the enhanced PSVR pairing with it would be a megaton but that didn't happened. Fingures crossed for a Gamescom reveal and a launch date.

Lastly the 2 biggest letdowns for me is no set release dates for any of the games announced and not a single game announced is going to be released this year. Two of my most wanted games from last year's E3, Shenmue 3 and FF7, didn't even show up. This is the part that is disappointing as it is cool showing off game announcements but when those games are so early and failed to show anything the following year, that is a major letdown. Hope some of this year's games do show up next year and have some fmore information and gameplay.

But other than that, a solid showing from Sony even when it lacked any megaton.

Antnee5342883d ago

That's the thing sony uses most of their e3 showing for a glimpse into the future of playstation, the games announced at e3 most will not receive release dates till the following e3. It's fun knowing what's to come. Sony uses its other conferences through the year to announce more of the dates for games.

assdan2883d ago

That's kinda just how e3 works now. You see the reveal trailer. Next year you see gameplay, that fall, or the following Q1/2, the game comes out.

Genuine-User2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )


The entire comment showcases your contempt towards PlayStation.

"Crash was just a remastered of old, old games"

Yet we never saw you say anything remotely similar for Gears of War UE and TMCC.

"The Last Guardian finally has a release date"

Yes it does, unlike the cancelled Phantom Dust and Fable Legends.

"but judging from the reception"

Gamespot - "The Last Guardian Has the Makings of a Bittersweet Masterpiece"

"and lack of comments on previews found here on N4G"

is that your barometer of success lol

"that game will be nothing more than a niche title"

You lot said the same about Bloodborne yet it went on to sell more than 2 million copies in 6 months.

"Days Gone is very early in development"

A single artcile without proof isn't confirmation of anyting.

"and doesn't seems all that exciting"

But Dead Rising 4 does. lol

"tbh with the later being reported drawing no crowd at E3."

Again, I had a look at the article, it included around two paragraphs with no proof.


I can't be bothered to dissect your rediculous assertions any further.


I noticed.


"I have not said a word about Xbox, MS or their E3 on my post"

Does that negate what you might have said in your other posts? No.

"so I am confused why you even bought these Xbox materials up to try to compare and proof a point"

You're a self proclaimed Xbox fan and supporter, why wouldn't I bring up games that you presumably salivate over.

"This is just my assessment of the Sony E3 keynote and it is just my Opinion, nothing more."

I don't agree at all. And there's more to it than you let on.

"you don't need to bring in the console war into the discussion."

A bit rich coming from you. Console wars - "A console war is competition for dominance in market share in video game consoles."

spicelicka2883d ago

Well he really made no comparison to Xbox....

Rookie_Monster2883d ago

Genuine, I have not said a word about Xbox, MS or their E3 on my post, so I am confused why you even bought these Xbox materials up to try to compare and proof a point. Calm down, LoL

This is just my assessment of the Sony E3 keynote and it is just my Opinion, nothing more. if you disagrees, fine, and state your reasons why but you don't need to bring in the console war into the discussion. Settle down...jeeezzz

jb2272883d ago

Great work Genuine, don't sweat, I'll take it from here

"The VR portion was underwelming to say the least with not a single exciting AAA title that is a system seller"

Resident Evil 7 fully VR compatible, Final Fantasy, Batman Arkham VR, Star Wars X-Wing VR. Yeah, not technically a 'single' exciting AAA because there is 4 of the biggest franchises in gaming represented.

"A Neo announcement and showing off the enhanced PSVR pairing with it would be a megaton but that didn't happened."

Shows your standards are set & wrapped around whatever MS does. Why should Sony show off Neo when it has no release date, no price, no form factor, no name & not a single game ready to be shown? Sony will roll out Neo as an actual console reveal. They will sell you on the entire package, not the potential for horsepower. Can't play horsepower without software. Glad Sony didn't show Neo, they went the non stop games route.

"Lastly the 2 biggest letdowns for me is no set release dates for any of the games announced and not a single game announced is going to be released this year."

Remind me again, how many publishers ever announced & released a game in a single year? MS has only done so with Forza, an annualized racing that simply has to be announced the year of its release. What else would they do, announce Horizon right before Forza 6 releases? Sony doesn't have any cranked out ad nauseum annualized franchises to announce & release every year and that's a good thing.

As far as the lack of release dates though, that doesn't mean these games are early in development, just means Sony is done w/ the delays. They won't put dates on these games until they are fully firm, good on them.

"Lacked any megaton"

God of War reboot & return after a 4 year wait. Kojima console exclusive starring Norman Reedus. Spider-Man Insomniac full exclusive....these are all megatons. Their interest spans the entirety of gaming. A megaton is a game that is recognized by every gamer, and no one can say those games aren't "megatons" based off of their own opinion. If it's so relative then the term is fully pointless.

Love how nothing from Sony is "megaton" in the eyes of Xbox diehards like Septic & Rookie. Fairly certain if any of those games were revealed as Xbox exclusives, they'd suddenly change their tune. Ultimately all of this is pointless from them because the PS4 could play host to the second coming of gaming Christ & these guys would still call it underwhelming & not megaton material.

Jayszen2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )


Well said, mate. Good and necessary responses from you and jb227 below!

dumahim2883d ago

I'm not going to bother giving this site a click, but....

"Lastly the 2 biggest letdowns for me is no set release dates for any of the games announced and not a single game announced is going to be released this year."

Did the article really say this? How about potentially the most anticipated release date in many years. Probably only would be topped by a Half Life 3 release date. The Last Guardian October 25 2016

_-EDMIX-_2883d ago

@gen- respect.

Septic and Rookie are just upset because Microsoft is announcing all their games coming to PC and is no longer doing exclusives lol

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2883d ago
Doabarrelroll2883d ago

Of course nothing made you scream, why would anything from Sony make you excited.
Are you really using comments on previews to try and discredit the last guardian, that's pathetic, also the days gone show was "BEHIND DOORS" not open to the public stupid, of course no crowd will be there. also with batman, GT, ace combat, tekken, etc PSVR clearly shows it has AAA, "oh but graphics" I didn't know that VR was suppose to have mind blowing graphics.

As for the release dates SHUT UP already about release dates that's you guys trying so hard to downplay the confernece filled with Games. Both TLG and GT got release dates. MS showed games for last or two years ago and they STILL aren't here. Having release dates for games we've seen before is easy. And after having nothing the first half besides QB you guys finally get some games.

P_Bomb2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )

Honestly, the "i've been waiting 7 yrs for TLG so it's too late now, it's niche, it's a write off" shade that a select few are throwing, is so lame.

Let's look at Rockstar, shall we?

It was a 5 year wait between GTA4 and GTA5, a 9 year wait between Max Payne2 and Max Payne3. Those turned out just fine. TLG's 7 year wait sits right in the middle.

It's been 6 years since Red Dead Redemption and 10 years since Bully. When those games get sequels, I guarantee the same peeps will be firing up their NeoGeoAquarius S.5 to the 3rd power consoles with glee.

Alan Wake took 5 years after its first announcement. Too Human took almost 10 years. 10 years since the last Prey. 8 years between Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion. 13 years between Ninja Gaiden3 and the Ninja Gaiden reboot.

Waiting for a product, whether it's a continuation or a new IP, doesn't automatically disqualify it from relevance. Judge it when it comes out, not from how many preview article comments it has. I'm buying it. What more is there to say?

EverydayJoe2883d ago

Don't you know logic and reason have no place round these parts.

TwoForce2883d ago

Let me tell you something this, you are not Playstation fan at all. You downplay Playstation with no reason. The reason why people downvote you on every PS articles even you try to be positive because you don't have a real heart to PS community. Same with you two, YinYangGaming and Death.

Sunny_D2883d ago (Edited 2883d ago )


If you want to play that game, how come you decided to attack Morganfell in regards to GEARS Of WAR 2 (yes 2) on an article that HAD Nothing to do with what he was replying to. I don't see any problem with it other than you being a hypocrite. Oh, and genuine destroyed your whole argument.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 2883d ago
-Foxtrot2883d ago

It did have megatons, one or two just didn't play out how I hoped.

Crash - The thing I waited long so for didn't play out the way I hoped. I wanted Sony to gain the rights and have a new Crash being developed in house. Instead we got remasters by a crappy Activision studio and Crash in Skylanders.

Resident Evil 7 - You know my opinion on this by now...not Resident Evil in the slightest

As for God of War 4 it looks fantastic but like I've said I'm worried about the hand holding the kid. If the Last of Us never existed then I'd think it was brand new and genius but because of it I've seen this bonding thing before.

I was at least expecting something on FFVII aswell.

Apart from my small nitpicks it was a fantastic conference over all...it was constantly engaging, set up properly and well hosted.

LP-Eleven2883d ago

Yep, and despite the "lack of megatons" (for certain people), the show gave me what I was looking for from E3 (games, revealed and unrevealed).

BlackTar1872883d ago

don;t you know you gotta get excited for a new system from a company that puts out barely any games and has historically provided less games for it's users since inception? I mean as gamers we should all love them for that LOL

TwoForce2883d ago

Finally, I agree with you on this.

jb2272883d ago

Haven't they confirmed that the RE demo will not be indicative of the final play style? That's the same line that was used for Silent Hills as well, and I think these demos are meant as tone pieces. It could be argued that the tone piece is more "Resident Evil" than at least 2/3 of RE6. I'm willing to give them the benefit of a doubt, Capcom knows they need to do something special to get the series back on track & I believe they are capable of doing exactly that.

As far as the hand holding of the kid in GoW I can see your concerns there. There's a thin line between RE4 & TLOU in terms of escort missions & hand holding. RE4 was still a masterpiece for me but the Ashley sections were far & away the low points. That said, Joel & Ellie was an amazing pairing & the game was better off for it. Considering GoW seemed to take more inspiration from the latter than the former I'm optimistic. I think the entire idea of having a child along for GoW spins off the Calliope sections from GoW3 as they do TLOU though. In that game Kratos saw his daughter in Calliope & he was able to show that softer human side that the character desperately needs to be taken seriously in gaming moving forward.

Nyxus2883d ago

Hm, I would call God of War, Death Stranding, Spiderman and Resident Evil 7 megatons.

rezzah2882d ago

He called God of War a megaton in his article, hence his title...oh wait.

Show all comments (131)

Why The Game Industry Needs In-Person Shows Despite The End Of E3

Skewed and Reviewed kick off 2024 with a look at the need for in-person game conventions with the End of E3 and compares the cost-cutting methods of Hollywood who still value in-person events.

gold_drake129d ago

so, this article didnt tell me why we NEED to have in-person shows like e3, other than the authors nostalgia and remembrance of covering one of these shows.

but it also doesnt mention everyone outside of america who have never had the chance to see it in person either haha
we had to watch the darn livestream, if they had it available, at 3am in the morning haha with lags amd crashes (not all the time)

while i think these shows are great and all, i dont really "need" to have them. people are busy, im busy. id rather watch a livestream than to book a flight, a hotel etc.

but theres still pax and all of that.

Garethvk129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

I did mention that you cannot have hands-on and meetings with key people and the excitement. Europe has Gamescom and had Paris Games Week and N.A
Needs an industry event again.

A Livestream does not even come close to what was lost. I much prefer seeing and playing the games in person and asking questions to developers and marketing people versus watching talking heads doing shtick on a scripted showcase with a carefully edited video.

gold_drake129d ago

"need" is a strong word for it, imo.

"good to have it" would be a better way to describe it.

and sure, gamescom is in se germanland, paris week in .. paris.

most people dont rly care for it anymore. they either tune in to a livestream or vod or read about it online.

but opinions are opinions. if u think we Need them, then there ya go.

Garethvk129d ago

I think the industry needs them. The rank and file public not as much but our coverage is greatly limited via livestreams compared to what it was to say nothing of streams. Hands on previews Re very limited as well as we used to play big games months before release.

ApocalypseShadow129d ago (Edited 129d ago )

I get what you're saying. In person is always preferable with a hands on. Because there are those like myself that like to try before buying. That likes physical mostly over digital.

But having said that, I think it's more *your personal need* than a need for the industry itself. You need to be the middleman giving your point of view, possibly your own personal bias or subjectivity or objectivity to the equation. *We* as gamers don't actually NEED it. We can come to the same conclusions, positive or negative about a game as you can.

Companies like Sony or Nintendo used to sit back and watch others give their take on things that were negative to the message or had an agenda. Especially during the PS3 era of website bias, swag bags, advertising hand shakes, biased video, free laptops, etc.

Companies like Sony took the reigns and decided to let their base see for themselves what the games look like, than through the eyes of some journalists, bloggers and vloggers looking to cash in on click bait and advertising.

Delivering their message directly to the consumer killed a lot of that nonsense. You see the developers, you see the game, and in many cases, you can speak to these developers on discord than worrying about some article's take on something.

It's not that I want you to become obsolete. But for some, I'm glad it killed their business practices. Also, we live in an era where these games could be streamed directly to the consumers after the presentation from Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft that gives that hands on of a game. They just have to implement that technology and make it high quality without latency. And *WE* as gamers can speak to each other on a preferred media platform and give our opinions on the gameplay we just experienced. Many journalists have not been fully honest on games before release because they fear losing their backstage pass and free gifts. We would know just by playing if a game is something we want. Remote play is possible now without lines, without expensive trips, etc.

To close, Sony has sold mostly 50 million PS5 consoles, over 110 million PS4 consoles and Nintendo has sold over 120 million consoles without a journalist take. They delivered their message and it's still reaching the consumers they are targeting without spending the millions of dollars on in person setup at a venue

I get what you're saying. I lived through the whole era when E3 was created and watched. But I don't need it and never been to one. And really don't need a journalist to tell me what to like or dislike.

EvertonFC128d ago

The ques for 1 game were 4 hours long for the most part, that's NOT fun.

S2Killinit128d ago

The problem with live shows was that it became all smoke and mirrors and a show of things not related to gaming. Therefore I would argue that it added a new layer of cost to the game developers and console holders that necessarily will need to made up for. Either we the consumer have to pay for that cost or the developer/manufacturer will have to bear the cost thereby taking away from profits leading to smaller studios dying out.

Remember xbox buying celebrities to make appearances? Thats a good example of unnecessary cost.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 128d ago
JackBNimble129d ago

You don't need to go to the movies either, you can sit on your ass and watch any number of streams but that doesn't make it any better then actually going out.

This generation has become so spoiled and lazy.

gold_drake129d ago

booking a flight and a hotel aint the same as going to the movies, but pop off i guess ha.

Garethvk128d ago

Streaming cannot replace the communal experience of event films.

EvertonFC128d ago (Edited 128d ago )

Actually it does, for one it's cheaper eating my own snacks at home than over priced pi** take cinema prices. 2 it's About £150 to take the family to the cinema or £15 for a new cinema release and watch at home on my awesome 4k TV.
3 We can pause the film when needed, sit in the warmth of our home and have no di*kheads talking through the movie.
That's called using your brain, not being lazy or spoiled dude.

TheColbertinator129d ago

I'd rather publishers send out closed betas to garner gamer concern and interest like how we had demos back in the day.

I don't miss E3 as much as I loved it at one point but that era is long gone.

Garethvk128d ago

There is a need but refinement was and is needed.

Zenzuu128d ago

Sad to see it go. It was a great event for gamers and developers all around the world getting together and celebrate gaming as a community.

The announcements of new games/hardware, hype, surprises and seeing live audience reactions, it's something only events like E3 are able to bring. It will be missed...

hombreacabado128d ago

if its going to be anything like the game awards where celebrities that dont even play games are there and its just full of fluff and commercial crap than no we dont need in person shows. we just end up watching the trailer montages the next day anyway.

Shiro173128d ago

To be honest E3 was one of my favorite times of the years when I was younger. I couldn't wait for all the big conferences and new announcements. It was hype even if nothing good was announced we had cringe moments to laugh at.

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The Rise and Fall of E3

Rest in peace, E3. It may be easy to understand why you wasted away, but you will be missed.

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Terry_B147d ago

Nah..it won't be missed. Times changed.

mastershredder146d ago (Edited 146d ago )

E3 pre-2005 will be missed, everything after than ain't even close or worthy of mention to be missed. Late 90's E3's were phenominal, especially the after parties.

Dwarrior145d ago

Those that scoff and hand-wave it away are kids that were never there. Peak E3 was peak gaming.

It already IS missed.

darthv72145d ago

"$299".... and the rest was history.

jznrpg145d ago

It’s been dead for a good while so I don’t miss it. Things change


Remembering the most chaotic trade show, E3

Pour one out for E3; it's finally deader than the dodo.

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